How Surrender Brings The Greatest Blessing



How Surrender Brings The Greatest Blessing


Have you ever watched people walking their dogs? Some dogs are in sync with their owners. They happily trot directly ahead on a short lead, in pace with their master. And then there are those other dogs! It seems as if these dogs are walking their owners instead of the other way around. You see them constantly straining at the leash, eager to follow every distraction and oblivious to their master’s desire to protect them. The route the master wants to take makes no difference to these dogs. They are determined to have their own way – unwilling to yield to their master’s will.

Much like these pets, some believers have a hard time surrendering to the Master’s guidance and protection. Surrender can be perceived as negative, but let’s find out what it truly means in the context of our relationship with Jesus.

What Does It Mean To Surrender?

According to Webster’s Dictionary, surrender is an act of yielding or resigning your life or the possession of something into the power of another; to give up or to yield to the influence, passion, or power of another.

For example, the living Bible says, “We are not our own bosses…” and Romans 14:13 says, “Try instead to live in such a way that you will never make your brother stumble by letting him see you doing something he thinks is wrong” (TLB).

So instead of following our desires and impulses, we are to yield our lives to the influence of Jesus in every aspect of our beings. Evangelist T.L. Osborn once said, “You are painting a picture of Jesus to others by every word you speak and every deed you do. Make sure you are painting a good picture.” Surrender is easier said than done. But our motivation to surrender has a big part to play in how consistently we yield to Jesus.

What Is Our Motivation For Surrender?

Surrender is based on love. When you truly love someone, you surrender your plans and desires, and instead do that which honours and pleases the other person. You give serious consideration as to how your actions affect another person.

In surrender to Jesus, you now think about how your actions affect your relationship with Him and with others. Your surrender to Jesus is not a one-time experience. It becomes a daily experience. And an experience that deepens over time. To the extent we surrender, the more we are willing to surrender.

What Is The Extent Of Surrender?

We choose to surrender to the will of Jesus’ every day rather than demanding our own way. When you go your own way, choosing to be strong-willed or self-focused, you’ll experience the convicting voice of the Holy Spirit (and your own conscience) warning you to stop. I know this for a fact, because I have experienced the convicting power of the still small voice of the Holy Spirit many times.
Once you become a Christian, you need to recognize that your body and your spirit are now God’s dwelling place or house (1 Corinthians 6:19-20). Believe me, God cares about His house.

Now that you have invited Jesus into your heart as Lord and Savior and surrendered to Jesus, you no longer belong to yourself. You belong to God. He owns you. By the way, He can’t just be your Saviour without becoming your Lord. Lordship implies authority over you.

Many Christians want Jesus to be with them to help them out when they get into trouble (like a personal maintenance man), but they don’t want Him telling them what do when things are going smoothly.

So, your surrender extends to considering Jesus in everything that you do. Consider means “to think seriously; to have regard for; to respect; to take into view in examination.” When you consider Jesus, you take into account His opinion and His view of things. You want your attitudes, thoughts, motives, words, behaviour, and yes, even your appearance to honour Him.

You’re more highly motivated to please Him than to please yourself or others. Ask yourself, “Do I consider Jesus in what I think, what I say, and in what I do?” “Do I represent Jesus well to others?” Are people attracted to Jesus when they look at you? It’s good to ask yourself, “Can people see Jesus in the way I live? Does my lifestyle as well as the words I speak help or hinder people in becoming closer to Jesus? ( Romans 14:7). Surrender to Jesus is the path of blessing and has a significant outcome on our lives.

How Does Surrender Determine The Outcome Of Our Lives?

Your life, whether it is a good life or a difficult life, is determined by choices you make daily, living submitted and surrendered to God or living your own way. When you have your personal time with God each day, acknowledge that you know He owns you and you want Him to keep you and lead you.

The choices and decisions you make will affect your future. Jesus understood the power of choice, and He chose to live submitted and surrendered even in the face of great temptation. He showed us that it is possible for us to submit our will and surrender to God.
God gave us free will because He wanted us to love Him and obey Him by our own choice. God won’t force us, even though He knows the end result of an unsurrendered will is difficulty, heartache, pain, hardship, and sometimes destruction.

So when we Christians know that the Bible instructs us to live a surrendered life, why do we ignore that knowledge? Most often it’s because we want to fulfil our own desires or lust. When you decide you will go your own way, you unlock and open doors or windows to the enemy.

Sometimes Christians wonder why their lives are full of heartache and difficulty, but if they will take time to re-evaluate the choices they have made, they will discover where they have made themselves vulnerable through poor choices. Choices in which they stubbornly insisted on going their own direction instead of surrendering to and obeying God’s promptings and warnings. When you are self-willed, stubborn, rebellious, and unsubmissive to God’s authority, the enemy has much greater opportunity to rob you or even to destroy you.

Once you decide to surrender your life to Jesus, obeying God’s Word will become easier, your natural way of doing things. You will begin to see the Word as a guideline to live by.

To Sum It Up

When you are under the guidance and direction of the Master, surrendered to His good plan and ways, you won’t be straining at the leash, following after every distraction that comes up. Surrender is a blessed state, motivated by love for Jesus and extending to every aspect of our lives. It is of highest importance to Believers because it determines the outcome of our lives.


How To Pray For Your Destiny






How To Pray For Your Destiny


We all have dreams and desires, things we want to accomplish, and situations we want to see improve. But so often we give up our belief that these things will come to pass.  Perhaps we’ve tried and failed, gone through a disappointment or become impatient waiting for change.  Today I want to encourage you to reclaim your hope in God’s desire and power to work on your behalf.  Your dreams may be taking longer than you wish, but God is a faithful God. Regardless of how long it’s been, no matter how impossible it looks, if you will stay in faith, your time is coming.  God loves it when you trust Him enough to ask for those big, seemingly impossible things.

Ask Big

Ask Him for those dreams hidden in your heart.  God wants to bless you. He wants to enlarge your territory. He expects you to ask. If you are not asking for God’s favour, His blessings, His increase, then you are not releasing your faith.

There is nothing wrong with big prayers. Dare to pray: “God, I’m asking you to not just supply my needs but to bless me in such a way that I have overflow to bless others!” “God, I am asking you to not only  heal my marriage but to also make it grow happier and more fulfilled than ever before.”  “God, I’m asking you that my children fulfil their God-given destinies, and they become strong and mighty in the land, leaders in their fields.” Jesus said: “According to your faith it will be done unto you!” So, if you pray for small blessings, you will receive small blessings.  If you pray for big blessings, prepare to receive in abundance.  When you are unsure of what to ask, it’s time to slip away to a quiet place with God.

Times of Seclusion

In your quiet times, when it is just between you and God, dare to ask Him for your deepest hopes, your greatest dreams.  It is in these times of uninterrupted conversation between your spirit and God that you experience intimacy, increased knowledge of His love for you, and clarity about the good plan He has for your life.

For a time, God may bring you apart from others so that you can spend more time with Him and more clearly distinguish His voice. When David was tending sheep, isolated and separated from his family, God gave him victories no one else observed.   You too may feel isolated from your family and friends for a time.  But that’s a good thing!  It is during our times of retreat from the world that He reveals His presence, His purpose, and His plan.

Jabez Knew How To Ask Big

In 1 Chronicles 4:9-10, we find the prayer of a man named Jabez.  In ancient times, a person’s name was a statement of who they were and their future.  The name Jabez means “pain, suffering, trouble and heartache.” We have no record of why he was burdened with such a name.  His name undoubtedly affected his self-image, causing him to be insecure and feel inferior.  Can you imagine how it would feel if each time someone wanted your attention they called out, “Hey, trouble, Hey, sorrow. Hey pain”?

So, in this well-known prayer, Mr. Pain Sorrow Trouble Heartache cries out to God.

The Bible doesn’t tell us much about him.  We know that he was more honourable than any other in his family. And from his prayer, we can see there was something special about Jabez. In spite of the label that had been given to him, he didn’t become bitter.  He knew his God was bigger than his past and said, “God, I am asking that You would bless me indeed.”

What a bold prayer! Jabez came to God with his pain and sorrow and said: “God, I have a lot of things coming against me. Life hasn’t treated me fairly. But, God, I know You are a good God. I know You have a great plan for my life. So, I am calling on You to bless me indeed.”

He didn’t ask for God to bless him a little bit. No, Jabez said: “God, I’m asking for abundance. I’m asking for an overflow of Your goodness. Bless me indeed.”

Jabez shook off a mentality of defeat, saying in effect, “The name I’ve been given doesn’t matter. I know who I am. I am a child of the Most High God, and my destiny is to be blessed.”

Jabez was ready to be released from the burden of his past.  By asking that he would be free from pain, he was asking God to free him from his past, for Pain had been his name up to then.

Jabez went on to ask God for more: “God, enlarge my territory.” He was saying, “God, go beyond the norm. Go beyond my borders. Give me extraordinary favour.  God, let me see abundance in my life.”

Jabez called out to God, expecting God to answer him. And we are told that God granted his request.   Jabez’s hopes were fulfilled.

Nothing Is Beyond Hope

Jabez could have chosen to remain a prisoner of his circumstances.  How about you? Regardless of what you’ve been through, what you’re going through or how bleak the future looks, God is saying, “If you’ll ask, I’ll give you a new beginning.”

If you’ll be bold enough to ask for God’s favour, the rest of your life can be better than ever before. Your future can outshine your past.

God wants you to appreciate yourself for who He made you to be and to develop what He has given you. You were created one-of-a-kind, an original. Just like Jabez, you have a unique destiny upon this earth.  As you read this, God is seeking you out saying, “If you call out to me, I will tell you marvelous and wondrous things that you could never figure out on your own” (Jeremiah 33:3 MSG).

Call to Action

The most valuable truth you can learn about your Heavenly Father is that He is a good and loving Father who has made provision for your every need.  Nothing is beyond hope.  Are you convinced of that?  If so, why not have an intimate heart-to-heart with Him and tell Him your deepest longings?  Follow the example of Jabez and ask for the seemingly impossible.  God is waiting to grant your request.

What Report Do You Believe?




What Report Do You Believe?

Everybody is going to encounter problems in life, even the person who is in right standing with God. We can expect it because God said so in Psalm 34:19, but God promises also that He will be there for us and that He will rescue us. Not only will God deliver us, He wants to deliver us!

The state of the economy has played a significant role in the lives of many people over the last few years. People have lost their jobs and homes and some have diminished or completely emptied their life’s savings. Just watching the news can trigger some hopelessness.

Even though the reality is that the economy has affected our lives, dwelling on it won’t change the situation. We can’t be moved by things we see, like high gas prices, closing businesses, and negative bank balances. Our focus should be on the One who can change it all.

There is a lot of darkness in the world now. And if the only thing we’re feeding off of is negative television, negative news reports, and negative people, we’re going to be negative.

Positive Options

Thank God there are positive options also available through television, radio, music, books, and even magazines. When we take in negative information, we are influenced by it and ultimately participate in it by complaining and finding faults in others.

Let’s have a look at the story of Caleb in Numbers 13 and 14. Moses and the Israelites were traveling through the desert in search of the Promised Land. God told Moses that Canaan was the place designated for His people to inhabit. He asked Moses to send spies to inspect the land and its people. The land was already rich in resources and filled with everything they could possibly want or need.

When the twelve spies returned, they confirmed that the land was indeed flowing with milk and honey. The grapes were sweet and ripe and everything was plentiful. But soon their report became flooded with doom and gloom about the people who lived there.

All they could focus on was how big the people were. As a result, the spies feared they would be destroyed. They described the people in Canaan as giants! Rather than seeing themselves equipped for potential battle, the spies described themselves and their own people as small, defeated grasshoppers. The Israelites heard the report and began to stir. They constantly complained and were overcome by fear.

However Caleb, one of the spies, had a different report. He saw the same land and the same people the other spies saw, but he chose to see things from a positive perspective. Numbers 13:30-32

But the people were overcome with fear and began complaining to and about Moses. Rather than accepting the hope that Caleb provided, they chose to believe the negative report of the other spies.

Have You Missed Out?

How many blessings have we missed out on by choosing to focus on the negative? I believe one of the most valuable lessons we can learn from this story is the value of choosing a positive perspective. Had the Israelites chosen to believe Caleb’s report, they would have entered into the Promised Land in God’s timing.

Instead, they opted to believe all the negative things they heard, and, as a result, they were overtaken with fear.

The perspective we choose to take on is by which our circumstances generally determine the type of life we will lead and the results we will achieve. The results the Israelites received would have been far better had they chosen to trust Caleb’s optimistic perspective.

Instead they bought into the negative report, complained, and remained ungrateful. Canaan flowed with milk and honey just as God said. The spies confirmed that it was filled with everything they could even need or desire. Sure there were giants, but as Caleb reminded them, God was on their side. Their victory was guaranteed!

Being positive is a choice. We choose to see the glass as half full or we can choose to see it as half empty. Either way, it’s the same glass. Caleb, as well as Joshua, saw the glass half full while the other 10 spies saw it as half empty.

These great men of faith were able to see beyond the obstacles and embrace the destiny God had prepared for them. Although they were outnumbered, it was Caleb and Joshua’s optimistic view that earned God’s favor. He blessed them by allowing them and their descendants to live in the land.

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