Top 10 Parenting Choices (Part 1)
Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6
Top 10 lists are very popular because they are brief and understandable. These top 10 parenting choices are my version of the 10 commandments for parents. If you diligently apply them, they will bless you, your children and your relationships with them.
1. Start with yourself
As parents, we should be examples to our children. If we make rules and regulations and then don’t follow them, we are a bad example. If we are a good example, our children will follow us.
2. Value relationship over rules
Jesus said He didn’t come to do away with the law (rules), but He came to fulfill it (Matthew 5:17). Boundaries, rules and regulations, are absolutely necessary for children. But our priority should be to love our children and build relationships with them. It is an act of love to set rational, reasonable boundaries and rules.
3. Impart faith
Deuteronomy 6:5-9 tells us that we should talk about the Word with our children in everything that we do: when we sit down; when we go for a walk; and as we go about our daily routines. This imparts faith to them. By doing so, children come to expect hearing the Word for every situation. They learn that the Word has a solution for every problem. It becomes woven through their everyday lives.
4. Learn to listen
Conversation with children is on a totally different level, and we may need to place ourselves on their level. It takes effort to listen to children and teenagers, to relate to them and really listen to what is going on in their lives. James 1:19 says “… let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath. “ This is especially to be applied to our children.
5. Spend time
When we spend time with our children, we are investing in them. It is not lost time, although it can feel that way. I remember when our children were toddlers and I thought there were so many other important things to do rather than play with them. I came to the realization that playing with them was as important as having a good conversation with a friend.
Sometimes we think we’re spending time with our children when we watch TV with them. But we can always more fully engage with them by paying individual attention. If you will build a relationship with them when they are small, when they get older, they’ll want to spend time with you.
Will you choose to see your parenting role from God’s perspective? Now, that’s the choice driven life!
Please come back tomorrow for Parenting Choices (Part 2).
Today’s Bible Reading:
Eccl 4-6; 2 Tim 2; Psalm 125
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