How To Turn Your Disappointment Into Joy and Victory
Why are you downcast, O my soul? Why so disturbed within me?
Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise Him, my Savior and my God.
Psalm 42:11 (NIV)
The devil has one objective: to kill, steal and destroy anything that is precious to you. He’ll do whatever it takes to derail your progress. And he’s a crafty strategist, too. Rather than bring out the big guns at the outset, he begins subtly. He often first attacks us with disappointment. Have you experienced disappointment lately? Have you lost hope in a person or a situation?
That’s the devil’s opening blow at rendering you ineffective. He wants to direct you off track and the easy way to do that is to bring a disappointment into your life. Over time, prolonged disappointment leads to discouragement. With discouragement comes the loss of your confidence and enthusiasm. When you become discouraged, you expose yourself to attacks on every area of your life: your thoughts; your emotions; your health; your will; your family; your finances and the list goes on.
If we allow disappointment to progress into discouragement, we displease God for we have believed Satan’s lie rather than the truth of our identity in Christ. We have put on blinders to God’s promises and His rewards for those who love Him.
And, that’s just what the devil wants. He loves it when that happens, because He knows that God cannot work against His own laws. We have isolated ourselves and we are on our own. It becomes up to us to address our problems. We become more vulnerable to attack.
Remember the account of the twelve spies who were sent out into the Promised Land? When the spies returned, only Joshua and Caleb had a good report. They said, “Hey, we can do what God says. We can go into the Promised Land and conquer it. Let’s go.”
But then there were the other ten spies, who saw only the negative aspect of the Promised Land: the giants. They were so intimidated by the giants that they didn’t want to move forward to possess the land. Two reports: one good and one bad.
Although the people wanted a good report, they accepted the bad report, interrupted God’s promises, becoming increasingly vulnerable. And as a result they wandered in the wilderness for forty years.
We all want the good report, yet, like the Hebrews, we believe the bad. They could have said, “That report disappoints me, but I am not going to listen to it. I’m going to believe what God has said. I will not be disappointed.”
Romans 5:5 tells us that “Hope does not disappoint.” If you have hope for a certain situation, your disappointment has no power to keep you down. You are persuaded that God will always make a way where there is no way. His promises are true. Your hope is in the Lord and not in your circumstances. Now that’s a reason to join with the psalmist and praise your Savior and your God.
Will you choose to put your hope in God? Now, that’s the choice-driven life!
Today’s Bible Reading:
2 Kings 22-23; 2 Cor 5; Psalm 73
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Although we all know that adversities actually pave the way for success, yet in a given situation we forget to rise above it and see through it ,remember that God indeed has a master plan for us .We just need to walk in his faith and the rest will be taken care by the Almighty.