74 Your strength is in God


Your strength is in God 



I can do all things through him who strengthens me.
Philippians 4:13 ESV

There have been many times in my life that I was extremely tired and just exhausted, but once I yielded to the Holy Spirit, I felt I could run around the block a few times. Isaiah 40:29 tells us that God gives strength to the weary and gives strength to him who has no might.

Being filled with the Holy Spirit gives us physical energy. This is one of the reasons why we should stay filled with the Holy Spirit: we need all the energy we can get.

Weariness isn’t necessarily tiredness of the body. The weariness most people experience is in their minds and attitudes. When a person becomes burdened, he carries the load of his problems, worry, fear and anxiety. The way we talk and think can also make us feel drained. And then there’s the epidemic of being overcommitted and much too busy that brings fatigue.

Perhaps you are in a place of weariness and fainting. You have thought about giving up on what God has called you to do. There is good news for you: God does not run out of strength. There is no end to His wisdom and understanding.

It is time for you to soar with eagles and ride upon the high places of the earth. Isaiah was saying, “God never gets tired. He has unlimited strength and wisdom.” In fact, strength is found in the wisdom of God. Throughout His Word, He gives us steps to follow to help ourselves feel more energetic. The good thing about God’s strength and ability is that He wants to impart it into your life. He gives power to the faint because He intends for you to be powerful in the earth.

We need to know that the Holy Spirit will NOT energize us to be mean, hateful, selfish, or self-centered. He strengthens us to do the things God has called us to do, and to be kind, loving, and diligent.

If you try to be strong in the arm of your flesh, you will come to a point where you will want to give up on life. Weariness can even cause you to lose your desire for God. When you lose your desire for God, something else takes first place in your heart.

Born-again believers need to recharge their spiritual reserves daily to face the difficulties, temptations, pressures, stress, demands, and schedules.

As you draw close to the Lord, the things of this world will lose their power and influence over you. 

Will you make the choice  that you will never regret: wait on the Lord, renew your strength, and mount up with wings as an eagle? Now, that’s the choice-driven life!

Today’s Bible Reading:

Judges 17-18; Acts 1; Psalm 21






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The Most Important Choice You Can Make:

Prayer for Salvation:

God in Heaven, I come to You in the name of Your Son, Jesus. I confess that I haven’t lived my life for You. I believe that Jesus is the Son of God. I believe that He died on the cross and rose again from the dead so I might have a better life now and eternal life in heaven. Jesus, come into my heart and be my Lord and Savior. From this day forward, I’ll live my life for You to the best of my ability. In Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen.

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