8 Things That Deplete the Core of Your Being

8 Things That Deplete the Core of Your Being

by Olga Hermans

Have you been struggling at times with the feelings of frustration that come with trying to be like someone else? You struggle to find out what your gifts and talents are, but don’t seem to get your breakthrough. There are many things that keep us from being the person we really are; we have a tendency to sabotage ourselves in many areas and when we do that, we keep going around the same mountain time after time.

I know what I am talking about; I have the T-shirt so to speak. So I’d like to help you in this as much as I can. Here are eight things that when you stay away from them you will be able to discover the life you were born to live. These eight things deplete your spirit from spiritual power, which you so desperately need to get closer to being in the right place at the right time to fulfill your destiny.

1. Spiritual power on the inside of you can be lost by being too busy and not spending enough time with God.

The busier you become, the more you need spiritual refreshment and replenishing. We all know that this is true, but somehow our mind pulls us away from our spiritual need into the business of life. Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and emails keep calling us that we HAVE to answer right now or else…. You know exactly what I am talking about, but the truth is that those things deplete the very core of our being that needs to be filled up daily!

2. Your spiritual power is exhausted by being involved in worldly things.

Being involved in non-spiritual affairs wears you out and makes you tired; why? Because the atmosphere in some places is not beneficial for your spiritual growth and may even be anti-spiritual. You need to be able to get your soul quiet before the Lord and be renewed in your fellowship with Him. Most people don’t like to discipline themselves to find time for God’s Word and prayer. Many times hard working people are more blessed because they know what it takes to schedule in some time for different things.

3. Lack of unity with other Christians depletes our spiritual power.

David says that unity, like the dew from heaven, brings spiritual refreshment and blessing. Psalm 133:3. Disunity does the opposite. It dries the soul, shrinks your spiritual life, and evaporates refreshment and keenness. When you are critical or have thoughts of resentment, or any unforgiveness or bitterness of heart; your spiritual power is dissipated.

4. Lack of Obedience.

This is a biggie that we all know, but when we fail to walk in God’s light we can lose power in the core of our being which is our spirit. When we fail to recognize and accept God-given opportunities we lose power. God never demands anything from us; He only shows us opportunities and it depends on how much we love Jesus and how much we desire to please Him in being obedient to Him.

5. Self-centeredness and self-indulgence.

The Lord takes pleasure in our prosperity; He wants us debt free and He wants to take of every need that we have. BUT!! If we only want to have everything for the sake of ourselves, we are in the wrong and it depletes us of power in the very core of our being. The Holy Spirit will always show us the needs of others. Being self-centered is the opposite of being Christ-centered and Kingdom-centered.

6. Pride and self-sufficiency.

Pride comes before the fall. We are absolutely nothing without God. When we humble ourselves before the Lord, He will promote us to higher levels and show us things beyond our own imagination. I always liked this statement from Billy Graham: “If God should take His hand from my life, these lips will turn to lips of clay.” 2Cor.4:7 tells us that we are only earthen vessels and that all the power we have on the inside of us belongs to God anyway.

7. Too much humor can be too much!

This one might shock a little bit, but too much is just too much. Humor in itself is a gift from God to us, but if we use it inappropriately and throw it all over the place it depletes us of spiritual power. We need to use humor modestly; even too much wholesome humor can waste God’s power in the core of our being.

8. Sin ALWAYS depletes and destroys the power of the Spirit.

Thank God that we can always come to Him for repentance of sin and we will always be forgiven and cleansed. God always shows a way out and back to His favor, presence and His power. 1John 2:1-2. Remorse, regret and humbling ourselves before the Lord (James 3:7-10) can open the gate to God’s full favor and the flood tide of His power upon us again!

You Need Some Attitude to Get Your New Beginning!

You Need Some Attitude to Get Your New Beginning!

by Olga Hermans


How is your year going? What is happening; are there some new things going on in your life? This is the year of new beginnings and the year of full restoration.

Sometimes when new things are happening and we sense that we are going to a new place in life, we feel that everything and everyone around us is strange. We are lonely and do not feel comfortable or “at home.”

Sometimes it requires that we give up everything we own and start all over. For some people it requires an act of obedience. My husband and I left everything behind to move to Canada in 2004. It’s a long story, but that is what we did and we had those feelings of loneliness and feeling that everything and everyone around us was strange.

We have people in our church that left everything behind just to be in our church; really! They left everything behind, stepped in their car and drove from Toronto to Vancouver and they are blessed beyond their own imagination!

Those acts of obedience pay great dividend, not only in personal happiness and contentment that comes from knowing we are in the will of God, but also in the material blessings that God provides according to the promises of His Word.

If you want a year of new beginnings and full restoration in your life then you have to be somebody with attitude. You need a little oomph, because Matt.11:12 tells us that we need to take the kingdom by force. You have to come at the devil and let him know you got some attitude.

Look at blind Bartimaeus in Mark 10:48, he had attitude. This man is blind and poor—plainly speaking he is a nobody. Nobody cares about him and he’s reduced to being a beggar.

He’s sitting by the highway begging when he hears that Jesus of Nazareth walking by. He began to cry out, “Jesus, thou son of David, I know your lineage; I know you’re a covenant man, have mercy on me.”

This man decided that if Jesus, the walking Word is here—then his need can be met, his condition can be healed, and his life can be changed.

So he cried out, “Jesus, son of David have mercy on me.” Then the crowd told him to hold his peace, a nice way of saying “shut up, Jesus doesn’t want to talk to you”. Well, they may be telling you, you’re a nobody, or you’re just a member of the congregation, or you’re black or you’re white; He doesn’t want to talk to you, so shut up.

But this man had some attitude. The more they told him to shut up, the louder he got, and the more he said it. This man refused to stay in his condition; he wanted a new beginning. He wanted to break out of his poverty, his blindness—his bleak situation. He was determined not to let anybody get in his way.

How about you? Are you going to start this year with some attitude?

To have a new beginning you can’t let anybody get in your way. The more they tell you”you can’t have it”, the more you should say, “it’s my new year; it’s my new year.”

Well, blind Bartimaeus’ faith caused Jesus to stand still and command him to be brought to Him. Then those around him started saying, “be of comfort, He is calling you.” Now, weren’t these the same people who told him to shut up?

Well, that’s the way it’s going to be with you. The same people who told you, you’re a nobody, are going to be the same people who will have to acknowledge that Jesus is calling for you. In order to get your miracle you are going to have to show some attitude.

Jesus loves to be merciful; I can just imagine that scene. Bartimaeus was determined. That is what you and I need to be if we want this year to be different from any other year. We need to step up to the plate and know that it is our destiny to make a home-run in our life.

We need to discover what is on the inside of us and break through that power of resistance and take off those grave clothes, come out of that cave and show ourselves to the world that needs us. Yeah, there are people on the other side of your destiny that need your testimony, so they will be encouraged again.

You can be the very hope for them that they will know that they were born for such a time as this and there is a place for them to shine and give God all the glory!

We do not cry out for God’s mercy enough. We spend too much time trying to deserve God’s goodness. In Luke 17:12-19, lepers cried out for mercy, and they all received their healing, but only one came back to give thanks to Jesus.

In Matthew 15:22-28, a woman from the Canaanite district said with a loud and urgent cry, “Have mercy on me, O Lord, Son of David! My daughter is miserably and distressingly and cruelly possessed by a demon!” Her daughter was delivered. In Matthew 17:15, we see a man whose son had epilepsy, and he came to Jesus and said, “Have mercy on my son, for he has epilepsy.” Jesus stopped again and cured the boy.

What do YOU need from Jesus? Do you need to be healed? Do you need your bills paid, or maybe you are believing that your family will come to the Lord this year. THIS is that year for you; this is the year of jubilee, the year of full restoration in your life.

It seems wherever Jesus traveled, somebody asked Him for mercy. In response to them, He stopped, talked to them, and met their needs. Acts 10:38

You are NOT a nobody; you are valuable and you were born for this time with a destiny inside of you. You have an assignment. Get some oomph and an attitude to do what God called you to do.

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You Have What It Takes




You Have What It Takes

by Olga Hermans

Sometimes God leads us the hard way instead of the easy way because He is doing a special work in us. How would we ever learn to learn from Him if everything in our lives is easy enough for us to handle ourselves?

That’s why it so important not to lose heart and not to grow weary or faint. You can be sure that wherever God leads you, He is able to keep you. He never will allow more to come on you than you can bear.

God is interested in us yielding to His grace to do the extraordinary. We are nothing without Him, but with Him we can do things that we cannot even imagine. Look at Moses who was called to lead the Israelites out of Egypt.

He could not see himself doing what God had called him to do; he thought he couldn’t speak well enough, he thought that he wasn’t strong enough. But something happened to him when he started thinking about the dream that God had given him; God supernaturally gave him the qualities he needed to fulfill this vision. The moment he started to realize that, he started to hold on to this dream with a tight grip and pursued it by force.

There are 7 qualities that you need, to discover the life you were born to live; we too have to take our land by force with a determination s never before. This is you’re your year that you have to know that you have what it takes to rise up and shine!

1. You have to know WHO YOU ARE; you are unique and you are valuable!

God’s plans for us contain a lot of surprises. God tells Moses in Exodus 3:10 that it was time for him to go back. God was sending him to Pharaoh to bring the People of Israel out of Egypt. He had to go and confront Pharaoh, but he didn’t know who he was.

We need to know who we are, what we can do, what we cannot do. God strengthens us in our weaknesses. As long as He is with us, we can do whatever we need to do. Be more concerned about who God is than you are about who you are.

2. You have AUTHORITY.

God explained to Moses that he would go in His name. He told him to say to Pharaoh that “I AM” had set him and that would be enough. God was saying that he didn’t have to worry about Pharaoh or anybody else. “I AM”  is able to take care of everything you encounter. Whatever you need “I AM“, so relax!!

The moment you know what you need to do, you will have authority. You have authority to walk in that vision and you have the authority to believe for it to come to pass. Some people may question your authority to do this, but your authority is in the “I AM”!

3. You need INTEGRITY!

When you know your assignment in life, you will have a desire for integrity in every situation because that is what gives the credibility for what you are doing. It established you in your vision. It really doesn’t matter what people say; it matters what God says about you.

You know that He is always backing you up when you do things His way; you have credibility with God!

4. You have to know that you are ABLE

The moment that you discover your assignment in life, you will find yourself capable of doing so much more than you were used to. Moses kept saying, that he was capable and this and that. Exodus 4:10, He wanted God to choose someone else!
But God highlighted his ability; his God-given ability, that divine ability to get the job done.

5. You need COURAGE

God ignored everything that Moses came up with about his “inability” to perform, to speak, and his age, and gave him courage.

Vision establishes courage. We have been reading in Exodus of all the obstacles Moses faced when God called him to fulfill this vision, but God ignored all that and gave him courage.

When you know your assignment, you also will have the courage to do exactly that what God told you to do and the courage to go after what God says is yours!

6. BOLDNESS will show up

It is really funny when you see the change in Moses. He always talked about God’s people, but the moment he discovered his assignment, he started talking about “My people!” He started to be bold because he had the courage and he took ownership (authority) of his own vision. That is what vision does.

He was changed, he didn’t say any longer “I am not…I can’t do…I can’t talk….”. No, he is bold now, because he is established in God. He knows now that God would back him up in everything that he was about to endeavour.


We all know the story in Exodus that Pharaoh didn’t want to let the people go, but he insisted and kept going back to him, but Pharaoh would not. He continually went back again and again. This was a different Moses. When you discover your assignment, you need perseverance, a “do not quit” attitude.

In the end Moses won; He knew what he needed to do, he knew the assignment that God gave him and by the perseverance that was established in his life he was able to conquer his weaknesses and finish his race.

We all have a purpose or a calling in life that God expects us to fulfill; we all need to discover the life we were born to live but we must have patience and perseverance in order to carry it out.

You have everything you need to be victorious just like Moses. Don’t settle for a life with no goals, no vision, and no purpose. You know that God has called you for a reason, so go for it! Don’t let Satan or anyone else talk you out of it!

Let me ask you a question; I would love for you to answer it in the comment section!

Q. If you are uncomfortably shy, how can you allow God to help you overcome this? Has shyness ever held you back from saying something God wanted you to say?

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You Were Born For Such A Time As This



You Were Born For Such A Time As This

by Olga Hermans




Some people say, “Why was I ever born? I am not important.” But you were created for “such a time as this!” God has a great plan for your life! You are here not just to take up space or make a living. You are on this planet at this time in history for a unique purpose. It is your destiny. His purpose for you involves using your gifts and talents.

Every one of us has something that is unique and different about us. Maybe you have a gift of organization. Maybe you have a gift of business or you have a talent of music, art, or writing. Or maybe you are interested in becoming a doctor; you may have a desire to start a business, to be a musician, an athlete like Tim Tebow, a designer, or you may feel called into the ministry. There are things on the inside of you, and God can use those talents and areas to influence and touch people in those arenas.

God has put specific things inside of you, not just for yourself, but to bring Him fame and glory. Do you even know what God’s purpose is for your life? Do you know what is on this inside of you? Sometimes it is like we are playing games or we don’t realize what God has put on the inside of us.

I remember the time that my husband and I stepped out on the water to start a bibleschool in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. We have always been kind of adventurous; what I mean to say is that we weren’t the kind of people that wanted to do what everybody else was doing. So, although it seemed kind of easy for us, we were still shaking in our booths.

We had a lot of conformation and our pastor, Billy Joe Daugherty, was behind us all the way. Stepping in the unknown is not easy though; we had never done this and we didn’t know the practical side. But the 1st year we experienced miracle after miracle, because God was with us and His grace was more than sufficient for us. It was a tremendous experience.

You know, the difficult part of stepping out in faith is that we don’t see the answers and the people on the “other side” of our obedience that need our gifts and callings. Of course we knew we were going to face challenges and storms. You too may be facing storms right now, but remember that Jesus is in your boat and you can make it to the other side.

Think about the story of Esther. Esther was a Jew, was divinely placed in the position as the Queen of Persia. During that time a decree went out that all the Jews were to be killed. Her uncle Mordecai sent word to her, “Do not think in your heart that you will escape in the king’s palace any more than all the other Jews. For if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. Yet who knows whether you have come to the Kingdom for such a time as this?” Esther 4:13-14

Esther was afraid to say anything because she knew if she went before the king unannounced she could be executed. But when she heard that word from Mordecai, she awakened to her purpose. She realized that she had a responsibility to speak up for her people. She fasted and prayed for God’s wisdom and favor. God gave her the strategy on how to communicate to the king.

Then she rose up with courage and went before the king. She invited the king and Haman to a special banquet she had prepared for them. When it came time for her to share with the king, she told him of Haman’s plot to kill all the Jews, which included her and her family. The king was outraged. He cancelled the decree and Haman was executed instead.

The Jews were saved because Esther got out of her “cave” of self-centeredness and fear. She realized she was not in the position of queen just to look pretty or have a title, but she was in that position to make a difference in the lives of others for the Glory of God.

Just like Esther you are called for a royal purpose. You too, may be alive today in order to fulfill the purposes of God in your generation. The timing and place of your birth are not accidental; God purposely and specifically places us all in certain time frames and places. Many people spend their entire lives never knowing what their purpose is, but perhaps it is because they try to choose their own destiny rather than follow the leading of the Holy Spirit.

Following God requires sacrifices and a willingness to be uncomfortable. Esther reached a point of being willing to lay aside all her own thoughts, plans, and ideas. She was even willing to die if she needed to in order to obey God.

Because of Esther’s sacrifice and bold step of faith, God did use her to save a nation. She was more blessed in God’s will than she could have ever been anywhere else. God’s will is not always easy, but it is always worth any sacrifice we need to make.

God has unique strategies for you to fulfill the purpose that is on your life. He has ways that maybe you haven’t seen done before or maybe other people haven’t thought to do.

I want to encourage you with the fact that one person can make a difference. I believe that God has a great call and purpose for your life, as He did for Esther’s. Your assignment may not be the deliverance of a nation, but whatever God has called you to be, is extremely significant.

Whatever it is, be diligent to embrace the preparation process it requires so that you will be well-equipped when the time comes for you to act.

God’s Word says if you need wisdom that you can ask Him and He will give it to you. James 1:5 So, if you are seeking God for direction on what the next step is, ask God. Seek Him for His divine purpose for your life and how it relates to helping others.

Once God gives you direction or strategy on His purpose for your life, write it down. Then begin to take steps to carry it out. Hab 2:2-3

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Get Out of The Cave in 2012

Get Out of The Cave in 2012

by Olga Hermans

The philosopher Plato wrote an allegory in which he compared people to prisoners chained in a cave. The only reality they knew was the tiny space of their surroundings. But if a person would stand up and break out of the chains, they could step out of the cave and into the light. This analogy can relate to our lives spiritually. The Bible says in John 1:5 that God is light and in Him there is no darkness at all!

You could be in a type of a cave. That cave could symbolize fear, depression, shame, or bitterness. The awesome thing is that Jesus has already paid the price for you to be free from the chains of the enemy. God has called you out of darkness and into the light of Christ Jesus.

There are so many distractions that will try to keep you from fulfilling your God-given purpose. You see, the enemy knows the potential that resides on the inside of you and he will do anything he can to keep you in fear of stepping out into something greater.

But you must wake up and realize you have been brought into the Kingdom for “such a time as this”. God has a purpose, an assignment, for you to fulfill. It is time to get out of your cave and be a light in this world.

God called Gideon out of the cave and to step out. “Cave dweller”, that is how Gideon, an Israelite, would have been labelled. The background on why this man was living in a cave is found in Judges, chapter 6. The story starts where the children of Israel had gone away from God.

They had begun to worship other gods, so they got out from under God’s protection. The Midianites (their enemies) took control for seven years, causing the Israelites to resort to dwelling in caves to hide from their enemies. Basically, the Israelites were in bondage and fear.

While in hiding, Gideon’s eyes were opened to the promises that God had for him. The angel of the Lord brought a word that Gideon needed to hear in Judges 6:12.

I love this because “God calls those things that are not as though they were” Rom 4:17, and that is what God does in our lives. Gideon was in hiding and God came and said, “Gideon, you’re a mighty man of God.” And Gideon said, “Who? Me?”

Gideon is wondering why everything had happened to them if the Lord was with them and where all the miracles are that all their fathers told them about. Judges 6:13

So many times we do that as well. We think, Well, if God is really with me, why are all these things happening to me? Gideon was complaining, but the children of Israel actually put themselves in the situation because they had gone away from God.

And so, the Lord turned to him and said: “Go with the strength you have, and rescue Israel from the Midianites. I am sending you!” “But Lord,” Gideon replied, “how can I rescue Israel? My clan is the weakest in the whole tribe of Manasseh, and I am the least in my entire family!” Judges 6:14-15

Gideon did what most of us have done: He began to compare himself with others and say, “But me? I am the weakest. I am the least. What do I have? Why are you choosing me, God? I can’t sing like that person. I can’t do this like that person.”

The Bible tells us it’s not wise to compare ourselves with others. 2Cor.10:12. Why? Because God is not going to help you to be anyone else other than the person He made you to be! God has put gifts inside you to bless someone else, not for you to get jealous or compare your gifts with someone else’s gifts. You better accept yourself as God made you.

Psalm 139:13-15 “The Message” says, “… You formed me in my mother’s womb … I am marvelously made! … You know exactly how I was made, … how I was sculpted from nothing into something …”

You are uniquely designed by God for a special purpose. God has put gifts and talents inside of you that no one else has, and He desires that you use them for His Glory! Don’t let comparison or fear keep you from stepping out into your destiny.

I remember the time that my husband and I stepped out to build a bible school in Amsterdam. I remember how overwhelmed I felt by the assignment and didn’t feel capable, but He saw something in us that we didn’t see. We had to trust God that He would give us the grace in everything that needed to be done.

I felt like Gideon at the time, trying to make excuses of why I couldn’t do it. But then we finally said, “Lord, we will do it, but we need your wisdom to do it.” We knew it was God’s will for us to do it, and He was faithful to give us the grace needed for the task. My husband and I had to choose to get out of the “cave” and depend on His grace and power to help us accomplish what He was asking of us.

Gideon was a lot like Moses. Gideon had a word from the Lord, and he started making excuses of “I’m the weakest, and I am the least.” I thought about the story of Moses in Exodus 3. Moses was the same way with God. Here are two men in the Bible who are listed as people whom God used, and they both made excuses of how they didn’t think God could use them.

Both Gideon and Moses were about to put their lives on the line. They were looking for the absolute knowing that the Lord had called them to take on their enemies and deliver their people.

When the Lord calls us to do something for Him, it’s not a lack of faith to ask Him to confirm the word that He’s told us. Remember, He’s more concerned about your doing the assignment than you are, and He’s well able to send a clear sign to you about how to fulfill it. But He doesn’t want you to hold back in fear. He wants you to use all that is available to you so that you can step out of your cave into something extraordinary in 2012.

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Hold On To Your Dream!


Hold On To Your Dream!


by Olga Hermans


What have you been dreaming about lately? You may not realize it, but the dream on the inside of you is the beginning of the life God has for you. You can’t look at life with a “whatever will be, will be” attitude, because everything begins with a dream. Dreams are the power that push you forward in reaching God’s destiny for your life.

No matter what stage of life we are in, we should never stop dreaming. And once we have a dream, we should never give up on it. Do you have a dream that is burning on the inside of you? Or has it slipped away because of seemingly impossible circumstances?

The book of Genesis records the story of Joseph. Genesis 37:5 says, “One night Joseph had a dream” NLT Joseph’s family was like many other people today. They didn’t understand or appreciate his dream. In fact, it was because of his dream that his brothers sold him into slavery. And Joseph went though many difficult years when it seemed as if his dream would never come to pass.

God had a very special plan for Joseph’s life, which was shown to him through dreams. The Lord also has a perfect plan for your life; He may not reveal it to you through a dream that comes while you are asleep, but He will give you the desire to bring that plan into fulfillment!

When you became a born-again believer, something very special happened to you: you received your birthright as a joint-heir of God with Jesus Christ. You now belong to the Father in heaven. People with spiritual birthrights are called by the Lord to fulfill His plan on earth, and that is why the Lord gives them spiritual dreams. It is His way of causing them to “occupy” and be fruitful until the return of Jesus.

Has the Lord given you a goal? That is a spiritual dream; you don’t have to receive the Lord’s call through a vision which comes in your sleep! Your inner desire to bring a specific plan into fulfillment IS your dream. If you don’t have a specific goal, get one! Without a dream, a vision, you will drift aimlessly along life’s flow. With a dream you will be fruitful and fulfilled.

God gave Joseph a spiritual dream, and his brothers hated him. Right after Joseph told his brothers about the dream, and shared it with his father, Jacob became upset. At first he didn’t understand how Joseph could imagine such things, but then Jacob began considering the contents of Joseph’s dream, and he began to believe that there was something more to it than he had initially realized.

Jacob discerned Joseph’s dream with spiritual judgement, but his sons did not discern it at all; in fact they were plotting against Joseph. They thought he was a dreamer. Doesn’t that sound like what the world has to say about Christians? They sometimes say, “Oh, those Christians are such dreamers! They should stop all that dreaming and get back to reality.”

Be prepared for the reaction of people around you, for they will often misunderstand you. Some people might even think that you’re crazy. So what? You have a dream, a goal which they might not have. Just like Joseph’s brothers, they had no such understanding of spiritual dreams, and when Joseph approached them, they banded together and grabbed him, stripping him of his colourful coat. They hated that coat with a passion.

Right then, Joseph’s life took an unconventional path. After being sold into slavery, he was thrown into prison, accused of things he did not do. But later Joseph realized that these difficult times helped prepare him to fulfill his dream.

Joseph eventually was elevated to second-in-command of Egypt. After his father died, and his brothers stood before him, he said to them, “You intended to harm me, but God intended it all for good. He brought me in this position so I could save the lives of many people.” Gen.50:20 NLT

Many people have dreams, but they don’t make any preparations to accomplish them. They think that if their dream is from God, it will just happen. But those who have accomplished the desires burning in their hearts can tell you that it didn’t “just” happen. There was some hard work involved.

Preparation time can be difficult. But without it, you can’t step into your DESTINY. I can see that in my own life. There have been many times that it seemed as if what I was doing would not help me reach the dreams that were in my heart. But looking back, I can see how God was in every step along the way.

Preparation is never easy, but when the time comes to step into your DESTINY, you’re ready. When Joseph’s time came, he acted on his dream. Gen 41:14

I want you to notice that Joseph didn’t sit in prison wondering, “Should I do this or not?” You may think that sounds crazy, but many people today sit in the prison of your thoughts, refusing to act on opportunities knocking at their door. Joseph acted on the opportunity presented to him and stepped into his DESTINY.

Are you ready to step up to the plate and accomplish what God placed on the inside of you? I encourage you to endure whatever hardship you are experiencing. Know that it will pay off in the end. And when you finally step up to the plate of your DESTINY, it will outshine the endurance that it took to get there.

That’s why people call the past “the good ole days.” The process may not seem like a good place to be at all. But when their dream, their destiny became a reality, all of that hardship didn’t mean anything anymore.

No matter what you are facing, don’t give up on your dream. It’s worth standing for. It’s worth fighting for. It’s worth enduring the difficulties for until it becomes a reality.

Dream a dream. And let it lead you into greater visions, followed by even greater ones! Stop being critical of other people’s dreams. When you have a dream, don’t let the enemy steal it. Joseph had to wait thirteen years before it came to pass. Purpose for 2012 to be a Joseph; Hold on to your dream!

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Restoration Is Yours!



Restoration Is Yours!

by Olga Hermans


Have you ever gotten out of bed one morning with a good attitude and a smile on your face, feeling great, looking forward to the day ahead and suddenly everything turns around? Or what about waking up in the morning thinking you can’t do this any more; everything is too overwhelming.

Let me encourage you to NOT give up and to NOT quit. It’s time to pick yourself up, rebuke satan and declare that there is something great about to happen in your life. You have to ask yourself, “Am I willing to wait for it?” No matter how devastating the attack might be, or how overwhelming things might look right now, God can turn things around and cause the blessing to equally overwhelm you.

The blessing can wipe out everything, seriously!! The blessing is no respecter of persons. Deut 28:2 says: And all these blessings shall come on thee, and overtake thee … The Brenton Translation says it like this: “All these blessings shall come upon you and shall find you….The Heb. says: all these blessings shall reach you…”

There are times that we think we have missed opportunities or blown chances. We can look back and think, why did I spend all those years running with the wrong people, partying, when I should have been getting ahead?

It’s true that some of you missed out on opportunities because you were raised in an unhealthy environment or grew up in poverty. Whatever the reason, when things don’t go our way, it’s tempting to think that you missed all your chances and your seasons. But the good news is that God always has another season in store for you.

He says in Joel 2:25 that He will restore the years that have been stolen. I have experienced a lot of rejection in my own life and on top of all that both my parents died within 2 years before I was 20. My mother in law rather saw me going than coming. It always felt there was no break in my life with people around me that really loved me. But God brought my husband in my life that stood with me through thick and thin. I don’t want to relive my whole childhood, so I want to leave it with that for now.

You probably have gone through things that have you wonder, why am I here on this earth? Wasn’t that what Job asked God? After he started praying for his enemies God turned his whole life around; He will do the same for you!

I am sure that God can make the rest of your life so rewarding and so fulfilling that it makes up for lost opportunities in your past. There are times of restoration. You are entitled to it; it belongs to you.

Let’s have a closer look at Joel 2:25 “And I will restore to you the years…” It talks about years. God says that He wants to restore YEARS that have been stolen from you. Now, be honest, has the devil stolen anything from you over the last five years? Do you want it back? Are you entitled to it? Yes, you are! Let that sink in deep on the inside of you! Everything that the devil has stolen from you.

Start believing God for everything that satan has stolen from you sevenfold!

Joel 2:26 says, and you shall eat in plenty! This is your condition immediately after your restoration. See how your lifestyle will change immediately after God restores everything what the devil has stolen for years; you shall eat in plenty.

Plenty is the nature of God. That has been the plan for you and me since the beginning. It never was the plan of God that we live in the land of “not enough” nor the land of “just enough,” but God has always intended for us to live in the land of “”more than enough,”

Have you ever lived under the shame of not being able to pay your bills? I have and it is not the nicest feeling either! God says in that same verse of Joel 2:26: “My people shall never be ashamed.” The shame of not being able to provide for your family like you really want to. After a while you feel terrible when you can’t do something that you really want to do because you’re limited and restricted.

God said, “When I restore the years, you shall eat in plenty. You will be satisfied. I will deal wondrously with you, and you will never know shame again.”
It is time to make a choice to remove everything that holds you onto your past. You can’t drag your past around with you and expect to enter into God’s destiny for your life.

So let me encourage you and challenge you today. Whatever has been stolen from you, you can get it back – and then some. Don’t get offended by God; it will only delay you restoration. What’s the bottom line of Satan stealing from you? To get you offended at God and delay your victory.

Why? Because when you’re offended at God, you’re not in His presence. And if you’re not in His presence, then you’re not in position for restoration. If Satan can steal from you and get you offended at God and keep you out of God’s presence, then he doesn’t have to repay you.

God is saying to you: “If you will persevere even though it’s difficult and believe even though you don’t see anything happening, then I will step in and do what you can’t do. I will make up for lost time. I will propel you to new levels. I will bring supernatural opportunities. I will put the right people in your path at the right time.

God will make up for your lost time. Every opportunity you’ve missed, every chance you’ve blown, all those years you may have wasted, I declare over you: restoration is coming your way.

God will restore those years. Things are changing in your favor. Your latter days will be better than your former days; I declare the rest of your life will be better than the first part of your life. So choose to receive it by faith!

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Get Ready For Your Restoration

Get Ready For Your Restoration

by Olga Hermans


Has your life been devastated in some way? Has satan attacked your family, you marriage, your health or your finances? If so, then it’s time to get fed up, march into satan’s camp, look him square in the eye and shout, “Your time is up, devil!

You may be under the greatest pressure you have ever been under, but now is not time to give up and quit. Now is the time to make a quality decision to stand firm. It is time to get back everything Satan has stolen from you. Proverbs 6:31 It is time to start declaring restoration in your home.

It is time for you to get fed up with satan stealing from you. Nothing will change in your life until you get completely fed up with the condition that you are in right now. John 10:1o tells us clearly that the devil comes to steal, kill and destroy. Don’t take that lightly, because he is on a mission to destroy your life and he won’t stop until you make him stop!

Whatever you are going through right now, it is not too big for God to handle. There is no impossibility that God does not have a possibility for. You may not realize this, but God can only be as big as you allow Him to be. When you believe there isn’t any way out of your situation, God has just become smaller than your problem.

Take the limits off of God. He is able to deliver you out of all your afflictions. Psalm 34:19 He is bigger than anything you may encounter, and He will cause you to come out on top! God is able to work in any situation. He is able to turn any adversity around and cause you to triumph when things seem impossible.

God wants you to get every mountain of hindrance out of your way so you can possess your promised land, the mountaintop of God’s blessings in Christ. God has provided a way for you to become established in His Word and remove the barriers that stand in your way of possessing everything that God has for you in this life.

These are exciting times that we are living in. Read a prophesy by clicking here. Supernatural increase and restoration are in the air, and God wants you to be affected by it. He wants it happening to you. It’s happening to those who will get in the position to receive. This is a new day and satan is scared, because he knows that there is an army rising up in the earth today that is militant.

Last week I posted a prayer in our facebook-group, because this was swelling up on the inside of me.
This is my prayer for you as our readers as well.

Father God, I pray for this group of people, that you will raise them up to be mighty warriors to fiercely tread down the powers of darkness and set the captives free. Cause them to rise up and take authority over the forces of the enemy that have blinded the nations to follow the paths of destruction. Pour out Your Spirit upon them. Transform their lives as their minds are renewed. Strengthen them to walk as sons and daughters of God in the earth, in total victory, not ever overcome with evil, but overcoming evil with good all the time, in every situation, without fail. In the name of Jesus!

We need to become aggressive; we have to make up our minds. This is the time that people start making new resolutions; this should be one of them. Say: “This year 2012 is MY year”, this is a year where you will be debt free, all your bills will be paid on time and you have more to put in your storehouses to overflowing.

God has done absolutely everything that is necessary for you and I to live an overcoming life. Jesus does not have to go to the cross again for that to take place in your life. He has already gone. He has already made that provision. He has already given His Word. He has already shed His blood. The covenant is in effect, and all you have to do is get in position to receive, stand your ground, and don’t let the devil steal your blessing.

Let me ask you a question. Have you ever had a blessing stolen from you? There are a number of ways that satan will attack you hoping that you will drop your guard so he can steal your blessing. The devil is stealing from everybody. Some people just give up and let him do it. They don’t even put up a fight. The devil is stealing blessings from us that belong to us, and we just sit there and let him get away with it.

God says, But if He be found, he shall restore sevenfold. Proverbs 6:31

There is a deceiver in the earth, and if you are ever going to get back what he has stolen from you, you are going to have to live by the sword. That sword is not a defensive weapon, it is an offensive weapon! If you are passive, you will never get your blessing back. You have to get militant. You have to become assertive. You have to get aggressive, or you will never get your blessing back.

This is what you need to confess: Devil, everything you have stolen from us I command you to repay us now sevenfold. I speak life to every area of our lives that you have tried to destroy. Click here for more.

You are not going to change your lifestyle until you are fed up with the way you are living. You have to be fed with your children being on drugs or with them not living for the Lord or whatever the situation might be. The moment you get fed up, things will change.

When you get fed up, you are going to take that yoke off your neck. When you get fed up, there isn’t any demon in hell that can hold you back! As long as you are still tolerating it, you’re not fed up! Don’t just accept your condition. Don’t make provision for failure. Instead of petting the problem, you need to make a choice to be fed with it! That’s the moment that you are getting ready for RESTORATION!

You can subscribe to The Daily Choice which brings an encouraging message 5 days a week to your inbox by clicking here

The Right Place at The Right Time

The Right Place at The Right Time

by Olga Hermans



Is there something like that? This is something that I confess many times, that I’ll be in the right place with the right people at the right time, do the right things and that I hear the right thing, because my steps are ordered of the Lord. That is a great confession to make. Could you be in the wrong place at the right time?

There is a place God has designed where opportunities find you, a place where the blessings overtake you. He has a particular place for each one of us, a place where each of us will find our highest purpose, where we will thrive and reflect God’s greatness.

You can tell your place of blessing by how it feels to you. Your senses will tell you, this is where I am supposed to be. I think I mentioned that already once that we played that game with our children when they were young. We would hide something from them and they had to go and find it. We would tell them they were getting warmer and warmer until they would be right there, when we would say “you are red hot”. If they went in the wrong direction, we would say, “You’re getting colder. Now you’re freezing cold!”

I like to encourage you to always move toward the places that feel warm to you, and move away from those that feel cold to you. You can make a choice. Freedom to choose is a gift from God.

God says the same to us as He said to the Israelites: “I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live” Deut.30:19 We can choose our path but we cannot choose the consequences of that path. Those are already established.

In the Old testament, the children of Israel followed the cloud by day and the pillar by night. Sometimes the cloud remained at the same location for two or three months. They camped there until the signs changed. Sometimes, the cloud would move every day for a week. So when they rose each morning, the first thing they had to do was to check the cloud.

I am sure there were times when they wanted to move because they didn’t like the location or they were surrounded by enemies. But the cloud stayed, so they stayed. At other times, I can imagine they would wake up and they saw the cloud moving and didn’t want to move because they like the place where they were.

But they understood very well that their blessing was connected to being at the right place. If they wouldn’t move, they wouldn’t have the food, the supplies and most of all no protection they needed unless they followed the cloud.

They had to do their part and reach their place of blessing so they could enjoy God’s favor. If you miss the signs, whether clouds or pillars of fire, or just a nagging feeling deep inside, you could become trapped in a bad place.

Life is too short to waste time and live with regrets. Follow the signs to your best place. There is a sweet spot for you; when you find it, you will feel a deep sense of purpose and fulfillment. Search your heart and be sensitive to where it might be.

You need to put yourself in position to receive those blessings. If you will stay sensitive and responsive to the signs and those leadings, you will find that God is always talking to you. He is always drawing you into His plan. That’s why I like to encourage you to get in tune with Him every morning through prayer and your Bible reading.

He knows where you need to be. He knows what you need to do each day to stay on track. He knows the plan! Seek Him and you will see it too!

There may be times when you get to a plateau and you don’t seem to be going anywhere. When that happens, it is never God’s fault. He is always ready to help. So when you get to a place like that, just dive into His Word in a greater measure and ask Him to show you where you’ve missed it.

Sometimes we have to step back and regroup. We miss God’s direction now and then. But when you are in the right place, connected to the right person, that’s when God will release great things into your life. Look for the signs in your own life. Be determined to reach that sweet spot, the place of blessing for you. Search your heart. Make sure you are obeying and staying faithful.

Remember, your blessing is connected to being in the right place at the right time. If you make staying in God’s perfect will a priority, God will lead you and guide you. He will pour out His blessings and favor, and you will live that life of victory He has in store for you.

Right now you might be thinking, Well, all that may be true but I haven’t been listening to God and obeying Him. I have been doing my own thing for years and my life is so totally messed up, I don’t think even God can fix it. I think I’ve missed my chance to walk out His plan.

No, you haven’t missed your chance. All you have to do is make a U-turn. I heard someone say the other day, “God allows U-turns.” Instead of running away from Him, run to Him like you would run to somebody you really trust. Start going after Him with all your heart. God can take any life and any situation and turn it around. He lives to do that. He is just waiting for you to give Him the opportunity.

God knows your heart. If it is earnestly turned toward Him, He will immediately start treating you like you have always been obedient and start pumping His goodness into your life.

You can subscribe to The Daily Choice which brings an encouraging message 5 days a week to your inbox by clicking here

Living the Life You Really Want Is Not Always Easy


Living the Life You Really Want Is Not Always Easy

by Olga Hermans



Living the life you really want is not always easy, but you can do it. Let me show you how. God has a plan for your life. It doesn’t matter how much time has passed or what kind of mistakes you have made, the vision He has given you is still in you and it is time to pursue it. If you are willing to pursue your dreams, nothing can keep them from coming to pass!

Has your dream become fuzzy? Has everything around you, your circumstances, what people say, or what the economy says affected your dream? Have you come to that place where you have decided that it will never come to pass? Or, is that dream still somewhere deep, down inside of you? If it is, then it’s time to dust off your unfulfilled dreams!

It’s time to create a proper atmosphere in your life so that your dream will become a reality. It is important that you know that before you can change your present situation; you have to look ahead to where you want to be. You cannot keep focusing on your present circumstances. You need to know where you are going, so you can set your goals for getting there when you arrive.

“… Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables,
that he may run that readeth it.” Hab 2:2

This is a very important verse in the Bible, because that is how God works and we should do the same. The only way to know what you want to do and know where you are going is to think about it and to write it down.

Hebrews 11 says that God is an architect and a builder. Architects and builders have blueprints; they have plans. Noah had a plan to build the Ark; Moses had a plan to build the tabernacle; Solomon had a plan for the temple; and He has a plan for your life.

Every time you read your vision that God has put in your heart, you can run with it. It keeps you focused. It motivates you. It propels you forward. What puts a dance in your step and a smile on your face? If you haven’t experienced anything like that in years, then it’s time to get away with Him.

There are times that we have to shut ourselves away with God. It can be in your own house, where you find peace and become still before Him. Once you hear the Father reveal His plan to you, you write it down and run with it. Then, you never give up until it becomes a reality.

Don’t let it overwhelm you. Life doesn’t happen all at once. It happens in minutes and hours. Take each day as an opportunity to seek God about what He would want for you to do that particular day.

It doesn’t matter how old you are. You can act on the dreams and ideas He has put in your heart. People may want to put you out of pasture, but God never does that. He is with you no matter what. So, don’t waste your precious life only dreaming, and not acting upon it.

He didn’t care that Abraham was an old man when He gave him an idea of his future as the father of many generations. He doesn’t care if you are five years old or ninety-five years old. He sees your potential and the impact you can have on the future, regardless of what age you are.

Get determined for the dream in your own life, to move forward, to keep on living and learning, and doing something. You should be constantly dreaming, constantly believing the Father will help you achieve higher heights. You gotta know that what you dream of will come to pass, if you have faith in God, in yourself, and in the dream.

It is your responsibility to not only dream and be determined in your dream, but also to move into the direction of your dream. Don’t spend too much of your energy on what other people have done in the past, or you will continually be living in the past. The past never sees the future!

It All Starts On The Inside

God drops a dream in your heart in the form of a picture of that dream. In other words, you have to see it on the inside. When you see a promise in the Bible, that promise is designed by the Holy Spirit to paint a picture on the inside of you. Words create images. The Word says, “I wish above all things that you may prosper and be in health.” The Holy Spirit will take that scripture, those God inspired words, and create an image on the inside of you.

From that moment on, you will begin to have an image of health and prosperity on the inside of you. When you meditate on the scripture, your image is going to become more real on the inside of you than what is happening on the outside.

The Bible says that “as man thinks in his heart, so is he.” God’s Word is designed to paint images. You can see it this way – your heart is the canvas, the Holy Spirit is the Artist, and the Word is the oil. As you fellowship with Him, the Holy Spirit will paint an image on the canvas of your heart of the way God sees you, not the way the world sees you.

We don’t think in words, we think in images. When I speak the word house to you, you automatically think h-o-u-s-e and, it’s likely that you think of your own house. But if I would say a mansion and you don’t live in a mansion, then you don’t see your own home any longer, you will see an image of somebody else’s home.

That is the very reason why God put His Word in print, so you and I would get an image of what He promises us. God is not a respecter of persons. He is not going around picking out a few people and dropping a dream in their hearts because He loves them more than He loves someone else. He wants to plant a dream in the heart of everybody.

In order for that dream to drop into your heart, you must be in communion with Him. You must have time and fellowship with Him. The more time you spend with Him, the more real your dream will become. As a result, you will begin to look for it; you will begin to expect it to come to pass.

Never give up, keep looking for it. Get the image of what God has planned for you deep down on the inside and constantly see yourself walking in your dream. Seize your destiny. Don’t let it slip away. Click here for more information.