The Power of Choice
Will The Devil Fight Your Dream
by Olga Hermans
You better know he will! He fought God’s dream to bring salvation to mankind. So, you can take it to the bank that he is going to try and fight your dreams, too, especially if he thinks you can actually do them!
You have to get beyond him with faith to confuse him. When you live by faith, he doesn’t know what to do, but that doesn’t mean he will leave you alone. He is going to try and mess up your goals by trying to mess up your trail of thoughts. He wants to pollute your thought life so that he can render you powerless to change. Don’t let him.
He is going to try and pull on your flesh, tempt you to go off course in your spirituality. Remember that the flesh is all he has to work with. As I mentioned earlier, he is a flesh devil, not a faith devil. How can you use the renewing of the mind, your trail of thoughts as a tool to defeat the devil? Don’t allow him to have a place in your thought-life.
Refuse to dwell on his negativity. Instead, lean on the Word. If he tries to use somebody else’s defeating words to drag you down, recognize it for what it is and don’t accept it. Then quote a scripture to yourself or remind yourself of what God has already told you.
Remember that the devil can only work in the realm of the senses. You work in the realm of the spirit as well as the senses. The devil is a flesh-based tempter. His goal is to get you to quit and give up on God’s good plan for your life. Whether it is spiritual, physical, emotional or financial, he wants to render you powerless to do what you’re meant to do in this life. But, he is only going to use the senses to tempt you.
After all, have you ever been tempted in the Spirit? Think about it. Have you ever been tempted to tithe? I mean, were you under heavy temptation to give ten percent to the Lord? No! Do you know why? Tithing is a spiritual concept. You are only tempted in the flesh (daily, instead of just on Sunday), you won’t fulfill the lust of the flesh (Gal.2:20)
In other words, putting God first every day is going to help you fulfill your dream and sticking to your spirituality is going to help you stay on your course.
It is more interesting and adventurous to live by faith. Plus, God rewards the diligent and it takes diligence to renew your thought life. Your efforts won’t be in vain and, in the end, you will actually find that your destiny comes with more blessings.
When you seek to fulfill your destiny, you’re really seeking God with all your heart. That plan for your life didn’t originate with yourself; it originated with Him. He is your Creator and you are the co-creator of your own life. You choose to create your life within His life.
You make the right choices in life and you will live in the blessing, right in the middle of god’s perfect will. That is the power of choice that God has given use. Let’s use to the benefit of our own life. We are so thankful for that, isn’t it?
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