Confession of Faith

Confession of Faith


According to Phil. 1:6, I let the communication of my faith become effectual by me acknowledging every good thing which is in me in Christ Jesus.

I am now releasing my faith by confessing this to be the greatest day of my life. This is the day that the Lord hath made: I will rejoice and be glad in it. I am a recreated being. Old things have passed away and all things have become new. I am created into His glorious image and likeness.

I am His workmanship and am complete in Christ. I am full of His Spirit and divine power. I have the fruit of His Spirit, which is love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, kindness, meekness, temperance and faith. I am humbly submitting myself to the authority of His Holy Word for He and His Word are one.

I am obedient to His commandments and He enlarges my capacity to receive revelation knowledge, wisdom, understanding and ability in all things that pertain to life and godliness.

I am God’s property. I have been bought with the Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, I am free from the curse of the law. Sin, sickness, poverty, fear, doubt, worry, confusion, and all that Satan represents shall not have dominion over me. I am prospering in my spirit, soul, body and finances, for I am a liberated person.

Jesus said that I would know the truth and the truth would set me free. I am standing fast in the liberty wherein Christ has made me free. I am a disciplined person. I study God’s Word daily. I meditate upon its precepts.

I confess who Christ is, what He has done and what He is doing in and through me now. I am acting upon truths and I am expecting God to meet my needs and to do super abundantly above all I dare ask, hope, dream or desire in every area of my life.

I am a beautiful person full of God’s forgiveness and love. I forgive as God has forgiven me. I love as God has loved me. Therefore, His faith is working in me by love.

I speak directly to every mountain of satanic adversity in my life and command them to go in the Name of Jesus! They cannot stay, they must go in Jesus’ Name!

Through the abundance of God’s grace, I have received the gift of righteousness and am now reigning in this life by Christ Jesus. In Genesis 1:24-31 and Genesis 2:8-15, God has told me what it was that a righteous man was to reign over.

Praise God, I am a righteous person and I’m reigning over God’s creation now. “Christ has been made worthy to receive power, riches, wisdom, strength, honor, glory and blessing.” I am now a joint heir with Christ and as He is, so am I in this world.

He has made me worthy to receive all that Jesus represents. Praise God, I am everything that the Word declares that I am. I have communicated my faith by acknowledging every good thing which is in me in Christ Jesus.

I believe my faith is now working effectively and that all of my needs and desires have already been supplied by His riches in glory through Christ Jesus.

I worship with all my heart, soul and strength. I lift up my voice and hands in praise and adoration to His glorious Name for He is worthy of praise and He has made me worthy to praise His Name.

Choose Faith over Fear

Choose Faith over Fear

by Olga Hermans

You know, images of fear are all around us and there is a fear of failure that is trying to get a grip on the hearts of many people. Especially a fear of financial failure with this economy and all the foreclosures that we hear about on the news. People are asking themselves: “what am I going to do?”

We must aggressively take our stand against financial fear and believe that everything is going to be all right. There was a prophetic word that had come forth through Kenneth Copeland in August 2010 that told us that: “Everything is going to be all right in the household of faith”. Don’t feed fear and trouble into your life and into your mouth. No! Quit living in that house. Get back over here in the household of faith. Feed on my Word and not on the bread of sorrow.

“Have no fear of this world. I have overcome it,” saith the Lord. “I left nothing, absolutely nothing, that faith won’t overcome. I left it no power. I left it no strength. It has NO-THING over you.”

Fear and faith are both expectations; faith expects the best and fear expects the worst. What are you expecting? Are you expecting the very best or are you expecting the worst?

Fear is nothing more than a feeling that causes certain manifestations. It may cause us to tremble, turn red or sweat or have shaky knees.

My brother almost always turned as red as a tomato when there was just a little bit of fear in him, when he started to turn red and then he feared that people would see it of course and guess what? He would turn more red and sometimes even sweat. He always felt sooo embarrassed and it really was embarrassing for him. He overcame it though; right now he is a teacher, which means he is standing in front of people and looking them in the eyes and keeping the cool.

Fear is a tactic that the devil uses to hinder your faith and keep you from accomplishing God’s will for your life, but you don’t have to give in. You are delivered from fear. Many people struggle with fear and insecurity. The first step to overcoming fear is to recognize where it comes from.

There are so many references in the Bible that tell us to “fear not”. One particular scripture that stands out is 2Tim. 1:7. If your financial situation worries you, you could say: “I have not been given the spirit of fear over my finances – but of power and love and of a sound mind”.

Faith and fear are magnets; faith is a magnet that draws provision and fear is a magnet that draws lack. That is how it works! I want to encourage you to make the right choice today. Don’t let fear keep you from moving forward in the plan of God for your life. Choose to exhibit faith and boldness and start enjoying the liberating freedom from fear. God has given you freedom to choose.

What would your life look like if you were free from all fear? In Who Switched Off My Brain? Dr. Caroline Leaf says that fear triggers more than 1,400 known physical and chemical responses, and activates more than 30 different hormones and neurotransmitters” and that fear is at the root of all stress.

The fear of failure prevents us from ever trying new things or stretching ourselves to do more than we feel comfortable doing. The fear of the future can cause us not to enjoy today. My sister in law has a fear of flying which prohibits her to discover and enjoy the beautiful places all over the world.

Fear always tells you what you’re not, what you don’t have, what you can’t do, and what you never will be. Remember that Jesus overcame that fear; He left it no power and no strength. It has NO-THING over you. You have to make a choice to be confident and to feel secure; God is on your side!

The devil hates it when we are confident that God is with us, and enabling us to do whatever we need to do in life. Say it out loud: “I will not live in fear”. It really helps when you keep thinking about it before you have to face fear. Make up your mind that you will not bow down to fear. You have already made the decision that you will not be afraid.

Fear is the opposite of faith. We receive from the enemy through fear, and we receive from God though faith. Fear is the enemy’s method of faith; it is his counterfeit. We do God’s will through faith in Him and we work together with the devil through fear. When we are afraid we fail to do what God wants us to do and end up doing what the devil wants us to do.

The enemy is the author of fear, not God. Fear and faith cannot coexist; where you have one, you cannot have the other. You need to choose. Deut.30:19 You have to develop a “zero-tolerance policy” toward any form of fear.

Here is something that you and I can do together; we are going to confess these confessions as long we need them. Here we go!

I refuse to fear.
I am not moved by what I see.
I am not fearful over my financial future.
God is the source of my provision.
He provides cars to drive, food to eat, clothes to wear, places to live and everything else I need in liberal supply.
I am not subject to the times.
I live in the household of faith, not the dungeon of fear.
My household is flourishing and not failing.
Every bill is paid, every need is met and every debt is wiped out.
I walk by faith and not by fear, in the name of Jesus.

I truly believe you will begin to feel different and more confident than ever before. You only have one life to live, so live it boldly and never let fear steal God’s best for you!

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The Blood and the Glory



The following excerpt is taken from The Blood and the Glory by Billye Brim:

The Blood and the Outpouring
First the Blood

…”His Spirit answers to the blood.”

Every outpouring of the Holy Spirit was and will be in answer to the Blood of Jesus the Messiah.

The Blood and the Latter Rain Outpouring

Wigglesworth received his baptism in the Holy Spirit at Sunderland. Again, you can see the place of the blood in those days in his own account in his biography, The Apostle of Faith:

For four days I wanted nothing but God. But after that, I felt I should leave for my home, and I went to the Episcopal vicarage to say good-bye. I said to Mrs. Boddy, the vicar’s wife: “I am going away, but I have not received the tongues yet.” She answered, “It is not the tongues you need, but the Baptism.” “I have received the Baptism, Sister,” I protested, “but I would like to have you lay hands on me before I leave.” She laid her hands on me and then had to go out of the room.

The fire fell. It was a wonderful time as I was there with God alone. He bathed me in power. I was conscious of the cleansing of the precious Blood, and I cried out: “Clean! Clean! Clean!” I was filled with the joy of the consciousness of the cleansing. I was given a vision in which I saw the Lord Jesus Christ. I beheld the empty cross, and I saw Him exactly at the right hand of God the father. I could speak no longer in English but I began to praise Him in other tongues as the Spirit of God gave me utterance. I knew then, although I might have received anointings previously, that now, at last, I had received the real baptism in the Holy Spirit as they received on the day of Pentecost.

The Anointing for Power
Maria Woodworth-Etter

Sister Etter placed great faith in the blood to prepare the way for the power to work. Her own account of a great meeting in Los Angeles illustrates this:

The world-wide camp meeting was no doubt the largest gathering of baptized saints in these last days. I had…the 10 o’clock meetings, which would have lasted all day and night, for the power of God was poured out so wonderfully, but I had to close at 2 o’clock for other services…

As they led me to the steps that went off the large platform, I stopped and looked at the many hungry, anxious souls; then the power of God came on me, I raised my hands to heaven and stood there, as the Holy Ghost swept over the multitudes. I said, the Lord is going to save a lot of you dear people just now. All who want to be saved just now, while I stand here and sprinkle the blood of Jesus on you, by “Living Faith,” come forward. There was a rush from all directions to the platform. They began to weep and shout and scores were converting, without getting on their knees, except those who fell down under the Almighty power of God…

Another day as I came off the platform many that could not get near while I was praying for the sick, stood, looking so sad, crowding around me as near as they could, trying to touch my hands or speak. I stopped to look at them. The power fell on me and swept over them. I raised my hands and told them all to look to Jesus, to look up, to lif their hands and faces to God, that I would sprinkle the blood of the Lamb over them, that they would all be healed. Oh, glory to god. The healing power swept over. Many miracles of healings were wrought, people were saved and baptized.

The Blood and The Last Outpouring

Here is Wigglesworth’s account of what happened from the time he boarded the train to return home to Bradford after having received the baptism in the Holy Spirit at Boddy’s place in Sunderland:

The first thing I did was to telegraph to my home saying, “I have received the baptism in the Holy Ghost and have spoken in tongues.” On the train to my home town, the devil began questioning, “Are you going to take this to Bradford?” As regards my feelings at the moment, I had nothing to take, but the just do not live by feelings but by faith. So I shouted out on the railroad coach to everybody’s amazement, “Yes, I’m taking it!” A great joy filled me as I made this declaration, but somehow I knew from that moment it would be a great fight all the time.

When I arrived home one of my sons said to me, “Father, have you been speaking in tongues?” I replied, “Yes, George.” “Then let’s hear you,” he said…

My wife said to me, “So you’ve been speaking with tongues, have you?”

I replied, “Yes.”

“Well,” she said, “I want you to understand that I am as much baptized as you are and I don’t speak in tongues.”

I saw that the contest was beginning right at home.

“I have been preaching for twenty years,” she continued, “and you have sat beside me on the platform, but on Sunday you will preach yourself, and I’ll see what there us in it.”

She kept her word. On Sunday she took a seat at the back of the building. We had always sat together on the platform until that day. So the contest had begun right in the church.

There were three steps up to the platform, and as I went up those three steps the Lord gave me the passage in Isaiah 61:1, “The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me; because the Lord hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek he hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound.”

I was no preacher, but hearing the voice of my Lord speaking those words to me, I began. I cannot now remember what I said, but my wife was terribly disturbed. The bench on which she sat would seat nine people and she moved about on it until she had sat on every part of it. Then she said in a voice that all around her could hear, “That’s not my Smith, Lord, that’s not my Smith!”

I was giving out the last hymn when the secretary of the mission stood up and said, “I was what our leader has received.”

The strange thing was that when he was about to sit down he missed his seat and went right down on the floor. Then my oldest son arose and said he wanted what his father had, and he, too, took his seat right down on the floor. In a short while there were eleven people right on the floor of that mission. The strangest thing was that they were all laughing in the Spirit and laughing at one another. The Lord had really turned again the captivity of Zion and the mouth of His children was being filled with laughter according to the word of the Lord in Psalm 126:1,2.

The former and latter rain outpouring in upon us.

There are the last of the last days.

We must make much of the Blood for two purposes. To overcome Satan in his endtime wrath. But much more importantly, to prepare us for God’s Glory in his end time revelation through His Glorious Church.

I have included so much from witnesses of the outpouring at the beginning of the century. This is because these old-timers understood truth about the blood and the power which somehow slipped away. It must return for the greater outpouring we are about to know at the end of the century.

I believe we need to return singing about the Blood. Real singing to give the Blood its place in our approach to God. Not merely to singing just a token song in a service, but to singing a while in honor of the Blood. The old-timers said that when they sang about the Blood for a while “a cleansing wave” seemed to sweep over them preceding a wave of the Spirit in power.

The Spirit answers to the blood.

The Spirit of Glory must complete our preparation now for the Lord of Glory!

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