Every Day Is Thanksgiving Day


For Believers Every Day Is Thanksgiving Day


Every Day Is Thanksgiving Day



About seven weeks ago, we celebrated Thanksgiving here in Canada. Today Americans will commemorate their national day of thanks. God has much to say about giving thanks. Simply acknowledging that our Heavenly Father loves us so deeply gives us cause for gratitude – every day. Here are some things God’s Word has to say about thanksgiving. But first, what is it?

What is Thanksgiving?

Are you a little fuzzy on the distinction between thanksgiving, praise and worship? So am I. I like this definition of thanksgiving: thanking God for His goodness. (Praise is thanking God for His greatness; Worship is thanking God for His Holiness).

In the Bible the root word for thankful is the same word that is used for grace. To say thank you in the Greek language one uses the word charis. We cannot separate thankfulness from the grace of God. His goodness is manifested as grace toward us. The Bible is a record of God’s goodness to man and tells us much about the characteristics of thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving Is Essential – Not an Option

We are instructed in Colossians 3:17 that “whatever we do in word or deed we do it in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him.” I love it when God doesn’t allow for wiggle room. This scripture clearly states that our hearts are to be ever thankful. There are no circumstances under which we are exempted from expressing our thanks. It is God’s will.

Thanksgiving Is the Will of God

First Thessalonians 5:18 states that it is the will of God for us to give thanks in everything. God created us in his image. He knows what we need to be whole and effective for destiny to which He has called us. Much research has been done in the academic world about the personal positive effects of gratitude. The research validates the perfection of the Father’s will for us – to give thanks. And thanksgiving goes beyond the words “Thank you.” It is the overflow of a grateful spirit.

Thanksgiving Is an Overflow Of Our Spirits

Jesus said that we speak out of the abundance of our hearts (Luke 6:45, Matthew 12:34). As we meditate on God’s goodness, the overflows of our thoughts come out in spoken words of thanksgiving. Ephesians 5: 18-20 describes how we are filled with the Spirit: We begin by speaking to ourselves in psalms and hymns; then our hearts become filled with melody; and all of that spirit-inspired gratefulness overflows into “giving thanks for all things unto God.”

Thanksgiving Is Our Approach to God

In Bible times, God’s presence was in the Holy of Holies that was located in the innermost part of the temple and could only be entered by the High Priest. For a non-priest to come close to God’s presence, one first entered the temple gates, and then progressed to the inner courts. Psalm 100:4 describes this approach to God as “entering His gate with thanksgiving and entering His courts with praise.” Using our earlier definitions of thanksgiving and praise, we enter his gates by acknowledging His goodness and approach even closer into His courts by acknowledging His greatness. Since prayer is a way of approaching God, an expression of gratitude is part of every prayer.

Thanksgiving Is A Part of Every Prayer

The Bible teaches that two things are to be in every prayer: First, we are to pray in Jesus’ name and second, our requests are to be accompanied by giving thanks to God (Philippians 4:6). God made prayer available to us and even told us how to make our requests known to Him. It is through our thanksgiving that the supernatural power of God is released.

Thanksgiving Unlocks the Supernatural Miracle Power of God

Our prayers can become very detailed and very impassioned. In contrast, often when speaking to the Father, Jesus used very few words. The few words in these instances would not even be considered a prayer, but were rather a simple expression of thanks for what God was about to do. The power of God was released by giving thanks.

In John 6 when Jesus fed the 5,000, he didn’t pray over the meal – He thanked the Father for providing it. And that small offering of fishes and loaves were supernaturally transformed to feed everyone who was present – with twelve baskets left over!

Standing at the tomb of Lazarus, Jesus performed one of the most astounding miracles without praying publically. He simply said “Father, I thank you that you have heard me.” “and He that was dead (Lazarus) came forth.” Death’s hold on Lazarus was broken through Jesus’ simple expression of gratitude for God’s goodness. The supernatural power of God was made manifest by Jesus expression of gratitude.

Yet, many prayers are offered without gratitude, and worse, there are those who go through life without acknowledging God’s goodness. And if we are not thankful (if we fail or refuse to acknowledge the goodness of God), there are consequences to pay.

What Happens When We Are Not Thankful?

Romans 1:21-32 describes the consequences of not being thankful and it’s a steep, slippery slope that leads away from God. The passage outlines the decline of the human race into a most depraved state, estranged from God. And where did such a decline start? Beginning in verse 20 we are told that man can clearly see God existence and power from the created world. And despite that understanding “when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were they thankful…” (verse 21).

All the consequences, debasement, defilement and separation from God are consequences that have their genesis in failure to be tanksful, to acknowledge God’s goodness.

But we are not of that breed. We are blood-bought Believers, whose lives overflow with gratitude for God’s goodness expressed so many ways through His grace toward us.

To Sum It Up

Whether you live in Canada, the US, China, Latvia, or the North Pole, don’t wait for a designated day to give thanks. Today is always the day to acknowledge and give thanks for God’s goodness.




The Power of Two Simple Words



The Power of Two Simple Words



Over fifty years ago, the Canadian Parliament proclaimed the second Monday in October to be “a day of General Thanksgiving to Almighty God for the bountiful harvest with which Canada has been blessed…” Like most Canadians, our family begins the celebration the weekend before. That’s this coming weekend! I love the opportunity to gather with and enjoy my family and my church family.

Thanksgiving weekend approaching, I have been giving much thought to what it means to give thanks. I suppose I truly started thinking about this topic while at the SocialBoom conference.

The Thank You Economy

Gary Vaynerchuck, one of the featured speakers at a conference I recently attended, is author of The Thank You Economy. Gary is making a massive income from practising and promoting being consciously grateful. I thought, here is a worldly man prospering from applying a biblical principle while many Christians don’t appreciate all the ways they are blessed. We sometimes need to be reminded to be thankful and even to say: thank you! There is something special about those words. People respond when we express our thanks with the right attitude. When we lapse in our gratitude, we miss out on God’s best – for us and those around us.

God Is Serious About Our Thankfulness

Colossians 3:17 is a wonderful scripture; it tells us to give thanks to God in whatever we do in word or deed. Think about it. Whatsoever you say or do, do it in the name of Jesus and give thanks to God. Now, that’s an all-inclusive statement! God is obviously serious about our giving thanks. Have you ever wondered why?

First, a thankful heart is a humble heart. Thankfulness is anchored in the understanding that we are completely dependent on God. There is nothing we can do without His grace and mercy. Also, giving thanks to God releases His supernatural power into our lives. If you lack in any area – spiritual, physical, financial – start giving thanks for God’s provision, then stand back and watch God work.

“In Everything, Give Thanks”

I know. It is not always easy to give thanks. Just like you, I find it easiest to give thanks when everything goes well and according to my desires. But God calls us to give thanks in everything. There’s no wiggle room, is there? Everything is everything.

When challenges come, we can choose to be thankful for the opportunity to overcome or master something. Giving thanks strengthens our faith and releases the power of God in the situation. Suddenly, we are accomplishing or overcoming what we never thought possible. God causes us to be successful.

So, let’s decide that regardless of how our day is going, we will give thanks for everything that He is doing in and through us all day long, and even as we sleep! Each day is made by God for us to enjoy and to more fully enjoy our relationship with Him. That in itself is something for which we can give thanks. And by doing so we disrupt the plans of the devil.

Giving Thanks Disrupts The Devil’s Plan

When we express our gratitude to God, we remind ourselves and the devil we are submitted to God and God alone. So those problems and fiery darts that Satan sends our way are stopped by the wall of faith that has been built from the bricks of gratitude.

Satan is opposed to God and always wants us to do the opposite of what God says to do. He delights if we murmur, complain and blame God for our problems. When we instead choose to thank God, not for the attack, but for His power to help us overcome, it will change our attitude and strengthen our faith. You may be wondering if gratitude in the face of adversity is practical.

Practically Speaking

I once heard it said “revelation without manifestation is a missed opportunity.” I’m standing in faith that we have had a revelation about giving thanks. Let’s talk about how to manifest thankfulness so we don’t miss our opportunities. Perhaps you are facing a challenge as you read this. Let’s apply the principal of gratitude. Believe that your steps are ordered by the Lord and begin giving thanks today in the midst of your trials.

Instead of focusing on the challenge, see it as an opportunity to achieve something—to obtain the promises of God in that area. Turn that challenge into an opportunity for God to manifest and transform the situation. Teach this to others. Share your gratefulness for the ways God has worked in your life. There is nothing you can’t do with God on your side. Consider your problem as already solved and give Him thanks!

Even though it goes against our flesh, gratitude in the face of adversity is practical because its benefits far outweigh the momentary satisfaction of negativity. Thankfulness is always the right choice.

The Thank You Revolution

Gratitude or thankfulness is such a powerful principle. If an author coming from a worldly perspective has been blessed by proclaiming a life of gratitude, how much more should we as Christians obey God’s will in this matter? Start your own “Thank You Revolution” right now. Become more aware of giving thanks and then teach others to do the same. Start small. Be sincere. And just watch what God will do! There is something about a grateful heart that opens doors.

I encourage you to thank God, not just during the holidays, but every day. In everything you do and everything you say, give thanks. Recognize who is in charge and give Him honor by giving thanks!