What Does the Holy Spirit Want to Show You About Your Future?




What Does the Holy Spirit Want to Show You
About Your Future?


by Olga Hermans

For several years I worked in the office of our bible school. One day, the office was full of people coming and going. There was an air of excitement, and everyone was chatting and laughing. Suddenly, a man in the middle of a walkie-talkie conversation came into the office. Even in the midst of the ongoing commotion of the office and static of the walkie-talkie, I recognized my husband’s voice on the other end of the walkie-talkie. I know my husband and I know his voice. That’s exactly how Christians should be attuned to hearing the voice of the Holy Spirit and receiving His ongoing guidance and direction.

Our future doesn’t need to be a mystery to us, if we remain connected to the Holy Spirit. He knows everything that is ahead of us. Jesus promised that the Spirit of the Truth, our Friend, would come and take us by the hand and guide us into all truth, telling us only what he has heard from God. He will order our steps, preparing us for what is to come.

How long has it been since you made the effort to sit down and be quiet, focusing all your thoughts toward the Father? It requires discipline to direct your thoughts toward God and ignore the random things that pop into your mind. You can be listening to God with one ear, as your mind makes a grocery list!

If we really want to hear from God, we need to focus on God, and only God, with everything that is within us. This will open our spiritual ears to hear what God has to say about our futures.

We know that God has a plan for us, a plan that is for our good. We also know that the Holy Spirit guides us into all truth (John 16:13). God knows that we need help to discern His plan for us, so He sent the Holy Spirit to dwell inside every Christian. The Holy Spirit is our Guide, our Teacher of Truth, our Counselor, and our Helper. He is also our Comforter.

God is not a respecter of persons, and He promises that we all are able to hear from God and experience the help of the Holy Spirit. He is always speaking to us, but we strain to recognize His voice because we are not familiar with it. We learn to recognize His voice in those moments that we are quiet before Him, patiently waiting.

Do you want guidance? Then be sensitive to the things that the Holy Spirit wants to show you, and then do as He says. As you learn to recognize God’s voice, you will know what to do. You will begin to act in faith as you experience the Spirit’s tug at your heart, or get an “inkling” or “knowing” about something to come.

I regularly watch the 700 Club. One of my favourite segments of the show is the testimonies of people who were Spirit-led to do something outside of their normal routines. For example, the person who is inexplicably compelled to drive a different route to work, only to discover that he missed a 10-car pile-up. Or the World Trade Center worker who sensed an inner witness to report to work late on 9/11. The Holy Spirit was protecting these people, guiding them away from danger.

The Holy Spirit has also given people hunches about making investments, and they have been supernaturally financially blessed by following through on His leading. It’s amazing to think of all the ways God wants to prepare us for our futures. But we must trust Him, step-by-step, to cover the big picture.

One of the ministries of the Holy Spirit is to guide and lead us into God’s will for each of our lives. I believe that we can release His plan for us by believing that He will let us know what to do in His perfect timing. We need discernment to do that, not mere head knowledge.
1Cor.2:14-16 tells us plainly that the natural man does not understand the spiritual man. Your spirit knows things that your head doesn’t know!

Because satan doesn’t want you to learn how to operate in the spiritual realm, he works hard to bring deception concerning these things. As a result, many people are actually afraid to believe that they can hear from God. They choose to remain in spiritual darkness rather than taking a chance on making a mistake.

Making mistakes is not the end of the world, but not learning from our mistakes is far more serious. We learn from life’s experiences as well as from the Word. Don’t be afraid of making a mistake. Be a person who has a pioneering spirit and is willing to learn.

God doesn’t always give the whole scoop of everything that we want to know, but He gives us enough information to make progress toward our destiny. He speaks in a still small voice. So I encourage you to seek God about your future. Focus on Him alone, listen and obey the leading of the Holy Spirit.

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Success begins on the inside


Success begins on the inside

by Olga Hermans


How many times have you heard that success starts on the inside? Probably many, many times because it is true! Success begins on the inside, it begins in our heart. Do you like to read the Psalms? I do, and I also like to read Proverbs.

Psalms 120-134 give us great principles for success and promotion in life. King David wrote these Psalms and He has proven that these principles worked his own life. It doesn’t matter what you are, whether you are a mommy or a daddy; a pastor, a clerk, teacher or maybe a leader is some way or form. These principles work every time.

I am looking forward to meet David; he did many things wrong, but he had a very special place in the heart of God. He was promoted and he was famous; he had a great character and knew how to honor people.

He had made a terrible mistake with Bathsheba and a lot of other sins, but he was still called “a man after God’s own heart” Acts 13:22. How can that be? Do you want to know? I hope you do!

David knew a secret. The Bible tells us: “Man looketh on the outward appearance, but God looketh on the heart” 1 Sam. 16:7. God judges us by our heart; He doesn’t judge us by our actions “IF” we repent.

If it is all up to God, He would rather have our actions to be wrong and our heart be right, than our heart to be wrong and our actions right. I like that choice!! God rebuked many people in the Old Testament because they had hardened their heart.

The people said they loved the Lord with their lips and actions, but their hearts were far from Him, Isa. 29:13. But David was different; he kept his heart pure for God. He was quick to repent and seek the face of God. God chastened him many times because of his sins, but David always came back stronger than ever and became a better man and a better king than before.

David knew that sin begins with the thoughts you allow in your heart and not with what we do. If you keep a pure heart, you will keep your heart pure. Solomon was David’s son who wrote most of proverbs; he said:

Keep vigilant watch over your heart; that’s where life starts. Don’t talk out of both sides of your mouth; avoid careless banter, white lies, and gossip. Keep your eyes straight ahead; ignore all sideshow distractions. Watch your step, and the road will stretch out smooth before you. Look neither right nor left; leave evil in the dust. Prov. 4:23-27 Msg.

You see, what most people don’t realize is that our mouth, eyes and hands are controlled by our heart. If our heart is pure, it is easier to keep our tongue from sinning and keep our actions on the right track.

David was a man that wanted to please God; not only did he keep his heart pure, he also kept it free from pride. We can read his thoughts about pride in Psalm 131:1 – MY heart is not haughty, nor my eyes lofty; neither do I exercise myself in matters too great or in things too wonderful for me. Ampl.

We don’t need to be arrogant, we don’t need a blown up self-esteem. We all know what happened to Lucifer; arrogance is the very source of the original sin of Lucifer Isa. 14:12-14, Ezek. 28:16 and the source of all our personal sin. Proverbs 16:18 says, “First pride, then the fall– the bigger the ego, the harder the crash.”

An arrogant, prideful person feels they must always prove to everyone that they are better than others. They try to control every conversation and situation. They don’t want to recognize their own weaknesses and certainly not the strengths of others.

They don’t want to be taught themselves; but they want to show everybody else how they can do their job better. They think that are the best gift to the whole world. Arrogance is the one disease that makes everybody sick except the one who has it!

Then there are the people who are so confident and who are truly secure and know that God is their source. The self-confident person is the enemy of the arrogant person; they don’t understand someone who is willing to let everyone be themselves and have their eccentricities.

The arrogant and the confident travel two very different roads to success. Arrogant people will always try to work every situation for their own benefit. They have no respect whatsoever for authority because they are convinced that they would do a lot better. They lie often times about the ones in authority; they will always try to work both sides for their good.

We need to know where our happiness comes from; it doesn’t come from things like cheating and lying, being deceitful and stabbing other people’s back.

David was happy while watching over his father’s sheep, he was happy when he lived in a cave hiding for Saul and the armies of Israel. He was confident in God; he knew that his happiness came from the Lord.

David was a mystery to many in his kingdom who were striving for higher positions. Many people around him might have thought that he was simple-minded and ignorant of the true road to success. But David lived from his heart, he perceived the ways of God and had experienced some things himself that made him stand out from the crowd. Like fighting a bear and a lion and being all by himself in the fields.

Many people try to promote themselves into positions which only God can give; He knows the gifts and talents that are on the inside of everybody. We all have a place in the Kingdom; we don’t have to strive for a position or for attention. God will gladly show us what we need to do and where we need to go.

It is time to trust God and to be confident that He lives on the inside of you; always ready to give you the wisdom you need and lead you to the green pastures that He has prepared for you already before you were born. Just relax in who you are and whose you are and see your success unfold in your life like never before. It all starts on the inside!




8 Things That Deplete the Core of Your Being

8 Things That Deplete the Core of Your Being

by Olga Hermans

Have you been struggling at times with the feelings of frustration that come with trying to be like someone else? You struggle to find out what your gifts and talents are, but don’t seem to get your breakthrough. There are many things that keep us from being the person we really are; we have a tendency to sabotage ourselves in many areas and when we do that, we keep going around the same mountain time after time.

I know what I am talking about; I have the T-shirt so to speak. So I’d like to help you in this as much as I can. Here are eight things that when you stay away from them you will be able to discover the life you were born to live. These eight things deplete your spirit from spiritual power, which you so desperately need to get closer to being in the right place at the right time to fulfill your destiny.

1. Spiritual power on the inside of you can be lost by being too busy and not spending enough time with God.

The busier you become, the more you need spiritual refreshment and replenishing. We all know that this is true, but somehow our mind pulls us away from our spiritual need into the business of life. Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and emails keep calling us that we HAVE to answer right now or else…. You know exactly what I am talking about, but the truth is that those things deplete the very core of our being that needs to be filled up daily!

2. Your spiritual power is exhausted by being involved in worldly things.

Being involved in non-spiritual affairs wears you out and makes you tired; why? Because the atmosphere in some places is not beneficial for your spiritual growth and may even be anti-spiritual. You need to be able to get your soul quiet before the Lord and be renewed in your fellowship with Him. Most people don’t like to discipline themselves to find time for God’s Word and prayer. Many times hard working people are more blessed because they know what it takes to schedule in some time for different things.

3. Lack of unity with other Christians depletes our spiritual power.

David says that unity, like the dew from heaven, brings spiritual refreshment and blessing. Psalm 133:3. Disunity does the opposite. It dries the soul, shrinks your spiritual life, and evaporates refreshment and keenness. When you are critical or have thoughts of resentment, or any unforgiveness or bitterness of heart; your spiritual power is dissipated.

4. Lack of Obedience.

This is a biggie that we all know, but when we fail to walk in God’s light we can lose power in the core of our being which is our spirit. When we fail to recognize and accept God-given opportunities we lose power. God never demands anything from us; He only shows us opportunities and it depends on how much we love Jesus and how much we desire to please Him in being obedient to Him.

5. Self-centeredness and self-indulgence.

The Lord takes pleasure in our prosperity; He wants us debt free and He wants to take of every need that we have. BUT!! If we only want to have everything for the sake of ourselves, we are in the wrong and it depletes us of power in the very core of our being. The Holy Spirit will always show us the needs of others. Being self-centered is the opposite of being Christ-centered and Kingdom-centered.

6. Pride and self-sufficiency.

Pride comes before the fall. We are absolutely nothing without God. When we humble ourselves before the Lord, He will promote us to higher levels and show us things beyond our own imagination. I always liked this statement from Billy Graham: “If God should take His hand from my life, these lips will turn to lips of clay.” 2Cor.4:7 tells us that we are only earthen vessels and that all the power we have on the inside of us belongs to God anyway.

7. Too much humor can be too much!

This one might shock a little bit, but too much is just too much. Humor in itself is a gift from God to us, but if we use it inappropriately and throw it all over the place it depletes us of spiritual power. We need to use humor modestly; even too much wholesome humor can waste God’s power in the core of our being.

8. Sin ALWAYS depletes and destroys the power of the Spirit.

Thank God that we can always come to Him for repentance of sin and we will always be forgiven and cleansed. God always shows a way out and back to His favor, presence and His power. 1John 2:1-2. Remorse, regret and humbling ourselves before the Lord (James 3:7-10) can open the gate to God’s full favor and the flood tide of His power upon us again!

The Power of Corporate Prayer


The Power of Corporate Prayer

by Olga Hermans


The Bible tells us that we are a house of prayer; personally and as a church. I am a member of an awesome church and the reason why I enjoy it so much is because there is a lot of prayer going on. I have learned so much since I am in this church that I like to bring some of that to you; I hope you don’t mind!

Amazing things happen when believers come together and pray and what is even more important is that impossible victories are won. Things that you have a hard time dealing with on your own will be dissolved in no time when praying people come together.
Our own time of prayer can be very precious and as much as we enjoy fellowshipping with the Father on our own, we are living in a time where many people are facing many challenges that can only be met by the corporate prayers. This is not the time to be a lone prayer ranger.

We are living in a time where God is looking for people who are drawing near to Him but also to each other. Proverbs 27:17 says that iron sharpens iron. One of the exciting things that happen when we come together in prayer is that gifting that have been hidden within us are revealed and activated. The anointing on us connects with the anointing on someone else and enables us to step into spiritual positions we could never have engaged by ourselves.

The story of Saul is one of my favorite illustrations for this. Saul was very timid at first, he didn’t look much like a king and he had no experience operating in the power of the Holy Spirit. Do you want to know how God changed him?

He changed him by bringing him in contact with anointed people. Yeah, God used the gifts on these praying people to awaken Saul to his own calling and that changed him into a different man. Being with those people changed him completely.

That is how important divine connections and relationships are; they change us. They also activate spiritual endowments and giftings that are lying dormant on the inside of us. They prepare us for our future and they inspire us to go to higher heights in God.

Have you ever experienced that? It is a great thing when that happens. We can walk around for years with our calling and gifting on the inside of us; they are like seeds on the ground. But then God sends somebody across our path who is anointed to cultivate them, those seeds in us will begin to sprout. The more we are with that person, the bigger those seedlings grow.

That is exactly how I experienced that when I stepped into our church. Our pastors are very sensitive to the callings on people’s lives and they speak into the lives of their members and you see people getting stronger and more confident to what they are called to. I really believe that without meeting certain people in your life, seeds will not be able to sprout.

Your need to discover the life you were born to live is of utmost importance; we all need those divine connections. Nobody else can discern it for you. Nobody else can pursue it for you. Nobody else can complete it for you. You and I need each other; we need these divine connections, but in the end we are responsible for what we do or don’t do.

It is very important to be a member of the household of faith, to be in the right company. You are meant to be in a certain place, in a certain group of people that assemble together and work together in unity and love each other.

We need to assemble corporately; we supplement and complement each other. To complement means to strengthen each other or to add to something that already exists. To supplement means to bring elements together and create something new.

The colors of the rainbow appearing side by side complement each other. When the colors mesh, however, something even more wonderful happens. New colors become visible that are only made possible by the merging. When yellow and blue join together, they make green. Red and yellow make orange. Isn’t that beautiful?

I believe with all of my heart that these are the days when impossible victories will be won. These are the days when we will draw near not only to God but to each other; days when the power of corporate prayer will be released and the forces of the devil will be routed.

God did it for Saul and He can do it for you; He will bring you divine connections, He will bring you into a group of anointed people that will awaken the gifts on the inside of you. Will you be able to discern that divine moment?

As you make time for Him, you are able to both listen to His direction and continually enjoy His presence. As I am writing this I am getting ready for tonight’s corporate prayer in church; one of my most enjoyable moments of the week! I know one thing, it will be good!

I hope you too will enjoy a place where God brings you to worship, fellowship and pray with others in that corporate setting. Now you know how important it is to mix those colors and create something new!

If you desire to know more about prayer, my book on prayer will exhort you to pray in many areas of your prayer-life!

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How to Get Back on Your Feet After a Storm?

How to Get Back on Your Feet After a Storm?

by Olga Hermans



Have you ever watched the progress of a furious storm on the news, and noticed how trees respond to the assault of the relentless high winds? You may see an uprooted tree flying by while the newscaster describes the devastation of the storm. Or you may see a tropical tree bent to the ground as rain pummels the reporter who is struggling to stand upright.

People, when faced with the fast and furious storms of life, are similar to trees: some are strong and stable, withstanding the ongoing gales, but some come crashing down in heavy winds.

There is a particular tree that is found in areas that experience a lot of tropical storms: the palm tree. Its trunk is not as massive as, say an oak tree, but it seems to fare so much better than most other trees in those powerful storms. The resiliency and strength of the palm tree has amazed me when I have noticed them in a documentary or a TV show like Survivor. They seem to withstand the most violent of storms. Would you like to know why?

You guessed it! God designed them to bend, but not break in those heavy windstorms. Palm tree can bend all the way over until their tops touch the ground, yet still not break. They can remain bent for 4-5 hours without snapping in two, because they are very resilient. They bounce right back. Researchers say that when the palm tree is bent to the ground, its root system is actually strengthened by the stress, giving new opportunities for growth.

We too should bend with hard times and then grow. Psalm 92:12 says: “Righteous people flourish like palm trees.” That is what God says will happen to you and me, if we just stay in faith.

You and I were designed to bend and not break. God promises to give you ‘…strength that endures the unendurable and spills over into joy’ (Colossians 1:11). The unfolding of God’s amazing plan for your life will happen as you show your ability to endure. Do you believe that?

You may be facing a divorce that you don’t want, or the death of a loved one, or you may have received a bad report about your health. The storms come rolling in and it looks as if your dreams are being swept away with them. But you are like a palm tree, and once the storm has passed, you will arise. You will get back on your feet and keep growing. Certainly, there will be times that it would appear to be ‘over’ for you. You’re done.

But you are not average. You are not an ordinary person. Life may have given you a tough blow. But the good news is that God has put that bounce back in your spirit to get you back on your feet again in no time.

Don’t be tempted to give up on your dreams. Hold on to them. Dig deep into your spirit, and know that you are more than a conqueror. You were created to rise above your problems.

No weapon formed against you will prosper. Proverbs 24:16 says that even if good people fall seven times, they will get back up.
It is in the tough times of life that we find out what we are really made of. The storms in life are intended to test your quality, to test your character and to test your faith. All through life you will face various storms, and, of course, they are not enjoyable, but God uses storms to strengthen you, to cleanse and purify you.

He is trying to shape you into the person He wants you to be. Those winds, that storm, that trouble, that sickness will not last forever. When the ill winds are blowing, and they will, know that this too shall pass.

I remember the time I had to face severe rejection from people who meant a lot to me. Before my salvation, I was involved in a self-help group. I liked the people and was enjoying what I was learning.

At one meeting, the group leader guided us in visualization. (For those of you who are not familiar with how this works, the leader provides the general details of the visualization, such as place, time, and weather. Each group member imagines or visualizes the particulars of the experience such people, relationships, or emotions.)

The group was climbing a mountain. I was one of the last ones in the group and I kept looking at them, wondering why they never looked back at me to see that I was so far behind.

As I kept climbing, I saw that the whole group had gone to the left. They were sitting in a circle, not aware that I was missing. I continued to the top of the summit where a very old man with a beard was waiting for me. The mountain top was a cliff , and as I looked, I saw a little river of blood streaming below. Then I looked up again, and saw a man in a white dress, waving at me to come over to the other side. There wasn’t a bridge or anything, but I did notice, a hair-thin line connecting where I stood to the other side. I knew I couldn’t make it that day, and looked at the old man and asked him, “What I should do?” He replied, “At the right time, you will know what to do.”

I recounted my visualization experience to my group, and from that moment on they totally rejected me! I was mystified. It was very, very painful. At a later meeting, we were sitting in our customary circle and I asked each and every one of them “Do you want me to stay in the group?” I asked 15 people and 15 people told me that they preferred that I leave.

I wept and wept that evening. Totally broken, I couldn’t even stand upright from the emotional pain I was experiencing. I was devastated and in the middle of a storm. In that moment, I was bent to the ground. But God was strengthening my “root system”, preparing me for new growth. I will never forget that day. Later, that new growth came in the gift of my salvation and discovering the meaning of the stream of blood and the identity of the man (Jesus) on the other side.

King David said the following about people who trust in God, ‘They are strong, like a tree planted by a river…” (Psalm 1:3 NCV). God’s plan for you is to go deep, stay connected to Him, and never be uprooted, or blown away. If you’re facing attack, or a storm, don’t ask, ‘Why me?’ Instead remember, “God has made me like a palm tree” and you will ALWAYS be able to bounce back and get back on your feet.

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You Need Some Attitude to Get Your New Beginning!

You Need Some Attitude to Get Your New Beginning!

by Olga Hermans


How is your year going? What is happening; are there some new things going on in your life? This is the year of new beginnings and the year of full restoration.

Sometimes when new things are happening and we sense that we are going to a new place in life, we feel that everything and everyone around us is strange. We are lonely and do not feel comfortable or “at home.”

Sometimes it requires that we give up everything we own and start all over. For some people it requires an act of obedience. My husband and I left everything behind to move to Canada in 2004. It’s a long story, but that is what we did and we had those feelings of loneliness and feeling that everything and everyone around us was strange.

We have people in our church that left everything behind just to be in our church; really! They left everything behind, stepped in their car and drove from Toronto to Vancouver and they are blessed beyond their own imagination!

Those acts of obedience pay great dividend, not only in personal happiness and contentment that comes from knowing we are in the will of God, but also in the material blessings that God provides according to the promises of His Word.

If you want a year of new beginnings and full restoration in your life then you have to be somebody with attitude. You need a little oomph, because Matt.11:12 tells us that we need to take the kingdom by force. You have to come at the devil and let him know you got some attitude.

Look at blind Bartimaeus in Mark 10:48, he had attitude. This man is blind and poor—plainly speaking he is a nobody. Nobody cares about him and he’s reduced to being a beggar.

He’s sitting by the highway begging when he hears that Jesus of Nazareth walking by. He began to cry out, “Jesus, thou son of David, I know your lineage; I know you’re a covenant man, have mercy on me.”

This man decided that if Jesus, the walking Word is here—then his need can be met, his condition can be healed, and his life can be changed.

So he cried out, “Jesus, son of David have mercy on me.” Then the crowd told him to hold his peace, a nice way of saying “shut up, Jesus doesn’t want to talk to you”. Well, they may be telling you, you’re a nobody, or you’re just a member of the congregation, or you’re black or you’re white; He doesn’t want to talk to you, so shut up.

But this man had some attitude. The more they told him to shut up, the louder he got, and the more he said it. This man refused to stay in his condition; he wanted a new beginning. He wanted to break out of his poverty, his blindness—his bleak situation. He was determined not to let anybody get in his way.

How about you? Are you going to start this year with some attitude?

To have a new beginning you can’t let anybody get in your way. The more they tell you”you can’t have it”, the more you should say, “it’s my new year; it’s my new year.”

Well, blind Bartimaeus’ faith caused Jesus to stand still and command him to be brought to Him. Then those around him started saying, “be of comfort, He is calling you.” Now, weren’t these the same people who told him to shut up?

Well, that’s the way it’s going to be with you. The same people who told you, you’re a nobody, are going to be the same people who will have to acknowledge that Jesus is calling for you. In order to get your miracle you are going to have to show some attitude.

Jesus loves to be merciful; I can just imagine that scene. Bartimaeus was determined. That is what you and I need to be if we want this year to be different from any other year. We need to step up to the plate and know that it is our destiny to make a home-run in our life.

We need to discover what is on the inside of us and break through that power of resistance and take off those grave clothes, come out of that cave and show ourselves to the world that needs us. Yeah, there are people on the other side of your destiny that need your testimony, so they will be encouraged again.

You can be the very hope for them that they will know that they were born for such a time as this and there is a place for them to shine and give God all the glory!

We do not cry out for God’s mercy enough. We spend too much time trying to deserve God’s goodness. In Luke 17:12-19, lepers cried out for mercy, and they all received their healing, but only one came back to give thanks to Jesus.

In Matthew 15:22-28, a woman from the Canaanite district said with a loud and urgent cry, “Have mercy on me, O Lord, Son of David! My daughter is miserably and distressingly and cruelly possessed by a demon!” Her daughter was delivered. In Matthew 17:15, we see a man whose son had epilepsy, and he came to Jesus and said, “Have mercy on my son, for he has epilepsy.” Jesus stopped again and cured the boy.

What do YOU need from Jesus? Do you need to be healed? Do you need your bills paid, or maybe you are believing that your family will come to the Lord this year. THIS is that year for you; this is the year of jubilee, the year of full restoration in your life.

It seems wherever Jesus traveled, somebody asked Him for mercy. In response to them, He stopped, talked to them, and met their needs. Acts 10:38

You are NOT a nobody; you are valuable and you were born for this time with a destiny inside of you. You have an assignment. Get some oomph and an attitude to do what God called you to do.

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The Mystery of Romance

The Mystery of Romance

by Olga Hermans


Next week it’s Valentine’s Day; do you love the day that promotes love and romance? Do you? I love it! For some people it means cards and chocolate, a dinner and candlelight or a movie and all those wonderful things! I hope that today’s post will boost your romance for Valentine’s day.

There is one thing that many of us don’t know about God and that is that He is romantic. Did that shock you? He is not only spiritual and not only practical; He also is romantic. Where do you think romance came from? God is the author of it. God is the Original Romancer.

God is love! How do you get more love? You spend more time with God and He gives you more love for those around you. Simple isn’t it?

So what is love and romance? Is it a magic formula of bath bubbles and candlelight? Or is it a price threshold that we have to exceed? We all know it’s neither.

Romance is in the mind; it is a mindset. It actually is an atmosphere that we develop and grow in our relationships. Sometimes we confuse romance with the things we have seen in movies or read in books or what people say about it. It is important that we make a distinction between the instructions of romance and the descriptions of romance.

There are many many books with detailed instructions from experts on how relationships work. Instructions work great in assembling your Ikea table, but when it comes to romantic ideas, they tend to be generic, and they may not always “fit” your relationship.

You might prefer totally different things from what your partner likes to do. Maybe you prefer going to the movie and eat a burger or you prefer flannel pyjamas over Victoria Secret pyjamas. Your way of doing things doesn’t make you more or less romantic. No, it just means the classic romantic prescriptions aren’t your “cup of tea.”

If there is one thing, just one thing I could say to couples; newlyweds or marrieds for 40+ years, it doesn’t matter…I would say these four words: “Husbands, love your wives.” Eph. 5:25 There are also numerous verses for wives – for sure. They talk about how we should behave, respect, honor and submit and all the rest of it and we need to take heed to those passages, don’t get me wrong.

BUT…this is the mystery… don’t you love mysteries? It is a huge mystery to me but I know that it’is something divine and godly when a husband loves his wife – and gives himself to her. Nobody really understands it, that’s why it is a mystery, right? But it is very fundamental.

Jesus is like that; He loves us this way. I remember the time when the Holy Spirit wooed me to come to the Lord; it was a wonderful  moment that I will NEVER forget. We love Jesus because He first loved us; and it’s the same way in marriage. We didn’t initiate our love affair with the Lord…He did!

It’s the same in a marriage, when a husband loves his wife first or “initiates” love towards her—consistently—she begins to believe she is loved and she “responds” by returning love! Jesus was the love initiator and we are love responders. Husbands are to be love initiators and wives will be love responders.

Does your marriage need a romance boost? This is it: “husbands…love your wives! Wives…respond to his love”.

I want to give you some romantic ideas to boost your romance that you can apply to your unique marriage relationship.

  1. Romance should be fun, it shouldn’t be stiff and feel uncomfortable. Laugh a little bit and act squirrelly if you like. What’s your cup of tea? My husband and I like to go for some good food; what do you like? Maybe it’s nature, a romantic movie or music or do you like to go shopping together? I like to go to bookstores, my husband likes to go to these fancy kitchen gadgets stores; he likes any gadget, if you ask me…:)
  2. Romance should come from the heart.  “Long walks on the beach” is a common romantic thought but if that bores you, go roller-skating or go for a swim in the lake; do whatever you enjoy and makes you happy.
  3. Romance should not be an obligation; it needs to be a choice. The moment that you think, “I have to do this because it is Valentine’s day”, you’ve lost the romance. Deciding to please your husband or wife in whatever way is romantic.
  4. Don’t underestimate sacred romance; a small romantic touch can go a long way. Romance does not have to be big and expensive. All the little things add up and make great memories.
  5. Romance should be safe; you are ONE. It shouldn’t be boring, but it should be creative and spontaneous. But then again we should not embarrass, gross out, or frighten our spouse.
  6. Romance is something that you give; NEVER use it to manipulate the other. “I did this for you, so you do this for me,” kind of thing. We want to do this to bless our partners.
  7. Wear a scent. Whether it’s an oil or perfume on your body, a pleasant smell attracts. Sensation from Young Living Oils is a wonderfully fragrant, powerfully romantic. 

Is there a tip that you like to share with our readers? Let us know in the comment section!

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You Have What It Takes




You Have What It Takes

by Olga Hermans

Sometimes God leads us the hard way instead of the easy way because He is doing a special work in us. How would we ever learn to learn from Him if everything in our lives is easy enough for us to handle ourselves?

That’s why it so important not to lose heart and not to grow weary or faint. You can be sure that wherever God leads you, He is able to keep you. He never will allow more to come on you than you can bear.

God is interested in us yielding to His grace to do the extraordinary. We are nothing without Him, but with Him we can do things that we cannot even imagine. Look at Moses who was called to lead the Israelites out of Egypt.

He could not see himself doing what God had called him to do; he thought he couldn’t speak well enough, he thought that he wasn’t strong enough. But something happened to him when he started thinking about the dream that God had given him; God supernaturally gave him the qualities he needed to fulfill this vision. The moment he started to realize that, he started to hold on to this dream with a tight grip and pursued it by force.

There are 7 qualities that you need, to discover the life you were born to live; we too have to take our land by force with a determination s never before. This is you’re your year that you have to know that you have what it takes to rise up and shine!

1. You have to know WHO YOU ARE; you are unique and you are valuable!

God’s plans for us contain a lot of surprises. God tells Moses in Exodus 3:10 that it was time for him to go back. God was sending him to Pharaoh to bring the People of Israel out of Egypt. He had to go and confront Pharaoh, but he didn’t know who he was.

We need to know who we are, what we can do, what we cannot do. God strengthens us in our weaknesses. As long as He is with us, we can do whatever we need to do. Be more concerned about who God is than you are about who you are.

2. You have AUTHORITY.

God explained to Moses that he would go in His name. He told him to say to Pharaoh that “I AM” had set him and that would be enough. God was saying that he didn’t have to worry about Pharaoh or anybody else. “I AM”  is able to take care of everything you encounter. Whatever you need “I AM“, so relax!!

The moment you know what you need to do, you will have authority. You have authority to walk in that vision and you have the authority to believe for it to come to pass. Some people may question your authority to do this, but your authority is in the “I AM”!

3. You need INTEGRITY!

When you know your assignment in life, you will have a desire for integrity in every situation because that is what gives the credibility for what you are doing. It established you in your vision. It really doesn’t matter what people say; it matters what God says about you.

You know that He is always backing you up when you do things His way; you have credibility with God!

4. You have to know that you are ABLE

The moment that you discover your assignment in life, you will find yourself capable of doing so much more than you were used to. Moses kept saying, that he was capable and this and that. Exodus 4:10, He wanted God to choose someone else!
But God highlighted his ability; his God-given ability, that divine ability to get the job done.

5. You need COURAGE

God ignored everything that Moses came up with about his “inability” to perform, to speak, and his age, and gave him courage.

Vision establishes courage. We have been reading in Exodus of all the obstacles Moses faced when God called him to fulfill this vision, but God ignored all that and gave him courage.

When you know your assignment, you also will have the courage to do exactly that what God told you to do and the courage to go after what God says is yours!

6. BOLDNESS will show up

It is really funny when you see the change in Moses. He always talked about God’s people, but the moment he discovered his assignment, he started talking about “My people!” He started to be bold because he had the courage and he took ownership (authority) of his own vision. That is what vision does.

He was changed, he didn’t say any longer “I am not…I can’t do…I can’t talk….”. No, he is bold now, because he is established in God. He knows now that God would back him up in everything that he was about to endeavour.


We all know the story in Exodus that Pharaoh didn’t want to let the people go, but he insisted and kept going back to him, but Pharaoh would not. He continually went back again and again. This was a different Moses. When you discover your assignment, you need perseverance, a “do not quit” attitude.

In the end Moses won; He knew what he needed to do, he knew the assignment that God gave him and by the perseverance that was established in his life he was able to conquer his weaknesses and finish his race.

We all have a purpose or a calling in life that God expects us to fulfill; we all need to discover the life we were born to live but we must have patience and perseverance in order to carry it out.

You have everything you need to be victorious just like Moses. Don’t settle for a life with no goals, no vision, and no purpose. You know that God has called you for a reason, so go for it! Don’t let Satan or anyone else talk you out of it!

Let me ask you a question; I would love for you to answer it in the comment section!

Q. If you are uncomfortably shy, how can you allow God to help you overcome this? Has shyness ever held you back from saying something God wanted you to say?

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5 Keys to Master The Fear of Failure



 5 Keys to Master The Fear of Failure

 by Olga Hermans



Have you ever been in a situation that just seemed totally impossible to you? I have and I like to believe that you have to, because life happens to all of us. Sometimes, because we make the wrong choices for one reason or another, we can feel helpless and feel that we are not equipped for the situation, but God would NEVER allow something to happen to us and not give us a way out. In 2 Kings 7 God gave a way out to the lepers.

It is a story that speaks of a time when the people of God had been completely surrounded by enemy forces to the point that had completely cut off their supply lines. There was no food. Everybody was starving. Then there was a prophet who said more or less that God was going to turn things around.

That was difficult for everybody to believe because the situation was so devastating. The enemy was either going to starve them to death or they would invade and kill them all. So it looked as though it was a hopeless situation. But the prophet said that things were going to change and that God was going to turn everything around.

Outside the camp were four lepers. These lepers were in a more critical situation than the people inside the camp. They had three things against them:

  1. There was nothing to eat so they could die of starvation.
  2. The enemy was coming so they could die by the sword.
  3. Leprosy could kill them; they had nothing going for them.

It looked like the only thing they could do was just sit there until they died. That is what a lot of Christians do. Rather than conquer their fear; they just sit there and let the devil take over and rob them of what rightfully belongs to them.

Finally one of the lepers says in 2Kings 7:3 … “Why should we sit here waiting to die?” Those lepers would not accept defeat even though they didn’t have anything going for them. At least the people in the camp had all their flesh intact. They were starving and the enemy was about to invade, but they were not nearly as bad off as those lepers.

Let’s see though who got the job done. It was the four helpless, hopeless, impossible-looking lepers, who decided they were not going to let fear control their lives anymore. They got up and started moving towards the enemy’s camp. When they did, God got right in the middle of what they were doing, amplified their footsteps, and made it sound like an entire army coming over the hill and it frightened the enemy to the point that they ran away and left all the food, all the gold, and all the silver.

Four lepers came over the hill and there was not a soul to fight! They marched into the enemy’s camp and took back everything that was stolen. God is looking for some courageous people like these four lepers today. God is looking for some people who will master their fears.

Courage comes every time you look fear right in the face and decide you are going forward. You will never find a person who has great faith and great fear at the same time. One works against the other. When faith comes, fear goes out; but if you are not in the Word of God, then fear comes and faith goes. You are attracting one or the other into your life every day based upon what you listen to and what you see.

If you fail to conquer the fears that you have allowed to come into your life, then you are never going to be free to be yourself and do what God put you on this earth to do.

Here are 5 keys that you can do to master the fear of failure:

1.   Perceive yourself the way God sees you.

This means that you need to see yourself that way; meditate on who God says you are. Start talking about yourself the way God sees you. God is looking at you through the blood of Jesus. He sees you as more than a conqueror.

The more you spend time in the Word of God and read with your own eyes how God sees you, the quicker you will become the person that God sees in you.

2.   Become passionate and enthusiastic about what God says you can do.

When you are enthusiastic, that means that you can see God in every situation. Others may not be able to see what you see, but you see victory and success coming your way. You can see God at work on your behalf and that creates enthusiasm.

This will deepen your faith. Nothing great is ever achieved without them. You must be enthusiastic about whatever you do.

3.   Constantly affirm to yourself who you are, what you are and what you can do in Christ Jesus.

This is very basic, indeed and maybe you have heard this a 10,000 times but you are not going to be free to be you nor will you be the success that you are destined to be until you act on them every day of your life.

You see, affirmations are strong statements regarding what you believe. Affirming who you are and what you can do changes what is on the outside to what you see on the inside.

4.  Read the Word of God daily.

Feed your spirit daily on God’s Word and faith-building material. The more you read, the more you listen, and the more you watch faith-building programs, the less you will have to deal with fear because faith will come and fear will go. Be very selective about what you read, what you watch, and what you listen to.

5.  Surround yourself with winners.

Associate with people who have conquered fear. Associate with winners. Stay away from people who constantly talk fear and stay away from people who constantly talk failure. Who you associate with has a lot of influence on your outcome.

Become wise by walking with the wise; hang out with fools and watch your life fall to pieces. Proverbs 13:20  Msg.


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Become A Trophy for God

Become A Trophy for God

by Olga Hermans

By now everybody knows Tim Tebow who made a mark in college football as a University of Florida Gator with his strong arm and with his determined play with the Denver Broncos. He is also known for his unwavering and bold Christian faith.

Tim is the son of parents that are missionaries to the Philippines and has become a very influential athlete in professional sports. I heard an interview with Tim, where he said how proud he is of his mother, who made a strong decision in her early pregnancy with him NOT to abort him. Her life was threatened with what the doctors thought was a tumor, which they later found out was just a tiny piece of placenta. Tim gives God all the glory for it.

Tim emphasized that it wasn’t really a choice for his mother. She never would have chosen to not give him a chance; she had the same determination about her pregnancy and that she would trust God as he said he has.

Tim accepted Christ when he was 7 years old. He grew up and became extremely competitive. He played baseball, basketball, and football, but most of all football. There was a desire in him to be a hero for Jesus and that led him to the University of Florida, where football became his platform.

I think Tim is such a great example to all of us in the way he looks at things. People look up to football players. As a football player, you have been given a platform, which is far more important than any touchdown or trophy or anything you could win with football. It is taking that platform and being able to influence people. Tim’s dad taught Tim that with this position he could go into any school and share any message he wants around the country, around the world.

Many people know him for all the trophies he won, and others know him for the verse that he uses in everything that he does and that is John 3:16

He did one little thing; Tim had this scripture painted just below his eyes and because him doing that, the secular media displayed this throughout the earth, which made people look it up online; what a testimony. There were 19 million people who googled this scripture. Tim did something unusual and brought something unusual about!

There was one Sunday that the NFL wouldn’t allow him to paint the scripture under his eyes, but he said that John 3:16 was his most favorite Bible verse. Tim threw exactly 316 yards and an average of 31.6 yards. The odd of this happening is just unbelievable; it would never happen if you would plan to do it. The world calls him a huge phenomenon.

They call him a miracle by the numbers. Tim had nearly 9500 tweets a second; that is more than after the death of Bin Laden or the death of Steve Jobs and even more than during the royal wedding, but Tim never took the credit; he always gives the credit to Jesus. What a great success story!

So, what can we learn from Tim’s example? I truly believe that everybody has potential for greatness, but just having potential is not enough unless you are willing to take a risk, step out, and let God go to work in your life. We have potential because God places gifts and talents in us, but they must be developed.

Many people today are wasting their potential because they are not developing what God has placed in them. Instead of developing what they have, they worry about what they don’t have, and their potential just goes down the tubes.

The reason for this might be that you think that others may not see you as having much worth, but the truth is that God sees you as priceless! You are valuable to God! And you are valuable here on this earth to someone out there who knows how to look deeply and envision the contributions you could make. Everyone has a gift and it’s a matter of matching your gift to the right people who can appreciate you for who you are and what you have to offer to the world.

Tim Tebow had to make a choice to discipline the gift that was on the inside of him. I believe you are reading this article because God wants to do more with your life than you have ever imagined. You too have a tremendous capacity and potential that needs to be developed. You have to know that we are never fulfilled until we become all we can be.

Each of us has a destiny, and unless we are pressing toward fulfilling it, we will be frustrated in life. Moving up to the next level requires a decision to press in, to let go of what lies behind and refuse to be mediocre. Those are attributes that we can see clearly in the life of Tim Tebow. He surely is not a mediocre person.

The fingerprints of God are all over you. God knew you before you were born. He has planned out all your days for good. Don’t let potential lie dormant. Tap into that buried treasure. Share your gifts with the world. You have more in you than you realize.

There is talent you haven’t yet discovered. You may have had some great victories in your past, but that is nothing compared to what God has in your future. You know you are not average, you are not ordinary.

Even right now I am declaring that the treasure buried in you will come out. I am calling forth the dreams, the gifts, the talents, the businesses, the ideas, the inventions, the books, the songs, the movies. I am calling forth your untapped potential.

I pray that you will be stepping into a new season. You will have to have confidence to do things you wouldn’t do before. You will feel a supernatural strength. Supernatural doors will open for you. Supernatural opportunities are coming your way. Don’t shrink back. Don’t be intimidated.

God is saying to you what He said to Joshua: “Be strong and of good courage, for the Lord your God is with you.” You may have been told a thousand times what you can’t do. But I am here to tell you what you can do.

You are valuable and you are God’s craftsmanship. When you get a revelation of your worth in God, it will transform your life. Most people lack a sense of worth or value in their life due to things that have happened to them in the past.

Many people have had to deal with feelings of inferiority because of the putdowns in their lives. But when they start to understand their value in God, you will start to value other people. You are a champion. You have been prepared for such a time as this.

Be a Tim Tebow in the area that you are good in. The world wants to know the God of Tim Tebow, just as they wanted to know the God of Daniel. Show them what God has shown you; be a light in the darkness of other people. Our God can show off and one of the things He shows off on is a platform of impossibility. Impossibilities don’t scare God – He works with impossibilities!

Somebody wants to hear what God has done for you; somebody needs to hear of what God can do. Your life is a personal trophy of the work of God.

Start seeing yourself as worthy to give your talents and creativity — whatever it is, God has the perfect plan for you and just like Tim Tebow, if you stay persistent in your dreams and prayers, then His favor will make a way for you to prosper. You are valuable!
Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear; you are more valuable than many sparrows. (Luke 12:7)

I like to end this post with a quote from Tim Tebow:

 “Well, when people meet me, I hope that they say this-this is a guy who, number one, loves the Lord, but he also loves people and he wants to make a difference in people’s lives. And he wants to help everyone he comes in contact with and he is genuine, he is real, and he cares about people. And it’s not about the scoring touchdowns, or being famous, or anything like that. But its about relationships, its about making a difference in people’s lives, and at the end of the day it’s about glorifying God.”