A Different Perspective on Our Fellowship With The Father
A Different Perspective on Our Fellowship With The Father
by Olga Hermans
Do you remember my post on “our call to fellowship with the Father” on Febr. 19? You can read it here. We talked about 4 definitions and we talked about konoinia.
The best example of konoinia is a marriage. My husband and I got married in November 1980, 30 years ago. We have a beautiful love story, maybe I share that one day. We have known each other since 1965, so we are in the 46th year of knowing each other. That is a long time, if you think about it.
We know each other now in the most personal way possible; we have worked through things together and we have experienced the highs and the lows, the good, the bad and the ugly someone might say; the attacks of the enemy in our lives. We have gone through very hard places together. We know each other and we still are getting to know each other. Why is that?
That is because we shared life together and we still do of course. I heard this quote by E.W.Kenyon as we talk about marriage here: “The two have become poured into the same cup perfectly blended.” And that is what we should be looking for not only in our marriage but also in our relationship with the Father, where the two of us are poured into the same cup together and we are perfectly blended and that people really would see Jesus in us.
At least to the best that we can exhibit, that they would see the Father blended in us and that we are truly one together. That is what it means to be “IN HIM”, to be blended with each other.
Koinonia is knowing somebody in the most personal way possible. Do you want to know the Father in that most personal way possible? I am very hungry for that. I know the Lord since may 15, 1989 and still sense that strong longing to get to know Him. That’s good. Remember what Paul said in Phil.3:10 [For my determined purpose is] that I may know Him that I may progressively become more deeply and intimately acquainted with Him, perceiving and recognizing and understanding [the wonders of His Person]more strongly and more clearly. And that I may in that same way come to know the power outflowing from His resurrection. Ampl.
There is always more to know about Him; it is unending!! I t will take eternity for Him to exhibit the love that He has for us. It is massive, it is gigantic; it is beyond imagination! God is calling us by name into a close companionship, a sweet communion and an intimate relationship and a personal friendship with Him. He is calling you and I by name! That is what HE would like to have.
Have you ever thought about how to approach the Father? My heart has been yearning for a deeper and a more closer relationship with the Father. I have been yearning for that and it has been intensified the last year, what about you? I am hungry to know the Father in ways that I have never known Him before. My pastor in Tulsa; Billy Joe Daugherty many times said “in your quest to bring change in your life, you have to do something you have never done before.” So, in our quest to know the Father in a different way, we have to do something different.”
The Holy Spirit wants to help us in the relationship with the Father. Sometimes we have to get out of a mold, because it turns into religion; a habit and sometimes you have to break out of that in order to turn your thinking around to get a different perspective. So, sometimes you need to do something that you have never done before to get a different result.
So, let’s focus entirely on the fact that God wants a relationship with us. That is a change of focus, isn’t it? Let’s focus on the desire of the Lord instead of focusing on our desire to know Him. Let’s see the side of God on our relationship. So often we have an idea about God sitting on the throne in that huge authoritative way that we are continually approaching Him. We have our own perspective of what God is all about.
We have to be able to see the passion of God that He has for us; His hunger for us, His desire for us. He loves to hear our voices in the morning! He wants sweet communion with us and too many times we have that sense of unworthiness in us. But that is why we have been made the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.
Let’s come to end of this post ad let’s make a choice to build our relationship with the Father from another perspective. Let’s realize that he wants to fellowship with us and that as we go to Him to love on Him and to minister to Him and be thankful for everything that He has done for us; we also receive His love for us. Knowing how much He loves us, realizing how much He loves to hear our voice in the morning. Will you make that choice? Choices change things in our life. Let me know what you think or what is going on in your life. I would love to hear from you!
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