Supernatural Incraese and Multiplication
Supernatural Prosperity
by Olga Hermans
Hi there! How are you doing? Are you standing on what you believe? Are you speaking what you believe? My friend just posted this on facebook and it fits in here just fine “Our greatest threat is not adverse circumstances; rather it’s the incorrect thoughts & beliefs that try to slip in during our hardship” John Bevere. Especially thoughts of doubt, worry, fear and anxiety are thoughts that we should be aware of.
Can you remember this scripture that I mentioned in this post? Lev 26:9 says “For I will be leaning toward you with favor and regard for you, rendering you fruitful, multiplying you, and establishing and ratifying My covenant with you”. Ampl. God is saying to you and me “rendering you fruitful”. I receive it; do you? We receive it when we say it! Consider yourself fruitful.
This goes back to the original intent that God had in the book of genesis. The blessing was the first words that men heard. And when God spoke to men, He rendered him fruitful. God rendered men prosperous! That is what we walk in; supernatural increase is working in my life. It has to be received. Adam didn’t hold on to it, he let go of it. But we have to receive and not let it go.
The true meaning of prosperity is the ability to use the power of God to meet the needs of mankind; spirit, soul, body, financially, socially. So the purpose for increase should be a motivation to accumulate for distribution. So, we increase in order for us to be the blessing that God has called us to be. The more you distribute, the more you receive. It’s a wonderful plan!
The book of proverbs says: “if you water, you will be watered.” I am declaring over you right now as you read this: ”the supernatural increase and multiplication of God, every bill paid and every need met and every debt wiped out and more than enough left over; too much, abundance for you and your household! Do you receive it? God is the God of increase! Praise Him and thank Him for it!
Come and see what God for Isaac: When Isaac planted his crops that year; he harvested a hundred times more grain than he planted, for the LORD blessed him. He became a very rich man, and his wealth continued to grow. He acquired so many flocks of sheep and goats, herds of cattle, and servants that the Philistines became jealous of him. Gen 26:12-14
People in the world got jealous..This is a great instance here of Isaac, don’t you think so? Look at it right now in the light of what is going on in the economy. This is a great scripture for this hour. Job 5:22 says “At destruction and famine thou shalt laugh”.
The increase of God was working in Isaac’s life in spite of what the economy was around him; it works! The economy of God works independent of the natural economy. When you separate yourself from that Babylonian world system and you go over into the Kingdom of God system. Then that supernatural increase and multiplication is working on your and my behalf.
In the Babylonian system you pay men to help you, but in God’s system you believe Him and trust Him and He helps you. He doesn’t charge any interest; the world does though. God does not enslave you into debt, He blesses you! Supernatural income works on the inside of us. We must see ourselves prosperous on the inside first. “I wish above all things that you may prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers.” So, it begins on the inside.
The more you say it, the more you believe it, the more you meditate on it, the more you receive it. The meditation of it enlarges our capacity. See yourself with it. Even when your bills are piled up high, read Phil.4:19 especially in the amplified version. God daily loads us with benefits. Confess this daily over your life and the increase that comes from the sowing of your seeds will bring that supernatural increase and multiplication in your life. God is good.
Choose to believe and let the power of choice work in your daily life. You choose to dominate your circumstances and your finances. And as you make these daily choices, your life will change for the good. You will be a distribution center and walk in the full blessing that God has for you. Can you say amen? I say amen to that!
Here is a prayer and a declaration from Gen. 26:12-14
Father, I thank You that I will receive the maximum yield from my seed in the same year that I sow it. You bless me continually and make my name great. You give me a great store of people who offer me their services and you bless all of my production. Because of your anointing, my substance increases so much that my enemies look upon me with jealousy and envy.
The Lord has blessed me with abundance.
His favor finds a home in me.
He receives the seed that I have sown and blesses it so that I will bring forth the maximum yield.
He has taken hold of me in His powerful arm and promoted me. In Him, I find wealth and position. I have been separated from the world. He has placed within me special and unique supernatural qualities. My supply is great with His blessing in my life.
Source of Prayer and Declaration: Personalized Promise Bible on Financial Increase by James Riddle
See you next time!
The Power of Choice belongs to you!
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