5 Things That Master The Fear of Failure [Part 2]

“No Fear Here” – Kenneth Copeland

“Courage is not only the absence of fear but the mastery of it.” Mark Twain

“You must do the thing that you fear until the fear of that thing becomes no more.”
– Brian Tracy

5 Things That Master The Fear of Failure [Part 2]

by Olga Hermans

You can read Part 1 by clicking here

1. See yourself as God sees you.

Meditate on who God says you are.

Start talking about yourself the way God sees you. God sees you through the blood of Jesus. God sees you as more than a conqueror. He sees you as the redeemed of the Lord.

There is a direct relationship between how vividly you can see yourself as God sees you and how rapidly you become that person. In other words, the more faithful you are about spending time in God’s Word, then the quicker you will become the person that God sees.

2. Become passionate and enthusiastic about what God says you can do.

The word enthusiasm comes from the Greek word which literally means “God-inspired” and” God-in”. When you are enthusiastic, that means that you can see God in every situation. Others may not be able to see what you see, but you see victory and success coming your way. You can see God at work in your behalf and it creates enthusiasm.

Enthusiasm and passion deepens your faith. Nothing great is ever achieved without them. You must be enthusiastic about whatever you do. You have to be passionate about establishing a ministry, or building a church, or about starting a business. Once again, nothing great is ever achieved without it.

3. Constantly affirm to yourself who you are, what you are and what you can do in Christ Jesus.

I realize this sounds basic and you may have already heard it 10.000 times but you are not going to be free to be you nor will you be the success that you are destined to be until you act on them every day of your life.

What does it mean to affirm? Affirmations are strong statements regarding what you believe. Affirm who you are and what you can do changes what is on the outside to what you see on the inside. Keep your conversation throughout the day consistent with what you believe God is saying about you. Remember to guard your mouth!

4. Feed your spirit daily on God’s Word and faith-building material.

The more you read, the more you listen, and the more you watch faith building programs, the less you will have to deal with fear because faith will come and fear will go. Be very selective about what you read, what you watch and what you listen to.

5. Associate with winners.

Associate with people who have conquered fear. Associate with winners. Stay away from people who constantly talk fear and stay away from people who constantly talk failure. Success breeds success and failure breeds failure. Who you associate with has everything to do with your outcome.

“He that walks with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed”. Prov.13:20

I like to give some extra today, here we go with 9 Winning principles from Daisy Osborn’s book “5 Choices for Women Who Win”.

Click Here to Purchase the Book

1) Practice the art of doing for others what you want them to do for you.

2) Recognize and value the unique person that you are.

3) Accept responsibility for the fact that your life is and will always be what YOU yourself make of it through your innate powers of choice, of decision and of action.

4) Absorb the principle that failure is never final, so if you do not succeed the first time, keep on trying.

5) Realize that whatever is worth your doing is worth doing the very best that you can.

6) Understand that true happiness is having hope, experiencing love and doing things for the betterment of people.

7) Assimilate the irreversible law that you are, and you become the tangible reality of the sum and substance of your own thoughts.

8) Grasp the winning criterion that what you learn, discover, prove and know becomes the only power that you yourself can utilize in this world.

9) Actualize the power within you by being calm and confident, accepting your own uniqueness, by knowing your distinct purpose, by being sure that your goals are right and good for God, for people and for yourself; and by going forward with Him as your source, without intimidation, inferiority or hesitation.

Make a choice today to be a doer of the Word and not let this information just sit on the pages, but take it to heart and act on it. Master the fear and do it as long as until the anxiety of the thing that you fear becomes no more and you can truly say: “No Fear Here”.

Thanks for the reading of this article. Tell me what you think and also tell me if there is a special that you would like me to  write about.  I value all of you who take the time and read this blog. Thank you very much. Scroll down a little and let me now what you think, ok?

The Fear of Failure Needs To Be Conquered



The Fear of Failure Needs To Be Conquered

by Olga Hermans


The Fear of Failure is the greatest barrier to success. So, if you want to be succesful you have to make a choice to conquer that fear. Let me tell you a little bit more about this fear by asking you first this question: “Are there things in your life that you are passionate about”? I, myself am passionate for God and I have a passion for souls. I also have a passion for life itself. If you are passionate about something, you won’t let anything stand between you and it.

Desire and passion are the greatest motivators for getting results. The greatest obstacle to your success and the tactic satan uses the most to destroy your passion is the fear of failure.

It is the anxiety that causes you to settle for far less than what God has in mind for your life. The fear of failure is probably the greatest single obstacle a believer has to overcome. Everyone has experienced failure in some way or another. Many people never recover from the experience of it.

If you have ever failed in anything, then satan would love to use that as an obstacle or a barrier in your life so that you never have confidence to step out again.

Let me tell you something about anxiety. You weren’t born with it. It is something that you learned. I believe that babies are born with two remarkable qualities. Number one, they were born largely unafraid. A baby does not come into the world with a fear of failure.

The other quality that a child is born with no shyness. They have no fear of failure and no shyness. Babies do whatever they want to do, at any place at any time. Did you notice that an infant does not ask its parents if it is okay to cry in a public area? They don’t care. They think every place is for them to cry as loud as they desire.

You came into this earth without fear and without any shyness. If you have anxiety in your life and you are shy then you had to learn that. You had to develop that. It did not come at birth and God did not give you a spirit of fear. We even say things like, “I have developed a fear of flying.” You were NOT born with that, you developed it!

Fear is a spiritual force and it is what activated satan just like faith activates God. Fear invites satan to manifest himself just like faith invites God to manifest himself. Fear is nothing more than confidence in the devil. It is reciprocal of faith. God is ready to take you higher in your life but you first have to conquer the fear of failure.

If you let anxiety control you, then you will not reach your full potential and you will never be free to be yourself.

God expects you to be fearless and bold in the face of all adversity. If you are going to experience God’s best, then it is mandatory that you conquer fear and especially the fear of failure. The fear of failure robs you of thinking big and expecting big things in your life. The fear of failure will keep you from stepping out and doing something new or something different.

Fear can immobilize you. If you are immobilized by fear; then you will settle for less than God’s best. Just as confidence is the result of meditating God’ Word, anxiety is the result of meditating on what the devil says. If you think about what the devil says long enough, it will create anxiety. Fear brings him on the scene just like faith brings God on the scene.

People of courage are not people who have never had fear. People who have courage are people who have mastered fear. God is looking for people who will master their fears. Are you one of them?

You will never find a person who has great faith and great fear at the same time. One negates the other. When faith comes, fear goes; but if you are not in the Word of God, then fear comes and faith goes. You are attracting one or the other into your life every day based upon what you listen to and what you see.

Your eyes are the gateway to your spirit. What you see and what you hear will get down in your spirit. We know that, we live in a world that is full of negative information. It is against our faith. It is against the knowledge of God. From time to time, we all have the opportunity to be in a negative atmosphere and to hear negative things.

If you have a television set, you have an opportunity to hear negative things every day. If you work in an environment where most of the people are not born-again, then you probably hear negative things every day.

Doubts are nothing more than faith in what the devil says and it will come to pass. If you doubt God, then that means you have confidence in what the devil says.

If you fail to conquer the fears that you have allowed to come into your life, then you are never going to be free to do what God put you on this earth to do.

Please come back tomorrow for the “5 Things on How Master the Fear of Failure“. Make a choice to stand up on the inside of you and conquer the Fear of Failure. This is your time to arise out of fear and complacency. You are here for such a time as this!



The Power Of Endurance

The Time Has Come For You To Dig In With The Force Of Endurance



The Power Of Endurance

by Olga Hermans


Do you have any idea how many decisions you make each day? I read a survey the other day that said that the average adult makes about 35,000 decisions per day. That’s a lot, isn’t it? Some decisions are more like a choice of course. So, let’s first have a look at the difference between a choice and a decision:

Let’s say you would walk into an ice cream store. There are so many flavours in front of you, that it is not very easy to make a choice. So, you consider the flavour or you might know right away what you want.

When we choose, it’s like picking an item from a menu. If we come back the next time, we can make another choice. But a decision cuts off other options. By its very definition, a decision is a turning point.

Many people don’t get far in their process of decision making. You need the quality of endurance to reach your goal; that trait of “hanging in there until,” becomes fundamental to reaching your goal of the decison that you made.

There are times in our life that satan wants to isolate us, to get us off on our own, to “cut us out of the herd.” He will tell you things like “you are one of a kind” or “there is nobody else that has gone through a situation like yours.” He is such a liar, he always comes with the same old tricks.

Do not let him tell you that you are the only one that has walked this path, or that nobody understands what you are going through. He knows that if he can get you out there alone, all by yourself, you will eventually get into a pity party. As soon as you see it coming, just think of it as garbage, because that is exactly what it is. The devil is just trying to set you up for a big fall.

Determined to Win



Vancouver Canucks Players


This weekend the Canadians have been watching the hockey games, the Vancouver Canucks against the San Diego Sharks. The team has shown that it can carry on when players were injured during the season. They have to play so many games to be the winners. You can almost hear them saying to themselves, “If we can just hang on until the bell rings.” And that is exactly what you have to do. Keep giving your best, until you win.

Running the race with patience (Hebr.12:1) does not mean to run with some calm, serene look on our faces, not being concerned when another runner is trying to pass. It does not mean to sit around twiddling your thumbs. No! It means we are to run the race with determination, with perseverance, with endurance.

We are in the race to win! We have made a decision, and we are in it for the long haul. The race is not over until we are in the winner’s circle. This is the attitude you have to have.

Dust Off Your Dream

Has God ever given you a dream, a vision and a plan that has caused you to be so excited that you were not able to sleep? But then the devil started chatting with you about “reality.”

“Why, there is no way you will ever be able to get something like that done,” that demon of discouragement will say to you. “That is too expensive. That is too complicated. Someone else will have to do that project. Besides, no one appreciates your hard work anyway!”

That God-given dream of yours started sinking like it had concrete blocks tied to it. Admit it, you gave up on it. You began to question whether you had really heard from God in the first place!

The time has come for you to dig in with the force of endurance and resurrect that dream. Endure. Remain constant, stay with it, and hang in there, no matter what! Abraham did not have any hope, but he hoped any way. Get your eyes off your circumstances, quit considering what your senses are telling you (and what your relatives might be telling you, too) and start giving glory to God.

It is really true: God is able to perform that which He promises. And that is something to shout about!

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How You Choose To Appreciate Yourself

We Were Wonderfully Made By A Loving God Who Does ALL Things Well.


How You Choose To Appreciate Yourself

by Olga Hermans


We have each been uniquely designed for a specific purpose. We all have different personalities, gifts, skills, talents, preferences and experiences. God doesn’t want us to be a robot or a clone of someone else. That is one big reason for us to embrace who we are and love, and accept the masterpiece He has created each of us to be.

As we grow from childhood into adulthood, we go through different experiences, some positive and some negative. It doesn’t matter how and why we go through some of these experiences, God can use them all. He can make a message out of the biggest mess and a testimony out of our tests.

These experiences help to shape and mold us into the people that we become. As we grow and develop as individuals, we gain a concept of who we are and what we were created to do and achieve. It is so very important that we gain a concept of who we are. We need to love ourselves unconditionally to empower us to live a genuine life.

Choose to appreciate yourself. The moment you look in the mirror, you should be aware that you are looking at one of the best people you know. It is important that we know ourselves better than we know anyone else; our flaws and all. We should be able to see ourselves as unique and exquisite individuals, empowered by God to succeed in every area of life.

We were wonderfully made by a loving God who does ALL things well. He purposely made us for a time such as this. There are others that look a lot like you and play some of the same roles as you, there is only one you; and only you can do what you have been created to do.

When you know and love who you are, it will give you the ability to live freely. Choose to take time to appreciate the gifts and talents of others. But also, take time to discover and develop the things that you are good at and interested in. It helps you to nurture and cultivate your abilities. Strive always to be the best you can be for yourself as well as for others.

We need to be able to relate to others and enjoy their company; we must learn to do so without being oppressed when give their opinions. There is a word for that oppression: “people bondage”. I remember the time very well that I was allowing fear of what others would think of me to stop me from discovering and accomplishing all that He has created me to do.

I am so glad and thankful that God helped me out of that struggle. Although there are times when it tries to return, I remind myself that I am free. Through this self-realization, I was able to make a quality decision. I had to make a choice; either I was going to remain the insecure person I had been for years, or I was going to be secure in who I was. I chose the latter and started to move towardd self-acceptance and self-love and started focussing on fulfilling my God-given purpose.

We are only capable of seeing where we are today, but God is able to see the bigger picture. He already knows when, where and how we will make our mark in the world as we yield to His plan of self-acceptance and self-love.

Being true to ourselves and allowing God to use us where we are, positions us to be true and genuine vessels, which He can use in even greater ways

How Do You See Yourself?

Don’t Put Yourself In A Box By Limiting Yourself To Just Existing


How Do You See Yourself?

by Olga Hermans


Can you answer this question: “How do you see yourself”? It is very important how you see yourself, because it has everything to do with your destiny. First, you have to absolutely know that God loves you; you have to be convinced that He loves you. When you get a revelation of how much God cares about you, you’re going to get a greater respect for yourself.

In the eyes of God, your success is NOT dependent upon your circumstances. In the eyes of God, your success is dependent upon how you see yourself.

If you think you’re a failure, you will fail. If you think you can win through the power of God that dwells within you, then you will win. It’s up to you. It’s your choice.

Satan has been able to paint a picture on the inside of you of the way you see yourself. He has been doing this already for many years and I must say he has done a good job, isn’t it? However, if you want to live in victory, then you must begin to discover who you are in Christ; God’s image.I ask you again: “How do you see yourself”?

Most people don’t like themselves. Some don’t like themselves for various reasons. I didn’t like myself growing up. I had two older sisters who got all the attention; I was always the little one running behind them trying to catch some of leftovers so to speak. They got all the extras.

It was until I gave my life to the Lord May 15, 1989; the day of my natural birth and my spiritual birth. Since then I started to like myself; that season of my life had brought a huge change in my life. Before that time I was searching and searching but in the wrong direction. I was in self-help groups and New Age thinking. God showed Himself to me and let me know how much I needed Him while I was in that group. It was a beautiful thing and a few months later I came out of new age and was born again on May 15th. My life has never been the same.

Anyway, back to not liking ourselves. It is a terrible way to live when you go through life not liking yourself much less loving yourself. Yeah, you should fall in love with you. You have qualities that nobody else has. You are unique. No one else can be exactly like you. Every person has something unique about him or her. Let me ask you again: “How do you see yourself”?

The bible says ….you shall love your neighbor as yourself. Matthew 19:19

How can you do that if you don’t even love yourself? When you love yourself, then what you are saying is, I accept me as who I am. God made me. I am not a mistake. Don’t put yourself down and condemn yourself when you love yourself. When you love yourself, you are saying, I am worth something. You are saying, I have something to offer.

We have all made mistakes in our lives and we should take full responsibility for them, but hanging on to them will not make our lives better. At some point, you have to make the choice to forgive yourself whether anyone else does or not.

Maybe you are somebody who is always down on yourself and feeling as if you’re worthless. Or you constantly tell yourself that you cannot be trusted with anything important because you might “mess things up”. Or you’ll become so mentally paralyzed that you won’t allow yourself to even think about taking a risk or stepping out in faith because you’re afraid that you’ll “blow it” again.

That way your self-esteem is almost nonexistent. Let’s be honest here, do you truly think that you will ever enjoy any high degree of success when your life is in that condition? No, you won’t! You have put yourself in a box. You have already determined your future. You’ve limited yourself to just existing – not living.

The abundant life that Jesus says is yours will never materialize if you refuse to let go of the mistakes. Let them go now and learn from them. Be wiser in the future; don’t make the same mistake twice. You have more information now than perhaps you had when you made the mistakes.

Apply the knowledge that you gained from experiences and get on with your life. Don’t let what happened in the past hold you back any longer. It can absolutely paralyze your life.

Look at your mistakes and wrong choices as new information about what works and what doesn’t work. Learn from it and move on. The main thing is this: DON’T LET THEM HOLD YOU BACK. In order for you to enjoy a bright future, it is absolutely necessary that you forget the past.

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URGENT Prayer Alert On Behalf Of Israel [video]

Pastor John and Diana Hagee and I are calling for urgent prayer on behalf of Israel. Many Palestinians call this Sunday, May 15, “Catastrophe Day,” as they commemorate the establishment of the State of Israel. News media has shared that demonstrations will start Friday against Israel. And, the Muslim Brotherhood has called for an invasion of Israel on May 15. ( Click here to read details of the potential attack and its historical significance.)

Israel is preparing to guard its nation and people from harm. Please agree with them by praying for peace and safety for all Israeli soldiers. Pray for the protection of Israel’s borders from attack and the protection of its people from any harm. God has miraculously protected His people in the past. He can and will protect them again! Prayer for Israel

During This Time: Father God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, we call upon You to intervene on behalf of Your people, Israel. It is You Lord God who sends help to those in distress; deliver Your Chosen from the wrath of the ungodly. We ask that You place Your supernatural protection over those who are preparing to guard Israel and the people against an enemy whose intent is destruction of Your Chosen. Lord God of Israel we call upon You to protect Your land which You have given to Your people as their inheritance. May the enemies of Israel be kept powerless by Your mighty hand, for You are her Rock and her Fortress and You dwell in her palaces; Your presence surrounds Israel like a shield.

We give You thanks with grateful hearts for the miracles that You will perform on behalf of the Jewish people and the land of Israel for You are her refuge and her strength and a very present help in trouble. Amen.

Choosing Between What You Want To Do and What You Ought To Do

If You Want To Make A Quality Decision, You Must Determine The Weight Or Value You Will Give To Between The Objects You Are Choosing


Choosing Between What You Want To Do
and What You Ought To Do

by Olga Hermans

You are very special to God and He gave you the freedom of choice. So, since God created you and me to make decisions, then we can be sure that He has also given us the proper way to make those decisions.

The gift of free will is one thing that characterizes God as a Father. He gives us His guidelines for life in His Word and then allows us to make our own choices. We have the power to choose a life of blessings or curses. Our future is are completely in our hands.

God can’t and won’t make us do anything, and the devil certainly can’t force us into anything we don’t willingly agree to. For this reason, the responsibility for the direction of our lives is in our hands.

Have you ever been in a situation where you wanted to make a choice to do something, but knew deep down in your heart you should be doing the other thing. What do you do in a situation like that? How do you know which choice to make and know that, that is the best choice?

Let’s picture the scales in an old grocery store that were used to weigh out how many ounces of candy were in a bag or something. Both of the scales have a balance point in the center. If the objects on both sides are the same weight, then the sides will balance. If one side is heavier, then that side will go down and the other side will go up. A seesaw on a playground would give the same picture.

If you want to make a quality decision, you must determine the weight or value you will give to those objects you are choosing. Only after doing that,  can you  decide between the choices. Only then, can you say no and choose between the different options that you have, right? You are giving weight or value to the things on the scale. This is a very important step to making a quality decision.

Many times people make important decisions without judging the options, without weighing the positives and negatives, without determining what that decision will mean to them in the long run.

This is process that goes on all the time even when we might not be aware of it. Let’s have a look at this example of a woman buying a pair of shoes. Her decision to purchase a particular pair of shoes will be determined by what is important to her. It depends on the situation; some determining factors might be color, comfort and style. She might be looking for a color to wear with a particular outfit that she already has.

If she finds shoes in the correct color, she may buy them even if the fit bothers her a little. On the other hand, she may be looking for high heels for a formal occasion. She might try on a pair of shoes that are very comfortable but have low heels.

No matter how comfortable they may be, she will tell the clerk, “No, that’s not what I want.” Even in this ordinary, routine action, she will think the situation through and outweigh one or the other.

It is not difficult to make a decision if one choice greatly outweighs the other. Sometimes though, each of the choices has great value and you have to choose between them.

God told Moses in Ex.3:10 to go to Pharaoh and bring the people of Israel out of Egypt. Moses valued the situation which meant that he honored the situation. He put the choices that he had to make in the balance. His desire to obey God was much greater than the treasure he had in Egypt.

Just because you know what you should do, does not make it easy. And certainly this was not a simple decision for Moses to make. As “The Son of Pharao’s Daughter,” Moses held a position of great wealth. He was in the royal line and entitled to an inheritance. Probably he would become king himself some day.

Have you ever had to consider giving something up – something you knew you should give up – then you began to think about how much you liked that thing, or how hard you had worked for it or how long it had taken you to get in that position?

Has God ever given you a dream that has caused you to be so excited that you were not able to sleep at night? Then, as time passed without the dream becoming a reality, you may have lost your enthusiasm in pursuing that dream. Perhaps you even questioned whether it was from God in the first place.

Many times our dreams do not become reality because of the decisions we make in our lives. Your course in life depends on the decisions you make. Don’t let your God-given dreams fade away. It is time to dust off your unfilled dreams and go for it!!

Today is a great day to start to weigh your choices and to determine to make quality decisions.

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Why Do We Choose To Honor Our Mothers? (Part 2)

The Honoring Of Your Father And Mother Is Something That God Has Established


Why Do We Choose To Honor Our Mothers? (Part 2)

by Olga Hermans


Welcome to Part 2 of Mothers’ Day; you can read Part 1 by clicking here!

The honoring of your father and mother is something that God has established. When you make it a power struggle, you lose all your blessings that are attached to this great promise. It is one of the 10 commandments next to the commandment, we should NOT kill other people. You never would think about killing somebody, because you know how wrong that is.

The same thing is true for the 5th commandment that tells us to honor our father and mother. If you honor your parents, regardless of what they do, then you will be in good standing not only with God, but also with your mom and dad. You will feel satisfied with your life, and you will be satisfied with the conditions around you. You will be prosperous.

We honor God and other people to who honor is due. When you honor your mother, you teach your children how to honor you.

How would you like it if you said to your children, “I want you to show me honor. I want you to be the best that you can be. And I want you to respect me.” In addition, they say to you, “I am respecting you the way I see you respect God. I am obeying you the way I see you obey God. I love you the way I see you love God. I am living my life before you the way I see you live your life before God.”

Children watch what we do and they are learning from what we do.

Maybe you should do a little check up on yourself. Ask yourself the question: “How do I talk to my parents? What do I do and say to express my love to them? Single parents especially have to be very careful how you talk about the man that is the father of your children. Because their future is linked to how they honor their father. Don’t talk down on him in front of your children.

You shouldn’t be talking about him to anybody but God. He understands how you feel about him than yourself. You need to understand that when you speak down on your husband to your children, what you do is that you put your children down. Their father is part of their destiny. Exercise speaking positive things and your feelings will follow.

When we chose to bring children into this world, they did not choose to be here. We brought them in. In addition, we have to be responsible for what we put in them and how we deal with them.

God is very clear when He says that we have to honor our father and mother. What counts is what is going on in our heart, which is what pollutes us. That is what causes the many problems in our lives. What is going on in your heart?

That’s why God told us to renew our minds by the Word of God. The world around us has pulled us away from things that are good for us which are totally against how God had meant it for us.

If we do what the world tells us to do, we cannot expect that God will reveal His will to us. The renewing of the mind is a good thing for us; when we do that we see things around us change accordingly, which is a lot of fun. It inspires us to go on and go further in what God has for us. We renew our mind to what God says in His Word, not on our own interpretation of things.

In Proverbs 1:8, it says, “My son, hear the instruction of thy father and forsake not the law or thy mother, for they shall be an ornament of grace unto thy head and the chains about your neck.” The Bible is saying, pay attention to what your mother says as well as your father. However, pay attention to your mother’s teachings, because it’s those teachings that allow you to be a victor in life.

A victor is someone who defeats an adversary; a victor is a winner. We all want to be winners. We have the ability to do that, through Jesus. If you hold on to those teachings and those instructions, they’ll help you to deal with anything that comes across your path.

In Proverbs 31 is a mother’s instruction to her son. It’s about a virtuous woman, but Proverbs 31:1 starts out as a king expressing what his mother taught him. His mother taught him what kind of woman he wanted in his life.

Honor your mother. Do something that you’ve never done before for her: honor her. She knows what mistakes she made.

Make a choice today to make it a great Mothers’ Day . 

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Why Do We Choose To Honor Our Mothers?

Why Do We Choose To Honor Our Mothers?



Why Do We Choose To Honor Our Mothers?

by Olga Hermans



Do you know the origin of Mother’s Day? Let me tell you the short version: In the United States, Mother’s Day was first suggested in 1872 by Julia Ward Howe (who wrote the words to the Battle hymn of the Republic) as a day dedicated to peace. Ms. Howe would hold organized Mother’s Day meetings in Boston, Mass every year.


Anna Jarvis

In 1907 Anna Jarvis, from Philadelphia, began a campaign to establish a national Mother’s Day. Ms. Jarvis persuaded her mother’s church in Grafton, West Virginia to celebrate Mother’s Day on the second anniversary of her mother’s death, the 2nd Sunday of May. By the next year, Mother’s Day was also celebrated in Philadelphia.

Ms. Jarvis and her supporters began to write to ministers, executives, and politicians in their quest to establish a national Mother’s Day. It was successful as by 1911 Mother’s Day was celebrated in almost every state. President Woodrow Wilson, in 1914, made the official announcement proclaiming Mother’s Day as a national holiday that was to be held each year on the 2nd Sunday of May. He established the day as a time for “public expression of our love and reverence for the mothers of our country.” By then it had become customary to wear white carnations to honor departed mothers and red to honor the living, a custom that continues to this day.

Let’s see what the Bible says how we should honor our mothers.

We all know the story of Genesis where we can read that God created the heavens, the earth, and every living thing in it. Then he created man and put him in the garden. After God created the animals, he saw that man was alone and needed a companion; a helpmate. Therefore, he created woman.

Adam called his wife’s name Eve because she was the mother of all living humans. The Amplified Bible says that Eve’s name means “lifespring,” because she was the mother of all the living. Beautiful name, isn’t it? Women have the ability to bring forth life. Of course, we can’t bring it forth by ourselves, we need the man – but most of all we need God. Because he stamps the approval on it and puts the breath of life into that little body that we are conceiving. It is such a miracle!

We know as mothers that we’re not perfect all the time. We make mistakes. However, as children, we can’t hold those mistakes against our parents. Parents are human and they will make mistakes. God tells us clearly to honor your father and your mother.

We have to realize that they’re human. And they will make mistakes. But, notwithstanding any of that, God tells us in Exodus 20:12, “to honor your father and your mother”.

The promise tells us that we will live a long life when we honor our parents. If you don’t honor them, you cut the connection to long life. The Bible does not say honor if you think they deserve it. He says honor your father and your mother.

There are moments that we think we know more than they do and we like to do it our way and fall on our face and then try to hide it from everybody.

Mothers have a special anointing from God to be a mother. That anointing starts to flow when we honor her.

Often times, we run into people who are so angry with their parents. Then they wonder why things aren’t going right for them. You’re only hurting yourself, because your life is connected to how you honor your mother.

You honor her in how you live. You honor her in how you pay attention to the instructions that she gives you. You have to honor her because God commanded you to honor her.

Now, “honor,” in the dictionary means “to show special esteem or respect. To show profound respect mingled with love and devotion.” She is an authority figure and it is a commandment from God to love her, to respect her, to show her honor, to esteem her, to see her as valuable. She gave you the opportunity to be here and experience the blessings of God on your life.

I lost my mother when I was 21 years of age; two years before that, I lost my father. This was an incredibly confusing time for me. My whole family was in shock; nobody could have imagined that that would happen to us or saw it coming. All of us were in so much pain that we could hardly communicate.

As I have grown older now and I have my own children, I think back at the moments that I began to respect the wisdom that came from my mother. I have a desire to share that with other people that I see that need that in their lives. My mom was not perfect. I am not perfect, I am not a perfect mother, but I do my best, because I know that is all God requires of me.

I have so much more to say; will you come back tomorrow to read the second part? You will not regret it, I promise you. However, let’s prepare for mothers’ day, prepare our heart to do something special for the one who brought you forth into this earth; your mother. It will be one of the best choices you have ever made.

Make a choice today to make it a great Mothers’ Day . 

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15 Guidelines To Beat Self-Doubt

Self-Doubt Is Absolutely Tormenting


15 Guidelines To Beat Self-Doubt

by Olga Hermans


Self-doubt is absolutely tormenting. Confidence is something we can decide to have. When we learn about God and about His love for us, the moment will come that we have to decide whether we believe it or not. If we choose to believe, then we have confidence. If we don’t believe, we make a choice to live in doubt about everything.

If we don’t believe in ourselves, who is going to? God believes in us, and it is a good thing too; otherwise, we might never make any progress. We cannot always wait on others to come along and encourage us to be all that we can be. Some people are blessed to have that kind of support, while others don’t.

Self-doubt makes us double minded and James 1:8 teaches us that a double-minded man is unstable in all his ways. This person cannot go forward until he decides to believe in God and in Himself.

I want to encourage you to take a step of faith and stop doubting yourself. There is an old saying that goes, “Don’t sell yourself short.” You have more capabilities than you think you do. You are able to do a lot more than you have ever done in the past. God will help you, if you will put your trust in Him and stop doubting yourself.

Nobody is perfect and like everyone else, you also will make mistakes; but God will allow you to learn from them and will actually work them out to your good if you will decide not to be defeated by them. When doubt begins to torment your mind, start speaking the Word of God out of your mouth and you will win the battle.

What is a normal and healthy attitude toward yourself?

Here are 12 Guidelines That Will Build Your Self-Image and BEAT your Self-Doubt.

1. You have to know that God created you and know that He loves you.

2. Everybody has faults and mistakes and it is a good thing if you desire to change. However, God is working in your life and He is changing you day by day. While He is doing so, you can still enjoy your life and yourself.

3. Everyone has faults and you are not complete failures just because you are not perfect.

4. You are able to overcome your weaknesses with God. There will always be things that you have to deal with though; therefore, you will not become discouraged when you are convicted of areas in your life that need improvement.

5.       Don’t be a people pleaser. Of course, you want to make people happy and have them like you, but your sense of worth is not dependent on what others think of you.

6. Don’t be controlled by what people think, say, or do. Even if they totally reject you, you will survive. God will never reject you or condemn you as long as you believe.

7. No matter how often you fail, promise yourself to never give up.

8. Make a choice to like yourself and to enjoy yourself. Maybe there are things that you don’t like about yourself and you might want to change, but refuse to reject yourself.

9. The moment you made a personal choice to ask the Lord in your heart, you are in right standing with God through Jesus Christ.

10. God has a good plan for your life. You are going to fulfill your destiny and be all you can be for His Glory. You have God-given gifts and talents. You have the power to choose to intend to use them to help others.

11. Realize that your gifts and talents are a gift, not something you have manufactured yourself. Don’t look down on people who cannot do what you can do.

12. Learn all you can, but don’t allow your education to become a point of pride. God doesn’t use us because of our education, but because of our heart toward Him.

13. Don’t despise your weaknesses; they keep you dependent on God.

14. Don’t always assume when things go wrong that it is your fault. But don’t be afraid to admit it, if you are wrong.

15. Take good care of yourself physically. Do the best you can with what God gave you to work with.

To beat self-doubt in your life you have to “Watch your thoughts, for they will become your words. Choose your words, for they will become your actions. Understand your actions, for they become habits. Study your habits, for they will become your character. Develop your character, for it becomes your destiny.

Make a choice today to Beat your Self-Doubt. I’d love to hear from you! 

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