God Does Not Play Favourites
Neither height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation,
will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Romans 8:39 (NIV)
Why is it so difficult for people to believe that God really loves them? God is a loving God and He loves each and every one of us the same way and to the same degree.
Our faith works by love. We need to love other people, but we also need to be able to receive the love that God has for us. When we want to receive from God, we need to know that He loves us.
When we are not convinced that God loves us, it tears down our belief that our faith is sufficient. We may believe in the faith of our pastor or parents, but have no confidence that our own faith is sufficient and pleases God.
I know people who believe that they are not good enough for their faith to work; or that their faith is not strong enough. What brings a Christian to such a point of weakened faith? When people have experienced repeated defeat and failure, it can become easier to choose to believe the worst of themselves: they are unworthy; they are weak; and the list goes on.
What it really comes down to is that they don’t know what the Bible teaches about who they are in Christ.
We need to know that our Heavenly Father does not have any favorite children. He loves each one of us to the same degree. Sometimes natural parents have a favorite child, but God doesn’t.
Somehow in people’s faulty thinking, they assume that other Christians have greater favour than they do. No person is more redeemed than another. Yes, there may be those who have more revelation of the Word and are walking in that revelation. But every person born into the family of God receives the same redemption.
I’m no more saved than you’re and you are no more saved than I am. I’m no more justified than you are, and you’re no more justified than I am. Jesus didn’t die for my trespasses to a greater degree than He died for your trespasses or anyone else’s.
If you have fallen into the trap of believing that you are second-rate in God’s eyes, I ask you to please study the facts of God’s Word—what belongs to you and who you are in Him. The truth will set you free. Spiritually speaking, you are born of God. You’ve got God’s nature. The life of God is in your spirit. You are His child. He is your Father. You can say, “He has declared me righteous. He has made me righteous. I am the righteousness of God in Christ” (2 Corinthians 5:21). That is who you are – nothing less.
Will you make the choice to believe that you are the righteousness of God in Christ? Now that’s the choice driven life!
Today’s Bible Reading:
2 Kings 2-3; Matt 4; Psalm 48
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