Choose Life and Live
I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing;
therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live.
Deuteronomy 30:19
God spoke these words many, many years ago but they still hold true today: He gave us the power of choice and has never taken that power away from us.
Have you ever wondered why God did not create us to blindly follow His will? I believe that because He wanted fellowship with us, He made us in His image. He created us to exercise our power of choice in every aspect of life.
It is not my intent to condemn. At times, we’ve all made choices for “death,” when a choice for “life” was available to us. My aim is to highlight the richness of meaning found in this verse.
In Deuteronomy 30:19, the Hebrew word for blessing means prosperity in every area of our life. While the word cursing always refers to the consequences which were brought upon mankind through the original act of sin.
When we choose life, there are certain benefits attached to our choice. We will grow and flourish, becoming stronger in the process. When we choose death, we experience pain, destruction and weakness.
God is a good God. In His infinite wisdom, He encouraged us to “choose life.” He knew that the enemy would attempt to blind us to the difference between blessing and cursing. God knew it wouldn’t be easy, because the consequences of the choices we make are not always immediate. Nor do we foresee or realize the extent of the benefits of good choices. But God knew!
God said, “Choose life, that both you and your descendants may live.”
The original Hebrew root word for live means to declare or to show. The way you declare or show is through the choices you make.
God knows that when we “choose life and blessing,” we are choosing everything that we need to live a blessed and prosperous life.
On the other hand, when we exercise our freedom to make wrong choices, we can open ourselves to the consequences of destruction and pain. In essence, ‘the curse’ is on us through our poor choices. Therefore, choose life and declare or show God’s goodness! God says, “Choose life” and speak (declare) life; then watch me show up and deliver.”
Will you choose to respond to God’s love by choosing life for yourself and your descendants? Now, that’s the choice-driven life!
Today’s Bible Reading:
Jer 47, 48, 49; 2 Pet 2; Ps 80
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