NOW Is The Time
… lay aside every weight, and the sin which easily beset us,
and run with patience the race that is set before us”
Hebrews 12:1
I truly believe that NOW is the time to finish strong and to inherit everything that God has for us. He wants to bless us so we can bless those around us. I’d like to ask you: Are you running your race?
NOW is the time to “… lay aside every weight, and the sin which easily beset us, and run with patience the race that is set before us” (Hebrews 12:1).
NOW is the time to realize that God has set a specific race for you to run. You are one of a kind and you are not intended to run anyone else’s race. Many people compare themselves with others. They look at what everybody else is doing and conclude that they should run the same race.
“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future” (Jeremiah 29:11-13). You know this scripture, you have heard it time after time, right?
Whenever God asks me to do something new, it is most always something I don’t think I can do. God always has bigger plans for you than you have for yourself.
So I’d like to give you 5 steps to make sure you are running YOUR race, because NOW is the time to do so.
- Celebrate your victories. Did you have any victories in 2011? Have you celebrated your victories with your family? This is very important, because accomplishing goals reinforces confidence in God and in yourself.
- Evaluate your past. We need to leave the past behind, but it is good to take note. We can learn from our failures. Ask yourself why you failed. The question isn’t: Do you make mistakes? Everyone makes mistakes. The right question is: Do you learn from your mistakes?
- Forget the past. The Apostle Paul tells us in the book of Hebrews to “lay aside the weights and the sins which slow us down.” The past can weigh heavily upon us and slow us down as we run our race. If you are dwelling in the past, you are not thinking about the future. Forgive yourself and keep moving forward.
- Spend time with God. The only way to come to know God’s plan for your life is by spending time with Him. Never let circumstances dominate your life. Make sure you make time to listen to Him and that you don’t do all the talking.
- Write it down. NOW is the time to write the vision down. “Write the vision, and make it plain” (Habakkuk 2:2). This is the first step of obedience. If the vision is only in your head, it will likely not come to pass. Make a list of goals for every area of your life. These can be personal goals like disciplining yourself in weight loss or devotions, etc. Maybe some family goals like spending some quality time while you eat dinner. Do you want to get out of debt? Write down your debts. What does God want you to do this year? Do you have any career goals? What do you want to accomplish this year?
That’s it! Will you make a choice to review your goals at least once a week, and keep running your race? Now, that’s the choice-driven life!
Today’s Bible Reading:
2 Sam 3-5; 1 Chr 12; Acts 22; Ps 122
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The Most Important Choice You Can Make:
Prayer for Salvation:
God in Heaven, I come to You in the name of Your Son, Jesus. I confess that I haven’t lived my life for You. I believe that Jesus is the Son of God. I believe that He died on the cross and rose again from the dead so I might have a better life now and eternal life in heaven. Jesus, come into my heart and be my Lord and Savior. From this day forward, I’ll live my life for You to the best of my ability. In Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen.
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Starting every morning with prayer and meditation has been my custom for many years and I believe it’s what has made all the difference in my life. Thanks for encouraging others to do the same!
GREAT post Olga.
Thanks Dale!!
Great post Olga =)
I like the 5 steps! It’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day of your life, but those steps are like a self-check to make sure you’re staying on your own path. Great post!
Thanks Nisha; the 5 steps are a great help indeed
Love this Olga, and I totally agree, NOW is the time. All we have is now. So many people spend too much time thinking and planning the future when the reality is all we have is today. And, when we put things off until tomorrow or “someday,” we usually never get to them. Define your dreams today and take action NOW to make them happen. Thanks for your motivation today!
Really, NOW is the time to live for God, obey and do His will because delay could be very dangerous. People tend to act too late and end up regretting. Whatever one wants to do or accomplish in life, NOW is the time. You can receive from the throne of grace all your heart desires ( salvation, sanctification, grace, peace of mind, freedom from satanic bondage, material things, good health etc) now. Finally, your decision today (now) determines your destiny. God bless you.
Thank you so much for your awesome comment! I totally agree!
Hi Olga
This is a wonderful eye opener, I enjoy your posts. I am one that always procrastinate when I have to do something. Since the year started I have been meaning to write down all my goals for the year prayer items, but have I done it no. God is speaking to me to do it now. Thank you and stay blessed.