What is The Kingdom of God?
Jesus came to Galilee, preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God, and saying,
‘The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the gospel.”
Mark 1:14-15
During Jesus’ time on earth, He preached about the kingdom of God being available to us (Matthew 3:2; Matthew 4:17). He wanted us to be part of God’s Kingdom and receive everything that it offers: eternal life, healing, and deliverance from bondage.
How would you describe the Kingdom of God? Christians have various ideas and use this term in many ways. But the Bible is our handbook to learn about God’s Kingdom and authoritatively answer any questions we have.
In particular, the Bible shows us how people have lived according to the kingdom throughout the ages. We can learn much from studying them. God was a King to Adam and Eve; He gave them dominion to rule. God promised to bring forth nations (kingdoms) and rulers from Abraham’s seed. The nation of Israel was a kingdom of God and had a succession of kings. But those kingdoms were shadows of the kingdom that Jesus brought.
The word kingdom is defined as a territory or country, which is subject to a king or queen. We know that the Kingdom of God is above all other kingdoms, and that it operates according to God’s laws. It is not a democracy. God is THE authority. Understanding and acting in accordance with His sovereignty, is the only way to exercise our rights as its citizens. As citizens of His Kingdom, we experience the good life He has planned for us—a life secured in unconditional love.
In the Kingdom of God, Jesus is our King of kings and the Bible is our constitution. It is based in love, joy and righteousness. When we become born again and give our lives to Jesus, we give Him permission to govern our lives. Jesus then will give us instructions out of His written Word. As we begin to follow Him, we become familiar with His voice and His leading us. As we do His will and obey His voice, we further His Kingdom here on earth.
As Believers, we are ambassadors of the Kingdom of God. As such, we have the responsibility to represent Him well in all we do and say. We influence the lives of those around us whether we realize it or not. Our customs (conduct) and language (words) show the world that we are from somewhere else – we are not of this world. For Believers, there is no such thing as dual citizenship; citizenship in both the world and in God’s Kingdom. We must live in God’s Kingdom only.
One of the most important ways we show allegiance to the Kingdom of God is to boldly reach out to the world around us. We serve a great God and He so loved the world that He doesn’t want anyone to perish (John 3:16). It is the assignment of every Believer, not just ordained ministers, to be soul winners. We should not be afraid to step out of our comfort zones and share the Gospel of the Kingdom of God.
Will you choose to exercise the full rights and responsibilities of your citizenship in the Kingdom of God? Now, that’s the choice driven life!
Today’s Bible Reading:
1 Kings 10-11; 2 Chr 9; 1 Tim 6
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