Is Your Body’s Health Rooted In God?
So, whether you eat, or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.
I Corinthians 10:31 (NIV)
When we consider health, we tend to focus on the world’s answers – which can be contradictory and confusing. And most people feel that they know what to do to achieve health: eat more fruits and vegetables; eat fewer carbohydrates; eliminate wheat products; lift weights; increase aerobic capacity…and I haven’t even scratched the surface of the many prescriptions for “health.” But real health, the kind of health that God desires for us to enjoy, is not based in worldly wisdom.
I have found that attaining the freedom that comes with a healthy body is a lot like attaining the freedom that comes with the health of our souls – it doesn’t happen without God at the center. To honour God with our bodies, we must approach health God’s way.
Have you tried and failed to address a particular health issue? I’d like for you to think about this statement: Every problem is a spiritual problem. Let’s consider the possibility that our efforts to improve our health have been unsuccessful because we have focused on the wrong root problem. What if the issue is not the number on the scale, hip measurements, cholesterol, blood pressure or blood sugar readings? First Corinthians says, “For you have been bought with a price; therefore glorify God with your body.” Could it be that we have mistakenly chosen to glorify ourselves, our spouses, or our health professionals with our bodies instead of God?
The Word of God declares that our bodies are temples of the Living God. What does that mean? If you are not sure how to glorify God with your body in your every day life, ask Him what it means for you specifically. If you’re doing bicep curls, ask the Holy Spirit to show you how to do them to God’s glory. If you’re having a serving of your favourite food, ask God how to partake of it to His glory. You may be surprised by how much His answers differ from the world’s wisdom.
Consider your health-related choices and ask Christ to be the center of your body. Today—right now! It all comes down to Holy-Spirit led choices to make possible the life God has planned for you. If we want God’s best for our lives, there is a price to pay; we must make a decision to choose. Many desire to change, but never choose to change.
Determine that you will get at the root issues of your health by making the choice to trade your life for “the life.” Remember, Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Watch and expect the Messiah to fulfil his Word of promise to make you a body “fully filled and flooded with God Himself” (Eph 3:19).
Will you choose to pursue God’s desire for your health? Now, that’s the choice-driven life!
Today’s Bible Reading:
Jer 37, 21, 34; James 5; Psalm 79
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