Learn to Make Good Choices
How to Simplify Complicated Lifestyle Choices
by Olga Hermans
We can make life so complicated that we try to learn how to deal with the complexities of life, but don’t realize that our life is getting really cluttered.We get stressed because of it, don’t know why and don’t see the answers that we need for the issues that come up. I personally don’t think that, that is the will of God for our lives. God wants us to come to Him for answers and when life is too tough for us to handle.
Everything you could ever want or need can be found in the presence of the Lord. God has a benefit plan for us that is greater than any plan offered by any organization in the world. The God of the universe, Who spoke the world into existence, is giving you the opportunity to walk boldly into His throneroom to fellowship with Him at any given time. Every good thing you could possibly desire is waiting for you in His presence, everything you need to know is right there.
It is so simple. Yet so many believers miss this powerful truth. Think about it. Each day believers say no to God; He is waiting on us to come to Him to have a good time with Him and have all our questions answered. Instead they choose to spend their time filling their minds with garbage on television, with gossip or just mindless things.
Let’s have a look at a passage where we can see how 2 sisters handled this in their own life.
“As they (Jesus and the disciples) continued their travel, Jesus entered a village. A woman by the name of Martha welcomed him and made him feel quite at home. She had a sister, Mary, who sat before the Master, hanging on every word he said. But Martha was pulled away by all she had to do in the kitchen. Later, she stepped in, interrupting them. “Master, don’t you care that my sister has abandoned the kitchen to me? Tell her to lend me a hand.” The Master said, “Martha, dear Martha, you’re fussing far too much and getting yourself worked up over nothing. One thing only is essential, and Mary has chosen it–it’s the main course, and won’t be taken from her.” Luk 10:38-42 Msg
This passage reveals a lot about how complex our life can be some time. If you think about it, how many people had the opportunity to sit at the feet of Jesus and learn from Him directly? Not many, but Martha had that chance, and yet she didn’t take that opportunity.
Things are much the same for us today. Many people work hard, are dedicated, and are committed servers in church. They receive the Lord, they love Him and they serve Him, but they don’t experience the benefit of being in His presence.
Those things were all true for Martha; she obviously loved Jesus, eager to serve Him all the way and she was in His presence, right? But there is something else that was true for her that is also true for many of us today. The bible calls it being cumbered, being distracted, being upset or like the Msg. Translation says being pulled away.
In other words, Martha made things so complicated in her life that she couldn’t get to the feet of Jesus to hear His Word. Martha was a servant in the presence of the Lord, but she wasn’t choosing the best thing in life. She wasn’t being changed by the presence of the Lord.
When we want to be changed and experience the transforming power of Jesus, we have to be able to put things aside, even though they may be good things. If we want to experience His presence and His power, we must simplify our lives and come to that place of stillness and choose needful things.
Mary did that, instead of simply doing what would seem good or right to the natural mind; she took the time to be with Jesus to listen and receive answers for her own life directly from Him, how cool is that? When we choose to complicate our life by doing a lot of things that don’t make any sense, there will always be cares and anxiety in your life. Luke 10:41
Actually almost always when you start to be bothered, fretful, uneasy, worried or fearful about the very thing that you are doing, that may be the very sign that you are doing something that is not needful. The things that we do, don’t have to be necessarily bad; they can be very good things, but they are able to complicate our life.
There is another thing that when we choose something that is not needful, we become critical. You can see how Martha complained to Jesus. Luke 10:40.
Those that are distracted by life’s complications have a tendency to get critical towards others.
Martha loved Jesus, but she started to complain to Him about Mary. Here you can see the proof what a complicated lifestyle does. Getting critical towards others is a warning sign to us; it’s a red light that goes off.
The very fact that a critical spirit began to rise up in her against her sister was a warning sign that there were too many complications in her life. When there is criticism along with anxiety in your life, you should get on the alert to simplify your life.
The moment we recognize these signs of a complicated life, we have to turn our heart back to the Lord and find that place of stillness and begin to simplify our life. When you do that, then and only then will you find the answers and solutions you are looking for. It is then that you will begin to enjoy the benefits of God’s presence.
Obviously we have responsibilities we can’t ignore. Getting in that secret place with the Lord, where we get still before Him will simplify our life but that doesn’t mean that we lay down our responsibilities at work.
And of course, we do have our responsibilities as a spouse or a parent. In fact, we shouldn’t make any drastic changes out of the blue. When we seek the Lord for direction, He will show us how to make changes in our behaviour that will set us on the course to simplify our life.
“Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her” (Luke 10:42). Jesus indicates that although Martha’s choices were okay, they weren’t the best. She could have made better choices that would have benefited her more and simplified her life. But notice, Jesus didn’t make her choose differently.
Nobody can override your choices. Neither God nor satan will make you choose something. You are responsible to choose things for yourself.
Since you have the responsibility for choosing, how do you choose the good part? The best way to make good choices is to measure your options against what God created you to be. Make choices that will help you fulfill your purpose and reject those choices that would encumber you and hinder you from reaching your destiny.
Post/Tweet this: Nobody can override your choices. Neither God nor satan will make you choose something. You are responsible to choose things for yourself.
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The depth of our faith is reflected in the simpleness of our life…the more we trust in the Lord, the less we “muck” up our life with emotional clutter! Wonderful article that reminds us of what life is supposed to be!
This is such great information; I just really have to go and do something about this. I am so easily drawn away from the things that I really should be doing. I don’t only mean my To Do List, but doing what I know God wants me to do..thank you so much Olga
Thanks for the reminder that “everything we ever want or need can be found in the presence of the Lord” That was good news to hear today!
I strongly believe that we are all responsible for our own choices so I love to see people talking about that! It’s sad how many people try to make someone else responsible for what has happened in their life.
This is all so true Olga. Thanks for sharing. I’m sure lots of people out there are going to be encouraged by this post!
Thanks Olga, it is comforting to remember that you don’t have to be a work horse to have a good life.
Thanks for stepping on my toes Olga. I love God with all my heart, but I am one of those special people that tend to be a Martha. Thank the Lord for reminders and chances. This was a wonderful article. God bless you in your writing.
Olga, great article as always! I agree this is all very true. Thank you for sharing this great information with us!
Yes, everything we ever want is found in Him. Thanks for the reminder. Embracing the lifestyle of abandoning to Him will take away the strife and clutter. Great post Olga