Are You A Person With Passion?
But [it is] good to be zealously affected [passionate] always in [a] good [thing],
and not only when I am present with you.
Galatians 4:18
It’s sad to see a person with no vision in their life: they have no passion, no motivation; they just exist!
We can easily become apathetic and stagnant, but the more we refresh ourselves in God’s Word, pursuing Him, the more open and excited we become about His plans for us. Consider Jeremiah 29:11, “…for I know the plans I have for you…” Meditate on that scripture for just a bit and see if you don’t sense hope, enthusiasm, and passion building inside of you!
We go to God and receive His vision, purpose, and dreams for our lives and then allow them to be set aflame with passion. Passion is a consuming force that once ignited, and regularly fuelled, will intensify and grow. God is the one who gives you a dream and then sparks that dream in your heart. But you must continually add the fuel of the Word of God to your dream in order to keep it burning.
There will always be voices trying to quench your passion. Satan himself will attempt to snuff out your dreams. People will come to discourage you, often unintentionally, because they are not passionate about their own dreams. That’s why you must continually protect and feed your dream until you see its manifestation. Be unwavering in allowing that passion to motivate you, and drive you to move your dream forward!
Passion paired with vision is powerful. Proverbs 29:18 says, “Where there is no vision, the people perish.” People without a vision are non-productive people! It is tragic to lose sight of your vision, your dream thus losing your drive and motivation – your fire!
Don’t settle for a life with no purpose. God wants to use you. You are very special to Him! Just knowing how much God loves you and that He has called you to do something special should excite you!
When you know that God has called you for a purpose and you are on the road to fulfilling that purpose, there will also be the zeal, passion and discipline to do the things required to see the dream come to be. God gives the dream. You take the action. Don’t passively say, “If it happens, it happens.” No, go after it! In Genesis, God called Abram to leave his homeland. Abram took action and God then gave him a vision – descendants to outnumber the stars – and a new name – Abraham!
Don’t delay any longer! God is waiting on you to get passion back in your life and take action to see your dream fulfilled!
Will you choose to allow God to spark your passion for your vision? Now, that’s the choice-driven life!
Today’s Bible Reading:
Isa 17-19; 1 Cor 1; Psalm 62
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God, obviously, has a clear and powerful vision for all of us. I think where people struggle sometimes is hearing from Him as to what that is. I know that one of the largest areas I help my coaching clients is cultivating a vision for what their life can be.
Matthew Reed recently posted..11 To-Do’s for Making A Big Decision
Olga, oh this so reminds me of a phrase that more and more people are latching onto that I can’t stand… “it is what it is.” Where is faith in that? Where are choices and chances and changes? Where is their passion? You have written this so well ~ we all DO need to keep out vision, passion, and purpose at the forefront of our minds. Thanks for the reminder!!
Jessica Stone recently posted..Sleep Schedules, Late Naps, Cranky Kids – Oh My!
I like how you put “passion plus vision” together. You can’t really have one without the other! Ted Dekker goes as far as to say we should be “obsessed” (in a healthy way) about what we are pursuing. I want that intensity in my life… I want more of God’s fire in my life, to see His purposes fulfilled. Thanks for holding up the compass and helping us to stay on track, once again!
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