- Canada Is Americans’ Favorite Foreign Nation According To A Recent Gallup Poll and Canadians Consider The US as Favorite
Celebrating July 1st and July 4th
By Olga Hermans
It is that time of year again to celebrate our beautiful nation’s freedom. I am so sure that God has great plans for Canada and the United States, it doesn’t really matter what some people believe or say. It matters what you beleive and I hope I can give you just a little snippet of what I believe of these two great nations.
I hope you have a wonderful and safe Dominion Day as we used to say here in Canada and a Happy Independence Day in the US as you might be reading this post today. Take some time to remember the foundational truths of your nation. Let’s keep praying for our leaders and all others that govern our nations.
I believe very strongly that everything is going to be ALL-right for those that believe and that God speaks life and prosperity for these great countries and so should we. That the heavens are raining down righteousness and that the earth is springing up righteousness and salvation. Pray for all that are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.
I am so proud of our Prime Minister Harper who makes a strong stand with Israel; Canada is known all over the world for its strong conviction to be a friend to Israel no matter what happens. This is what he said: “There are, after all, a lot more votes, a lot more, in being anti-Israeli than in taking a stand. But, as long as I am Prime Minister, whether it is at the UN or the Francophonie or anywhere else, Canada will take that stand, whatever the cost. And friends, I say this not just because it is the right thing to do, but because history shows us, and the ideology of the anti-Israeli mob tells us all too well if we listen to it, that those who threaten the existence of the Jewish people are a threat to all of us.”
Support of Israel is based on the Genesis 12:3 principle, ‘I will bless those who bless you, and the one who curses you I will curse.’The bible confirms that God blesses the Gentiles through the Jewish people. The Jewish people gave to Christianity the Word of God, the patriarchs – Abraham, Isaac and Jacob – and the prophets. Not to mention that Mary, Joseph, Jesus, the 12 disciples and Paul were all Jewish! Take away the Jewish contribution to Christianity and there is no Christianity. “Judaism does not need Christianity to explain its existence, but Christianity cannot explain its existence without Judaism.”
It might not be coincidence that Canada Day and Independence Day are that close together. Did you know that Canada and the

The Peace Arch Was Dedicated In 1921 To Celebrate The Existing Century Of Peace Between Two Great Nation, The United States and Canada.
United States are currently the world’s largest trading partners, share the world’s longest border and have significant interoperability within their defense sphere. There are close cultural ties between modern day Canada and the United States, advanced in large part because both nations predominately speak English. Canada’s population and economy are roughly one tenth that of the United States. The international perception is that Americans and Canadians are virtually identical. Canada is Americans’ favorite foreign nation according to a recent Gallup poll and Canadians consider the US as favorite.
The Peace Arch, the only international gateway ever erected in the interest of peace among nations, The Peace Arch was dedicated in 1921 to celebrate the existing century of peace between two great nation, the United States and Canada.
Do you remember that Glenn Beck started the 912 Project? 9 Principles and 12 Values. The 12 values are: Honesty, Reverence, Hope, Thrift, Humility, Charity, Sincerity, Moderation, Hard Work, Courage, Personal Responsibility and Gratitude.
I like to expand on 2 of these 12 values, because they bring home to us what we can do personally: honesty and personal responsibility.
1. Honesty. “Lies will get any man into trouble, but honesty is its own defence.” Prov.12:13
Honesty is the core value of a character. It is the stabilizer or governor of the soul. We cannot separate truth and honesty from God. Honesty is more than truth; it deals with motives and intents. It is a voice on the inside of us that suggests truth before we lie.
The founders of our country understood this when they formed the constitution. Swearing under oath meant to “tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. They knew that honesty as more than truth; it meant the whole truth of the matter.
Isn’t it interesting that we can put a man on the moon and win world wars, but we can’t stop dishonesty? In order to create a honest society we must start at home, teaching our children to be honest and to respect law and authority. Honesty is of God; it is the right way to build a righteous and fair society.
Ask yourself this question: what can you personally do to help your community the value of honesty?
2. Personal Responsibility. “A faithful employee is as refreshing as a cool day in the hot summer time.” Prov.25:13
To be responsible is to give account or to be dependable and can be trusted. These kind of people are hard to find, but we come in contact with we will notice that they have a different motivation than the average person
Being responsible is more than making a commitment. People who live with this value in their life do things for the sake of getting them done or they enjoy seeing it get done. Jesus was a true servant. He was truly and purely motivated from within. He saw what we were, and took the responsibility of making sure we got the opportunity of being what we could be.
It cost Him something, but He now has earned the greatest name ever in the history of mankind, and also in the world to come.
Ask yourself this question: do you consider yourself a responsible person? If yes, why?
Remember this as you celebrate today! The American/Canadian flag does not fly because the wind moves past it.
The American/Canadian flag flies from the last breath of each military member who has died protecting it.
Our Soldiers don’t fight because they hate what’s in front of them..they fight because they love what’s behind them.
Thank you to our troops for fighting for our freedom.
Let’s Celebrate the Freedom
We Enjoy in Our Countries!!
I hope you’re having a great and fun weekend, celebrating freedom – whether you’re a Canadian or live in the US or abroad. As a Dutch born neutralized Canadian living in Vancouver BC, I just love to celebrate freedom in many, many ways. Freedom of choice, free enterprise, and spiritual freedom. How about you? How are you celebrating independence and what does true freedom mean to you?
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Personal responsibility is huge for success in every area. I am sure the world will be much different if everyone steps up and takes responsibility in every area of our lives.
Great article, Olga! Thanks for sharing! I love the verses you quoted!
I love the theme of freedom…I love to share with children that they are born “FREE” to choose what will happen in their lives! When I worked in elementary education, the first graders would have eyes as big as saucers when I made that announcement…and then followed up with the fact that not every child is “allowed” to exercise that freedom…some countries forbid it…they got it! Great article!
Olga, great article! Thank you so much for posting this article 🙂 I agree with Denny, I love the theme of freedom…
Such an honor to live and raise children in a country with Freedom. Thanks for your great insights.
This was an interesting article Olga. I like the way you combined the two countries into one celebration. It was very informative and I enjoyed it very much!
I always enjoyed my trips to Canada! How great that Canada and the US get along–I always tend to see us as virtually the same, too. =)