God Is In The Business of Restoring Lives
Then I will restore to you the years the locusts have eaten…
Joel 2:25a
The feeling of being overwhelmed doesn’t usually come on suddenly. It usually builds over time, without our noticing that we are overloading ourselves. When important needs such as a connection with God, good rest, good nutrition, and supportive relationships go ignored we come to a point that is beyond our capacity to keep going. We become overwhelmed, feeling that we can’t continue in this manner. In the heat of our frustration, giving up seems so attractive.
Let me encourage you NOT to give up and NOT to quit. Instead pick yourself up, rebuke Satan and declare that something great is about to happen in your life. You must ask yourself, “Am I willing to quit when I am so close to success?” No matter how devastating the attack may be, or how overwhelming things might look right now, God can turn things around and cause blessing to equally overwhelm you.
This blessing can cancel out the entire negative. Seriously!! The blessing is no respecter of persons. Deuteronomy 28:2 says: And all these blessings shall come on thee, and overtake thee … The Brenton Translation says it like this: “All these blessings shall come upon you and shall find you…
There are times that we have wasted opportunities and blown our chances. We look back and think, “Why did I spend all those years running with the wrong crowd, and partying, when I should have been applying myself?” Or “Why did I harbour resentment in that circumstance and forgo months of healing and blessing?”
It’s true that some of us missed out on opportunities because we were raised in an unhealthy environment or grew up in poverty. Whatever the reason, when things don’t go our way, it’s tempting to think that we’ve missed all of our chances and our seasons. But the good news is that God is the God of the second chance and He always has another season in store for us. He promises in Joel 2:25 that He will restore the years that have been stolen.
I have personally experienced a great deal of hardship and rejection in my life. My parents both died while I was still in my teens. I felt that there was no one who really loved me. Then love came into my life through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and through marrying my best friend. And God has exceedingly, abundantly restored to me the years (and the love) that were stolen from me.
God is saying to you and me: If you will persevere through difficulty and lack of evidence that anything is changing, then I will step in and do what you can’t do. I will make up for lost time. I will propel you to new levels. I will bring supernatural opportunities. I will put the right people in your path at the right time.
God will make up for your lost time. Every opportunity you’ve missed, every chance you’ve blown, all those years you may have wasted, I declare over you: restoration is on its way. Circumstances are changing in your favor. Your latter days will be better than your former days. I declare the rest of your life will be better than what has happened up to this point. So choose to receive it by faith!
Will you choose to continue in faith, believing God that restoration is on its way? Now that’s the choice-driven life!
Today’s Bible Reading:
2 Chr 28; 2 Kings 17; 1 Cor 7; Psalm 66
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