It’s Time to Expect God’s Best
by Olga Hermans
One of the greatest gifts God has given us is free will along with the ability to believe. I hear people around me say they don’t believe in anything, but in reality they do believe in something. Choose to trust Him with your day and with your family. Watch how your expectations will change according to what you believe. Others may see obstacles, but you will see miracles.
You need to expect God’s goodness and blessing to overtake you! Don’t let fear discourage you, because fear will keep you from receiving from all that God has for you! God says to you and me to “Expect and not Fear.”
Everything that He says in the Bible, all His promises to you are Yes and Amen, and He so wants to fulfill them in your life. It doesn’t matter what is going on in your life, God’s Word to you still stands and is always true. 2012 is not the year to be swept away by worry and fear, but this is the year to focus on the goodness of the Lord and ALL His promises.
Most people tend to focus on the negative of who they do not want to imitate rather than the positive of what they do want to become. Our focus determines what we become. Focus on the truth of what God says about you and watch how your thoughts and behavior change according to that truth.
The key to keeping fear from dominating your life is to focus on God’s great love for you. I John 4:18 tells us, “There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love.” If you believe in the perfect love of God, fear has to go because the love of God flushes all the fear out of your life.
Fear is a tactic the devil uses to hinder you from receiving the love of God and keep you from accomplishing God’s will for your life, but you don’t have to fall prey to his evil devices. The first step to overcoming fear is to recognize where it comes from.
There was a time in my life that I was really worried about having enough to meet all my needs. But then, (I like the word “but”), but then I started to really understand how much God loves me and I started to realize that He WILL supply ALL my needs. Phil.4:19 I started to say during the day: we lack nothing, God fully supplies our every need.
It is a glorious thing to live in the times that we are living in and having all our needs met in Christ. Once you believe this and once this is settled in your heart, the fear of lack will leave. Once we have a revelation of God’s great love for us and how much He wants to fulfill all our needs, it will literally flush out fear! Fear is not removed by willpower alone, but by realizing how much God truly loves you!
The Bible encourages us not just to forsake something, but to pursue what is right (2 Timothy 2:22). We are encouraged to resist the enemy, and also to draw near to God (James 4:7-8). In other words, resisting fear is only half of what we do to release expectation of God’s goodness in our lives. We must also focus on the love of God and spend time renewing our mind to that love. Romans 5:5 says that faith works by love. Love is the fuel that makes your faith work. It is not only your attitude of love towards others, but it is also receiving God’s love for yourself.
The apostle Paul emphasized this in Ephesians 3:14-21; He prayed for the church at Ephesus and for us to have a clear understanding about the love of God. That is the only way that you can experience God’s goodness in your life.
You can see in this verse that if you want to be filled with the fullness of God, you first must be rooted in the love of God. It is impossible to receive everything that God has for us if we are not convinced that He loves us through and through, no matter how bad we mess up. How else can we truly expect good things from Him? God will always relate to us based on love. 1John 4:8
The devil has come against God since the very beginning and has deceived a lot of people. At first he lied to Adam and Eve and told them that God was trying to keep them from knowing all He knew and being like Him. Genesis 3:1-6 While in reality, they were not lacking anything; they had perfect communion with God; they experienced heaven on earth in a very real way.
And today, the devil tries to deceive us the same way. He lies to people telling them God is mad at them or that He will not come through for them. As a result, many Christians try to please God by their performance instead of realizing that God loves them unconditionally and wants the best for them.
When we believe these lies, it is difficult for us to clearly understand this unconditional love from our heavenly Father. But when we do understand, it is easy for us to respond to His everlasting love.
The moment we become more established and don’t waver on how much God loves us, we will be able to release our expectation of ALL His promises to come to pass in our lives. Expectation acts like a magnet that attracts what we are believing for into our lives.
A way to release expectation in your life is to use your thoughts to imagine God’s promises coming to pass in your life. When we meditate on the Word of God, we strengthen our faith to fully receive what it promises us. As we hear from the Holy Spirit and read His Word, we can begin to imagine the fullness of His promise to us as though it was already done!
Wouldn’t it be awesome if your debt would be paid off? What if your unsaved family members would surrender to God this year? My pastor says that this year is the year of the double doors! You know those French doors, that open up to the patio? Both doors can open? These are similar to the doors that you should imagine. These double doors are huge and heavy like in a castle or a palace. Can you imagine all that?
Everything is possible with God. Luke 1:37 God gave us the ability to imagine things and He wants us to use it to create a picture of the future that He desires for us. He doesn’t want us to think on those thoughts of doom and gloom that will overshadow our expectations of the goodness of God.
I want to encourage you to pray the Ephesians’ prayers and especially the one in chapter 3 and then put your own name it. Pray that God would grant you to be strengthened in your inner man so you can comprehend and have a revelation of God’s great love for you!
GOD says to you and me, “I’ve never quit loving you and never will. Expect love, love, and more love! Jer 31:3 Msg. His love for you cannot be contained. I found this great quote:
Whatever you hold in your mind will tend to occur in your life. If you continue to believe as you have always believed, you will continue to act as you have always acted. If you continue to act as you have always acted, you will continue to get what you have always gotten. If you want different results in your life or your work, all you have to do is change your mind. ~ Anonymous
Our minds must go through a process of renewal in order to experience God’s best for us. It is impossible to change our lives unless and until we change our thoughts. So, when thoughts of fear or worry try to rise up in your mind, remember how much God truly loves you! Start speaking what God says about you and about your situation; start thanking God for how He truly loves you.
Tell fear to go in Jesus’ name and expect the goodness of God to overtake you. Praise Him for the fact that you don’t have to live in lack. Praise Him for supplying your every need according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus Phil. 4:19.
Expect the very best in your life because He loves you ALWAYS! Make a choice to trust Him with your day and with your family. Watch how your expectations will change according to what you believe. Others may see obstacles, but you will see miracles. You will begin to see and recognize His provision in your life!
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