160 The Most Important Thing: Your Heart



The Most Important Thing: Your Heart



Above all else, guard your heart,
for it is the wellspring of life.
Proverbs 4:23



Even if you were the CEO of the biggest business in the world, the most important thing in life would be your heart. Keeping your spirit (your heart) full of the Word of God is your most vital responsibility. A heart full of the Word makes everything else come out right. So give God and His Word first place in your heart.

Make sure you seek God first (Matthew 6:33). Don’t allow anything else to come before God. Don’t even allow anything to be on the same level as God. I am not just talking about things that are sin. You must demand that everything in your life come under the dominion of God and His Word – even necessary things, such as your career. Refuse to allow anything other than God to be foremost.

I have found that the best thing I can do to keep God first in my heart is to spend time fellowshipping with Him every morning – before doing anything else. Making that a habit has helped me to keep my heart from becoming cluttered with anything that could take over my time and attention. I’ve learned that it helps to keep my priorities in order and my life in agreement with God’s desires for me – which is always the highest and the best possible.

It’s important that you make a quality decision to spend time with God, because it is easy to spend your time on other things and lose your desire for the Word of God. As you begin to focus your time and attention on a new project, activity, or interest, your regular time spent in the Word falls off, and your desire for the things of God can drain away.

At all cost, I want to prevent that from happening, so every day I spend time with God in prayer. I don’t spend time in the Word every morning, though that is my preference. But I do start my day fellowshipping with the Lord. My morning time with the Father has really changed me and I mean that literally. I am so different spiritually now from what I was. Some people say, “Well, you don’t really need to seek God first thing in the morning. You don’t have to be under bondage.”

Listen, I am not under bondage. I have a free will. I engage my will because I made a choice to engage my will to have fellowship with my heavenly Father. I love the Father, and He loves me more than I love Him. It’s an easy choice for me to spend time with somebody who loves me unconditionally, no matter what I have done.

Whatever has your attention, will capture your desire. As you keep your heart turned toward God, your desire will stay turned toward Him as well.

If you think you don’t have the love for God that you should, give Him more attention. Make a choice to keep your heart centered on God. Don’t let anything else take over your thought life and usurp His place in your heart. A life tightly centered on Him is the only one worth living!

Will you choose to give God your undivided heart? Now, that’s the choice driven life!



Today’s Bible Reading:

Hosea 14; 2 Chr 26-27; Matt 20; Ps 61





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The Most Important Choice You Can Make: Prayer for Salvation: God in Heaven, I come to You in the name of Your Son, Jesus. I confess that I haven’t lived my life for You. I believe that Jesus is the Son of God. I believe that He died on the cross and rose again from the dead so I might have a better life now and eternal life in heaven. Jesus, come into my heart and be my Lord and Savior. From this day forward, I’ll live my life for You to the best of my ability. In Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen. Click Here if you need more information.


  1. We “get to” be with Daddy… and what a privilege it is, when you stop to consider this amazing gift. Religion twists and turns it into bondage, but relationship makes it a love affair. We wake up hungering and thirsting to be with Him… it’s as natural to want to pray as it is to eat. That is, unless we are already filled with other things… I love your picture of how you start your day, Olga… do you have a favorite place to go?
    Susan McKenzie recently posted..A Challenge to the Organic ChurchMy Profile

  2. Thank you Olga for this excellent article! It is so important to seek first the kingdom of God and in my mind, very important to start the day in prayer and spending time with our heavenly Father. I heard of a man who used to pray for two hours every single morning, although if he had a really busy day ahead, he would pray for three hours! I think this sums up how important it is to spend time in prayer and in the world with our heavenly Father.

    I normally spend time in the word first thing in the morning, reading several devotions and the Bible and time in prayer. I always think if we start the day with Jesus the day goes much better and our minds are focused on the right things.

    As for being in bondage, there is nothing better than spending time in the presence of God and his people, make sure you’re spending time in the presence of God and make sure that your Christian friends have a hunger for the things of God. Being around positive Christians who want to see the kingdom come, will help you grow and encourage you in the things of God!

    When I am at work, some of the jobs I do, I can do on autopilot when I’m doing these jobs I often start to worship God by speaking in tongues and having worship songs in my head. So in other words, I work myself happy and enter into to the presence of God!

    So whatever your situation today seek first the kingdom of God, and look to him for all your needs!
    Roy Bretton recently posted..Garden Power Battery Charger for Ride on Lawnmower BatteriesMy Profile

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