Your Vote Matters To God and To Man

Your Vote Matters To God and To Man


As we approach election day for the President of the United States, it’s appropriate to point out wisdom from the Bible regarding our responsibilities as Christians and citizens. This post will not be an airing of my opinion, because I believe that the Bible provides clarity on Christians’ responsibilities to both God and man. Whether you vote for Mitt Romney or for Barack Obama, it is your choice – a very important choice as we consider the days we are living in.

I love to read stories of the political leaders who were instrumental in forming the United States of America. The Founding Fathers understood that people who knew the Word of God, had the potential to be devout patriots who would take pride in their civic responsibilities. It was and is the Word of God that built America and made it a blessed nation! Yes. It is God’s blessing that has made America a land of freedom and opportunity.

The Land of Freedom and Opportunity

As many of you know, I was born in The Netherlands where there were two distinct camps with regard to America: many hated America or at least strongly disapproved of it. And then there were others who loved America – especially for what it symbolizes: freedom and opportunity to make choices, worship God, speak one’s mind, and succeed at whatever one chooses (which is known as the American dream).

My father had a strong affection for America. He always called America a land of opportunity, and rightly so. He imported an American car (which was a big thing to do in the sixties) and drove that car with great pride through our small town in The Netherlands. I have that same love of America for my father’s same reasons.

So, although I now live in Canada, I feel a responsibility to speak out and encourage my readers in the United States to be responsible for their vote in a few days.


As Christians, what is our responsibility to God and man as we approach the elections? The answer is simple, as it should be. Our responsibility is what God says it is. But unfortunately many people don’t know or even understand what God says, so they also don’t realize the responsibility He has given them.

Proverbs 14:34 (AMP) says clearly that “Uprightness and right standing with God (moral and spiritual rectitude in every area and relation) elevate a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.”

In addition to the power and authority that are invested in the President of the United States, that office is also accountable to God for elevating the nation’s citizens. It is a citizen’s solemn and serious duty to choose qualified leaders by participating in the election process and to elect men and women of integrity, wisdom, who have faith in God.

How do we make such weighty choices? Television and social media inform us of popular opinion. They bombard us with sometimes, non-factual reports of the candidates’ positions. I am not suggesting that we ignore the news or the debates. But they are not the source on which we base our vote. By prayerfully examining the candidates, the issues and seeking God for wisdom and perception we can be assured that our vote honors God, regardless of the election’s outcome.

This is not the time to draw back. This is the time to rise up and take on our responsibilities to change the image of America to conform to the Word of God, which is the wisdom of God. Through God, we have a part to play in influencing our nations.


The core of all wisdom is the fear of the Lord (Proverbs 9:10). John Adams gave us some sound advice, he said: “The Christian religion is, above all the religions that ever prevailed or existed in ancient or modern times, the religion of wisdom, virtue, equity and humanity.”

As God’s representatives in the world, Christians are to be light bearers, influencing the world around them. Through Christ we impart the values of wisdom, virtue, equity and humanity.

Today is the day. NOW is the time to be strong and mighty in the earth by standing up and taking our responsibility to go and exercise the God-given privilege of voting. If we as Believers are not willing to exercise our influence by voting, the doors are opened to the one who opposes wisdom, virtue, equity and humanity – the enemy. And with long-lasting consequences. An election may take place on a single day. But God looks at our attitudes every day.


Some people (including Believers!) have wrong attitudes for those in any kind of authority over them. Their emotions are particularly stirred when it comes to governmental officials. Let’s be clear here: God establishes rulers and kings…and presidents!

When we are cynical, mocking or indifferent to what God has established, we dishonor Him. Believers are instructed to pray for the offices of those in authority, so that God can deal with the hearts of leaders. Failure to pray is coldness. Failure to vote is a coldness or indifference and indifference is a lack of caring. God calls this being lukewarm–neither hot or cold (Revelation 3:15,16). God does not want any of us to be indifferent or lukewarm about the election process!

Nor are we to be careless. It is equally wrong to cast our votes without educating ourselves on the issues and seeking Godly wisdom. Cast your vote with an attitude that you have educated yourself and you are acting in obedience to God’s leading. Trust God and know that His purposes will prevail.

Three Essential Considerations

Here are what I believe to be three essential considerations in voting for an elected official:

• A person who fears the Lord
• A strong Christian; a person who demonstrates wisdom, virtue, equity and humanity
• A person who respects and upholds the Constitution

I also believe candidates should stand for Israel, be pro-life and pro-marriage between a man and a woman

It is the duty of Christians to vote and to make the right choice to vote for the person who, as much as possible, lines up with the values and principles according to God’s Word.


I encourage my friends in the United States to preserve their heritage of freedom and opportunity by exercising their responsibility to vote in the upcoming Presidential election. And, of course, to pray for the election process and those currently in authority over you.

If you need more information, here is a link to a Voting Resources page on the WallBuilders site. WallBuilders is an organization dedicated to presenting America’s forgotten history and heroes, with an emphasis on the moral, religious, and constitutional foundation on which America was built.


How To Pray For Your Destiny






How To Pray For Your Destiny


We all have dreams and desires, things we want to accomplish, and situations we want to see improve. But so often we give up our belief that these things will come to pass.  Perhaps we’ve tried and failed, gone through a disappointment or become impatient waiting for change.  Today I want to encourage you to reclaim your hope in God’s desire and power to work on your behalf.  Your dreams may be taking longer than you wish, but God is a faithful God. Regardless of how long it’s been, no matter how impossible it looks, if you will stay in faith, your time is coming.  God loves it when you trust Him enough to ask for those big, seemingly impossible things.

Ask Big

Ask Him for those dreams hidden in your heart.  God wants to bless you. He wants to enlarge your territory. He expects you to ask. If you are not asking for God’s favour, His blessings, His increase, then you are not releasing your faith.

There is nothing wrong with big prayers. Dare to pray: “God, I’m asking you to not just supply my needs but to bless me in such a way that I have overflow to bless others!” “God, I am asking you to not only  heal my marriage but to also make it grow happier and more fulfilled than ever before.”  “God, I’m asking you that my children fulfil their God-given destinies, and they become strong and mighty in the land, leaders in their fields.” Jesus said: “According to your faith it will be done unto you!” So, if you pray for small blessings, you will receive small blessings.  If you pray for big blessings, prepare to receive in abundance.  When you are unsure of what to ask, it’s time to slip away to a quiet place with God.

Times of Seclusion

In your quiet times, when it is just between you and God, dare to ask Him for your deepest hopes, your greatest dreams.  It is in these times of uninterrupted conversation between your spirit and God that you experience intimacy, increased knowledge of His love for you, and clarity about the good plan He has for your life.

For a time, God may bring you apart from others so that you can spend more time with Him and more clearly distinguish His voice. When David was tending sheep, isolated and separated from his family, God gave him victories no one else observed.   You too may feel isolated from your family and friends for a time.  But that’s a good thing!  It is during our times of retreat from the world that He reveals His presence, His purpose, and His plan.

Jabez Knew How To Ask Big

In 1 Chronicles 4:9-10, we find the prayer of a man named Jabez.  In ancient times, a person’s name was a statement of who they were and their future.  The name Jabez means “pain, suffering, trouble and heartache.” We have no record of why he was burdened with such a name.  His name undoubtedly affected his self-image, causing him to be insecure and feel inferior.  Can you imagine how it would feel if each time someone wanted your attention they called out, “Hey, trouble, Hey, sorrow. Hey pain”?

So, in this well-known prayer, Mr. Pain Sorrow Trouble Heartache cries out to God.

The Bible doesn’t tell us much about him.  We know that he was more honourable than any other in his family. And from his prayer, we can see there was something special about Jabez. In spite of the label that had been given to him, he didn’t become bitter.  He knew his God was bigger than his past and said, “God, I am asking that You would bless me indeed.”

What a bold prayer! Jabez came to God with his pain and sorrow and said: “God, I have a lot of things coming against me. Life hasn’t treated me fairly. But, God, I know You are a good God. I know You have a great plan for my life. So, I am calling on You to bless me indeed.”

He didn’t ask for God to bless him a little bit. No, Jabez said: “God, I’m asking for abundance. I’m asking for an overflow of Your goodness. Bless me indeed.”

Jabez shook off a mentality of defeat, saying in effect, “The name I’ve been given doesn’t matter. I know who I am. I am a child of the Most High God, and my destiny is to be blessed.”

Jabez was ready to be released from the burden of his past.  By asking that he would be free from pain, he was asking God to free him from his past, for Pain had been his name up to then.

Jabez went on to ask God for more: “God, enlarge my territory.” He was saying, “God, go beyond the norm. Go beyond my borders. Give me extraordinary favour.  God, let me see abundance in my life.”

Jabez called out to God, expecting God to answer him. And we are told that God granted his request.   Jabez’s hopes were fulfilled.

Nothing Is Beyond Hope

Jabez could have chosen to remain a prisoner of his circumstances.  How about you? Regardless of what you’ve been through, what you’re going through or how bleak the future looks, God is saying, “If you’ll ask, I’ll give you a new beginning.”

If you’ll be bold enough to ask for God’s favour, the rest of your life can be better than ever before. Your future can outshine your past.

God wants you to appreciate yourself for who He made you to be and to develop what He has given you. You were created one-of-a-kind, an original. Just like Jabez, you have a unique destiny upon this earth.  As you read this, God is seeking you out saying, “If you call out to me, I will tell you marvelous and wondrous things that you could never figure out on your own” (Jeremiah 33:3 MSG).

Call to Action

The most valuable truth you can learn about your Heavenly Father is that He is a good and loving Father who has made provision for your every need.  Nothing is beyond hope.  Are you convinced of that?  If so, why not have an intimate heart-to-heart with Him and tell Him your deepest longings?  Follow the example of Jabez and ask for the seemingly impossible.  God is waiting to grant your request.