Before Paul begins his message on our spiritual armor, he first urges us to receive supernatural power! Continuing in Ephesians 6:10, he says, “Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord….” In this chapter, we are going to see what Paul has to say about this supernatural power that God has made available to us.
So what exactly does it mean to be “strong in the Lord”?
First, the word “strong” is taken from the word endunamoo, which is a compound of the Greek words en and dynamis. The word en means in and the word dunamis means explosive strength, ability, or power. The word dunamis is where we get the word “dynamite.”
When these two words are compounded together, the new word endunamoo describes an empowering or an inner strengthening. It conveys the idea of being infused with an excessive dose of dynamic inner strength and ability.
Because the first part of endunamoo means in or into and the second part depicts explosive power, it is easy to conclude that this word portrays a power that is being deposited into something, such as a container, a vessel, or some other form of receptacle. The very nature of this word emphatically means that there necessarily must be some type of receiver for this power to be deposited into. This is where we come into the picture!
We are specially designed by God to be the receptacles for His divine power. This is the reason Paul urges us, “finally, my brethren, be strong….” His words carry the idea, “Receive a supernatural strengthening, an internal deposit of power into your inner man.” God is the Giver of this explosive power, and according to Ephesians 6:10, we are the receptacles into which this power is to be deposited. [Read more…]