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4 Definitions Of Our Call To Fellowship With The Father
by Olga Hermans
Stepping into a deeper relationship with our Father, understanding Him and understanding His love, understanding what he wants to do for us requires a choice from us. We choose to answer the call of the Father, who longs for us to come into His presence and fellowship with Him.
1Co 1:9 God is faithful, by whom ye were called unto the fellowship of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord. God is faithful to you and me! He always has been faithful and he always will be faithful to us. He will never let us down; He will never abandon us and He will never let go of us. He has not given up on you! God is faithful!
We are called unto fellowship! As we draw away to fellowship with the Lord, to express our love for the Lord in that secret place of prayer, the Lord will show us the next move for our life. So draw aside from the world today and be refreshed, redirected, refired and best of all renewed!
When we tell the Lord how much we love Him and mean it from our heart, I can assure you (that when you get quite enough) you will hear Him say “I love you too”. God is faithful; He loves us no matter what we have done. He is always waiting for us to come back to Him to be with Him.
We are called to fellowship with the Father; this is a very personal call. We have various calls on our life. There are people that are called as pastors, teacher, and prophets or in the business realm. But there is something that all of us are called to and every one of is called to fellowship. You and are called to fellowship!
There is a call coming out of heaven to the Body of Christ and it is a call to fellowship. I want to know the Lord in 2011 more than ever before, what about you? I am seeking to have a living and vibrant relationship with my heavenly Father in a way that I never had before. I am so glad that He called me to fellowship. Do you hear the call? Are you awake enough that you hear Him calling you into His presence?
The GNB says ” God is to be trusted, the God who called you to have fellowship with his Son Jesus Christ, our Lord”.
We all have the experience that we are called by telephone; somebody called you. Somebody spoke to you, somebody was after you. You see, God is after us! He is pursuing us.
The word “call” in the Greek means “to call aloud by name”. We/the sheep know the voice of the shepherd and He calls us by name. So, God is calling us by name into a new level of fellowship with Him. God is very personal with us.
It also means in the Greek “to invite”. We are invited by the Father into a place of intimacy with Him that you might not have experienced before. Or maybe you have experienced it, but it has waned over the years and now is the time that it is coming back into a deeper place with Him.
The word fellowship in the Greek is the word Koinonia. We are called into koinonia.
Here are 4 definitions of fellowship/koinonia.
1. It is a close companionship; God is calling you into a living relationship with Him. A companionship is a fellowship that is close. There was a relationship that Moses had with God; as we all know it was a close companionship.
2. It is a sweet communion; God wants that sweet communion. When you go into the presence of the Lord in your times with Him there is that sweetness about it. You just sense the presence of the Lord as you read your bible and worshipped Him; there is that sweet communion. It is the presence of God in your heart and on your life. It that sweetness that you don’t want to leave. Have you ever been there?
We all have to come to a place where the voices of the world are shut down and the voice of the Spirit turned up. So, you can hear Him loud and clearly! Give Him the first of your morning! The reward of that is this koinonia, this close companionship and this sweet communion.
3. It is an intimate relationship that begins to develop and it carries you in all the things you do during the day. It is a personal relationship what I am hungry for. You?
4. A personal friendship. Jesus called the disciples friends. There is a covenant friendship, that is developed between us and the father, that he wants more of from you and me.
This koinonia is knowing someone in the most personal way possible and the best example of that is a marriage. Choose to answer the call to fellowship with the Father. Make a choice to set time apart for God, who love you more that you and I are able to realize. Oh, how much He loves us! Here is a video that you might want to watch; let the words seek deep down in your spirit.
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