When Life Throws You A Curveball


When Life Throws You A Curve Ball

by Olga Hermans

You know a curve ball starts one way and then goes another. A well-thrown fast ball is predictable – you know where it is going – and because of that, it is fairly easy to hit. But a curve ball is different. The pitcher makes the ball curve by pulling down on it with his fingers as he releases it. The ball spins diagonally and then curves.

When I say a curve ball, I am referring to an unexpected problem, a surprise obstacle or a twist in the way you thought things were going to happen. For example, you thought your marriage was going to be everything you hoped for and you thought you were going to live happily ever after. Then you found out that it wasn’t the way you thought it would be.

Maybe you were hired for a new job and you thought it was going to be a certain way, but you found out you had a boss or an employee that was a real pain in the neck. That was a curve ball. You did not see it coming. It started out the way you thought it would, but suddenly there was a change.

Sometimes you get those balls that are thrown at you that are just crazy and you don’t know what to do with it. You’re thinking: “how in the world am I going to hit that one?”
I think about what happened to the disciples; they weren’t counting on Jesus dying. Jesus was their savior; He was their King and all of a sudden He is hanging on the cross and they are hoping that He will have a comeback and then he gets buried.

That was curve ball for them, they weren’t ready for that and they didn’t know how to hit that kind of a ball.

Have you ever had a curve ball in your life? Something happened unexpectedly, something you didn’t plan on. Maybe somebody in your family died or maybe your parents got a divorce.
Maybe something happened that you didn’t see coming and you had no clue whatsoever to do with the situation?  The disciples had to make a choice; was their faith going to be based on the circumstances around them or continue to carry on what Jesus told them to do?

When I was 18, my father died unexpectedly. I remember the day that my mom and dad were going to a birthday party of a friend. They were dressed up and I remember my father making really nice compliments to my mom, how good looking she was and all that. All 5 of us always enjoyed it so much when he was “dating” my mom.

Anyway, off they went. At the party while he was dancing, he fell on the floor and had a heart attack; he never stood up again. It was devastating to my mom and all of us; she was speechless, she just couldn’t get her mind around the fact that he was gone. It was a very, very tragic moment for all of us; our life was never the same thereafter.

There are many times that people are not correctly handling problems and obstacles in their lives because they have failed to make an adjustment in their timing. The point is this: Most of us are accustomed to handling things straight on, so it can be very difficult when we get a curve ball thrown at us.

There are situations in our life where we feel we are totally undone because of something unexpected and unwanted came into our life. You have to make choice. You can be destroyed and fall apart or you can bounce back and hit that ball!

You can look at it this way: in the ocean there are sharks, but in the boat there is safety. You can stay in the boat (Jesus) and cross the ocean (go through life in this world) and the sharks will not get to you. In Christ there is victory, joy and peace. In the world, there is tribulation, but in Christ, you can go through the world overcoming every circumstance and situation. It doesn’t change the things that are in the world; it just changes your ability to overcome the world.

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  1. Margriet Dutroit says

    A curveball came my way just these last weeks, exactly what you are talking about. My job is not what I thought it was and one of my employees is a pain in the neck as you said; I had not seen this coming. Thanks for your encouragement and I will take it to heart!!

  2. Everybody experiences curveballs in their lives. It’s what we do with them will change our life. It is how we respond to them and let those time not overwhelm us; thank you!

  3. Curveballs can be so difficult to deal with, however, with the right attitude and I believe support around you, you can get there. Trying to pick up the pieces can be overwhelming but baby steps towards goals can help to reduce that feeling of being overwhelmed.

  4. I remember experiencing a specific series of “curve balls” as a young adult and my mother telling me, “there is good in this and in time you will recognize it”…and then she would add, “until then look at it as a character building time.”

    She was right.

  5. Sorry to read that your mom and dad died when you were that young; can’t imagine how that would be. I love my parents.
    This article made me think…good!

  6. Beau Henderson says

    Curveball are great learning experiences as long as you don’t strike out. Keep swinging till you connect!

  7. Jennifer Redshaw says

    Thanks for the encouragement Olga – I have been dealing with my curveball for a few years now. So thankful to the Lord who continually restores my soul.

  8. Carrie Huskey says

    Well written. I had an unexpected curve ball thrown at me when I found out my father had Alzheimers Disease. I was totally shocked and sad for him. Still don’t know how to take it except to put it in Gods hands.

    • That is the best thing to do Carrie, put it in God’s hands and leave it there…there will be a moment that you will know why things happened the way they happened.

  9. Carrie Huskey says

    Another curve ball that was thrown at me is when I met my husband. I had been prayin for a good Godly man and one day, just out of the blue this man is standin by the mailboxes in my apt buildin. I asked him if he wanted to go get somethin to eat and he said yes. One month later He asked me to marry him. I was hesitant so I had a talk with the Lord. He said that my husband was the man He had for me. So we got married. That was six years ago on August 1.

  10. Thanks for sharing your story, Olga. I’ve had so many curve balls in my life…too many to mention and they still keep coming and I still keep batting them out of the park…with God’s help.

    • Hi Alexandra, sometimes because we had so many curveballs we keep expecting them to come in our lives…you might have to change that image…

  11. Olga, I have had more than one curve ball in my life and you are so right…you have a choice to make, whether to let that curve ball throw you for a loop or to bounce back. Great post!

    • Yes Sherie, we have a choice when we a curveball comes into our life; one thing is for sure we need to be able to bounce back!

  12. Claudia B. says

    So sorry you lost your dad at 18. Too young. Your parents sound like lovely people and I loved reading how you loved to see them dating! Curveballs come in degrees of intensity and that’s probably one of the most intense. Puts things in perspective. Thanks for the blog.

  13. Hi Claudia, I am not the only one who lost her parents at such a young age, but it a different lifestyle for sure. It wasn’t always easy and I still do miss them.

  14. This is an amazing article Olga. Especially I like this part: In the world, there is tribulation, but in Christ, you can go through the world overcoming every circumstance and situation. This is what the faith is all about! 🙂

  15. Carrie Huskey says

    When I told ya about when I found out about my dad havin Alzheimers Disease and don’t know how I felt about it, well I feel sad for him but I have put it in Gods hands and left it there.

  16. So many thoughts when I read this post. For one thing, so sorry for the loss of your Dad at such a young age. That was certainly a devastating curve ball. Also, I have always loved the story of the disciples in the boat because Christ got IN THE BOAT WITH THEM. He doesn’t help from somewhere far, far away. He gets in the boat with us. You bring out that point so lovely. Thank you.

  17. Wow so true I have had a few curve ball throne at me. My Sister LaRae passed away Nov. 2009 she was only 47. My dad Glenn passed away 2 months later Jan. 2010 he was 72. My niece Rachel passed away 7 months later Aug. 2010 she was only 25. In 9 months we lost all 3 of them it was the hardest thing. My husband lost his job July 2011 and still has not found a job. We are praying. But Through it all God has been with us. Thank you Jesus!!!

    • Oh wow Beth, that must have been a very difficult time for you. I am sorry to hear that you had to go through that. I am in agreement with you for a job for your husband!

  18. I love this! When life throws me a curve so often I forget that I am in the boat safe and sound. Thanks for the reminder Olga!

  19. It’s nice to know we can put it in God’s hands and not worry! I wish that I would do that but I am a worrier. Thank you Olga for making me think about this!

  20. I think those curveballs can come out to be the greatest life lessons for us. =) They really test us, and keep us going.

  21. Curve balls are an inevitable part of life. I think the biggest problem with these obstacles and changes in our lives is when we fail to acknowledge and accept that life changes and overcoming an obstacle doesn’t mean we can go back to the way things were but rather that we have a new “normal.”

  22. My biggest curve ball, I think, was when my mother was killed instantly in a car accident. By focusing on all the blessings in it — she didn’t suffer, she never had to bury one of her kids, she never forgot one of us through disease and, most importantly, she had come back to Jesus – I was able to remain strong in my faith and strong for my siblings.

  23. Charles Allen says

    Everybody in life will have curve balls i had what you say 3 one was so bad i almost quit God thats how bad it was i could not understand why God would let that happen to me because i am a called minister i said there is no way GOD can get glory out of that and believe me it was bad ive seen people wak away from God for a lot less than what happen to me but i have had such exsperance with GOD supper natural was the only thing saved me.every christian will go through something in their walk with god they will question him about it.i preached a messeage one time in church after church lady come up to me and said god children don’t go threw things like that well i would not arugue with her a week later her husband died and she stared at me i said there is you crises.

  24. I love this line, “You have to make choice. You can be destroyed and fall apart or you can bounce back and hit that ball!” Often it takes time to really let what’s happened sink in and then sort out one’s emotions, but it’s always a choice. Thanks for another inspiring post, Olga!

  25. Thanks for the gentle reminder to roll with the waves 🙂 You are so right that we handle things head on sometimes and we need to learn to bend a little 😉

  26. Great article Olga, but really the bottom line for us to walk away with is: “In Christ, you can go through the world overcoming every circumstance and situation. It doesn’t change the things that are in the world; it just changes your ability to overcome the world.” Thank you for that reminder!

  27. Thank you for sharing such a tender story. You are so right about the importance of what you do after the curve ball hits. Those choices are so important and should not be made lightly. Thanks!

  28. Wow, what a powerful post. I am so sorry that you lost your Dad, no matter how long ago it was. Hugs, Sally

  29. Thank you for such an inspiring post. I especially love when you wrote, “There are situations in our life where we feel we are totally undone because of something unexpected and unwanted came into our life. You have to make choice. You can be destroyed and fall apart or you can bounce back and hit that ball!” I am very grateful to say that I have been able to bounce back and hit the ball, but it wasn’t always easy.

  30. Every so often I hear of someone for whom life has been a straight line. For the rest of us, the road is full of twists and turns. Given a choice, I’ll take the curvy road, for it’s the curves (or curve balls) that allow us to stretch and grow. Very nice article, Olga!

  31. Lovely post Olga, thanks for the reminder. Life is generally tossing those curve balls to each of us, what makes the difference in outcome is purely the choices one makes in letting that curve ball knock you down and keep you down, or blasting the curveball back, stepping into one’s inner strength knowing that God ‘has our back’. Thanks for sharing:)

  32. It really seems life is always throwing curve balls. I guess that is part of living. Thanks for sharing your tips and perspective on what to do when the curve ball comes your way.

  33. Thanks, Olga! This article was written on my birthday, however, I am reading 8/15/12. I have entained so many curved balls that I thought that they were the only ones I was to have in my life. Entertaining the curves has helped me to appreciate life the more. The curves have taught me not to “QUIT” become better not bitter. I had a college dean to share with me that each new level has its own new devil. with CHRIST I WIN!

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