- Self-Doubt Is Absolutely Tormenting
15 Guidelines To Beat Self-Doubt
by Olga Hermans
Self-doubt is absolutely tormenting. Confidence is something we can decide to have. When we learn about God and about His love for us, the moment will come that we have to decide whether we believe it or not. If we choose to believe, then we have confidence. If we don’t believe, we make a choice to live in doubt about everything.
If we don’t believe in ourselves, who is going to? God believes in us, and it is a good thing too; otherwise, we might never make any progress. We cannot always wait on others to come along and encourage us to be all that we can be. Some people are blessed to have that kind of support, while others don’t.
Self-doubt makes us double minded and James 1:8 teaches us that a double-minded man is unstable in all his ways. This person cannot go forward until he decides to believe in God and in Himself.
I want to encourage you to take a step of faith and stop doubting yourself. There is an old saying that goes, “Don’t sell yourself short.” You have more capabilities than you think you do. You are able to do a lot more than you have ever done in the past. God will help you, if you will put your trust in Him and stop doubting yourself.
Nobody is perfect and like everyone else, you also will make mistakes; but God will allow you to learn from them and will actually work them out to your good if you will decide not to be defeated by them. When doubt begins to torment your mind, start speaking the Word of God out of your mouth and you will win the battle.
What is a normal and healthy attitude toward yourself?
Here are 12 Guidelines That Will Build Your Self-Image and BEAT your Self-Doubt.
1. You have to know that God created you and know that He loves you.
2. Everybody has faults and mistakes and it is a good thing if you desire to change. However, God is working in your life and He is changing you day by day. While He is doing so, you can still enjoy your life and yourself.
3. Everyone has faults and you are not complete failures just because you are not perfect.
4. You are able to overcome your weaknesses with God. There will always be things that you have to deal with though; therefore, you will not become discouraged when you are convicted of areas in your life that need improvement.
5. Don’t be a people pleaser. Of course, you want to make people happy and have them like you, but your sense of worth is not dependent on what others think of you.
6. Don’t be controlled by what people think, say, or do. Even if they totally reject you, you will survive. God will never reject you or condemn you as long as you believe.
7. No matter how often you fail, promise yourself to never give up.
8. Make a choice to like yourself and to enjoy yourself. Maybe there are things that you don’t like about yourself and you might want to change, but refuse to reject yourself.
9. The moment you made a personal choice to ask the Lord in your heart, you are in right standing with God through Jesus Christ.
10. God has a good plan for your life. You are going to fulfill your destiny and be all you can be for His Glory. You have God-given gifts and talents. You have the power to choose to intend to use them to help others.
11. Realize that your gifts and talents are a gift, not something you have manufactured yourself. Don’t look down on people who cannot do what you can do.
12. Learn all you can, but don’t allow your education to become a point of pride. God doesn’t use us because of our education, but because of our heart toward Him.
13. Don’t despise your weaknesses; they keep you dependent on God.
14. Don’t always assume when things go wrong that it is your fault. But don’t be afraid to admit it, if you are wrong.
15. Take good care of yourself physically. Do the best you can with what God gave you to work with.
To beat self-doubt in your life you have to “Watch your thoughts, for they will become your words. Choose your words, for they will become your actions. Understand your actions, for they become habits. Study your habits, for they will become your character. Develop your character, for it becomes your destiny.
Make a choice today to Beat your Self-Doubt. I’d love to hear from you!
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“I want to encourage you to take a step of faith and stop doubting yourself. ” Pray about it and move forward.
Hesitation and procrastination are cousins of self-doubt…and all are fear based emotions. When I see my children hesitating or doubting themselves, I ask them what they are afraid of…their answer is always some form of failure based on OTHER”S opinions. We don’t have to be perfect, we just have to be our true selves. Another excellent article Olga!
denny hagel recently posted..What Do You Expect From Your Child
Great Post! Thank you so much for sharing your words of wisdom!
Tami Gomez recently posted..You Think You Have Problems Now Just Wait…
It is admirable to see how strongly you love God and mix it with your business. I have a very strong faith and yet I have self doubts about my ability, still have to overcome that. The only thing I would add is in #6, that you just have to believe. Actually, the Bible says the demons believe in God and shudder. So I would say we need to do more then believe since even God’s enemies believe…. we need to be obedient. Just a thought. Great post!
Elvie Look recently posted..Welcome to FeedBurner
Self Doubt gets us all at various points. Thanks for talking about something we don’t always feel we can discuss with others, for what they might think.
Thanks for that article Olga… it spoke to my resistance!!!
What a motivator for my week!
Doubting is a very harmful thing that slips into our life without even realizing it. It gets bigger and bigger and before we know it, we doubt everything. We need to set the clock back and move forward..thanks for the article!
Hi friend,great post you have here.It’s really nice to be back once more to your lovely blog.Hope you good.It has been a while we since connected so I decided to pass by and say hello and also let you know that, I have just posted the “5” steps to mind liberation so come check it up and comment. Will be following you and expecting to share and learn from you respectively.Have a wonderful and fruitful day hoping to hear from your lovely self again. A million thanks in advance.