- …Then You Will Shine Among Them Like Stars In The Sky. Phil.2:14
You Were Born To Be A Star
by Olga Hermans
We live in a culture and in a time that is focused on how we should qualify as stars; being the best. Those that are inspiring for what they do or the position that they want to have in society.
I believe that not only we as people are looking for stars, but that God is also looking for stars. He is looking for you and I to shine like stars in the earth. God is not like Simon Cowell from American Idol bringing us out on the stage somewhere to be judged by the masses.
God says “I will work in you and I will work through you, that you would shine like a star. Phil.2:15
We are so focused on stars, we are searching for stars. Every realm of media and society, every sport is focused on those that are stars. We have movie stars, we have pop stars, and we have ALL stars. When your children are in school and they do well, they get a gold star. A star is something that we are looking for. Before you go to a restaurant or hotel, you check how many stars it has; is it a 2 star or a 3 star or prestigious 5 star. We are focused on stardom; we are focused on the best. Not only in people, but in things as well.
An Oreo cookie is considered as the best in its field; they sold 400 billion cookies since they were first created and they go down as the most popular cookie of the twentieth century. Now you know that Oreo’s are stars.
We live in a culture and in a mindset that is focused on stars; we are searching for stars. Many of us would say about ourselves “well, I am not a star”, but looking at others who are an athlete, a musician or some political figure and we say, well they were probably just born that way.
I was reading an article the other day by Steven Levitt; he was asking about the commonalities between those who would succeed and there were certainly a number character traits and personality traits. But there was one thing he found in an ordinate number of those that had succeeded and advanced to the premiership in their nation. These people were born in the first three months of the year. There was an above average of people that were born in that span of time and so they dug a little bit deeper and then they found that 40% of all those that had become stars were born in those months. And only 15% of those who were born in the last 3 months of the year became stars.
The finding was simply that the kids who started school at a slightly older age were just slightly more developed; they had a little bit more opportunity to give their best and were noticed and affirmed and given tasks appropriate to that. And so at a young age they were given the opportunity to work at it.
You know, I don’t believe that stars were just born. It takes a little bit of work. And if you talk to someone who is classified as a star they are quick to say “I have worked hard at what I got.”
You have to live in the fullness of your purpose and passion for your life. It is like you are sitting in your car and your eyes are dozing off; you’re getting a little sleepy behind the wheel and you feel the shatter on the side of the road. And then there is that moment of alertness where you come to your senses and you become far more aware of what could have just happened and adrenaline fires through your body.
The apostle Paul tells us that there should be a shot of adrenaline in our spirit at the thought of living anything less than what you were saved for.
It is like you are on the road of life right now and you are falling asleep behind the wheel of your life. I want to encourage you today to wake up, let there be a search of adrenaline that God has something bigger and grander in store for you. You could totally miss it; you could totally miss what God has in store for you.
Php 2:13 For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases Him. It is God who is working in you to will and to act.
It is like a light bulb; this is an extended service light bulb.
This lightbulb was designed to shine brightly; it was fashioned that way. It is perfectly designed that way, but unless it is connected to a source of power it can accomplish nothing.
In fact, it doesn’t matter what this lightbulb thinks of itself, this lightbuld might have some insecurities that it cannot keep up with the more eco-friendly light bulbs. This light bulb might be a little bit ashamed of its 40 watts thinking that there are some 60 watts out there and some 90’’. This light bulb might be embarrassed that it is not halogen.
But it does not matter what the light bulb thinks of itself, when it is connected to the power it will shine as it was designed to do. In the same manner this light bulb might think “check out my form”. I got something special to offer and this lightbulb might go trying to light the world but unless it is connect to its source of power, it will accomplish nothing.
Let me encourage you today that it is both humbling and empowering in every way. It is God who works in us to will and to act. How does He work in us? He gives us purpose. He gives us the power to accomplish that purpose. God is willing and able to make you and I able. It is God who gives us purpose.
For it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose. Philippians 2:13 If we allow God to work in us and through us, we shine because that is what He has designed us to do. It is how He created us.
He has a great design in store for your life, He causes you to shine like a star. You don’t have to do it on your own, but you have to do it. There is something to do for you here on the earth. There should be a shot of adrenaline to think of living anything less than all that God has for you.
Once you discover what God has in store for you; you also will discover your passion, pursue it with every fiber in your body until you achieve every goal you have with that passion. What is YOUR passion that you are currently pursuing? Let us know by leaving a comment.
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Olga, thank you for this great reminder that each one of us has a God-given purpose and He is wanting us to shine as His stars, reflecting His love to all people. Great article.
Hi Sue, He made us stars to show us of like Sandi Krakowski always says.
Olga, Love this. Finally found the power source to help me shine. I know connected to HIM gives me the strength to move up and over the top. I never was encouraged to be a star, spoken to as a star, but today I believe I can be that because of the “light” that I found several years ago–HIM. Thanks for sharing encouraging words.
God is defintely our power source Carol, when a lightbulb knows that, we should know that :)))
Great article Olga! Thank you for this great reminder.
Thanks Anastasiya, love to see your smiley face on my blog!!
Love this Olga! What a great reminder that the creator of this universe sees us as stars-we just need to wake-up and get going! Thanks so much for sharing! Love it!
Yes, Jennifer when we rise and shine for Him and give God all the credit for it; He will raise us up to heights we cannot imagine where EVERYTHING is possible.!
YES! This is a brilliant article! My greatest wish is that ALL parents make their #1 priority seeing that their children are STARS and then encourage them to SHINE their brightest!!
Denny, I admire your love for educating parents to raise up stars and champions in their own families. Each and everyone of us is valuable and is born a champion! Thanks for commenting!
This is a great reminder for all of us, not just with our own kids and family, but each time we meet someone new. Everyone is a STAR! We can all SHINE brighter with the right words of encouragement. I am reminded to speak the right words over others.
So true Elizabeth, that is the right approach when we meet other people to realize that they were made to shine in this world.