1. It is will that determines the integrity of the soul.
There is a great struggle in people’s lives and that is the struggle wit the conflicts of the mind. There are things that we want and things that we need in our life, but it seems that they are always affected by our emotions, fears, desires and all the uncertainties of life. We all face struggles of life until we die. This is a fact of life that we need to recognize whether we like this our not.
We as Christians, we love to talk about the power of the Holy Spirit and sometimes even boast about the fact that He lives on the inside of us. Yet, in reality we can fear things that we don’t have to fear; right? Did you know your born—again spirit is not even capable of producing fear? God has not given you the spirit of fear which leads to bondage. In fact, He’s freed you from bondage, and He doesn’t want you going back to it (2 Timothy 1:7)
Every day fear and faith are in an unyielding battle to reign supreme in our lives. When people accept or tolerate fear, they’re unwittingly being lured into Satan’s plan to control their lives. However, using the Word of God to abolish fear creates and develops fearless faith that is bold and unstoppable, and it’s that faith which allows you to obtain the victory God has given you through His Son, Jesus Christ.
We all like to be confident in our beliefs and competent in our responsibilities, but as individuals we seem to be confused about our plans and purposes. Somehow we have to get our will in full gear and maybe there are some of us have to dust off our will and let it work again. There is something as a passive will did you know that? That is when you always want to go with the flow and do just that what is right in front of you; the thing is though that you will always reap the harvest down the road.
Our will determines the integrity of our soul. That lets us know that our actions have to be in agreement with what we believe in our heart. That is not always easy; sometimes it is even very challenging and might even cost you something. But if you want a change in your life for the good or if you desire that your life goes in a different direction; you have to use your will. It is a gift from God. he has given us the greatest gift; that is our will.
It is a very sad thing if we don’t use our will, because nothing is final or solid then, everything is unstable. We rely on our instinct. Willpower must be developed in our mind, where find dreams, fantasies, hopes, opinions and thoughts about how we perceive ourselves and how others perceive us.
Let this article be an introduction to the use of our will; I will be writing more about the topic of “the will” in the coming days. Today we covered one “The Will Establishes/Determines the Integrity of the Soul”. So, I want to ask you to come back soon for the rest of the strategies about the use the will. You absolutely don’t want to miss it. See you then!
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