The Right Place at The Right Time
by Olga Hermans
Is there something like that? This is something that I confess many times, that I’ll be in the right place with the right people at the right time, do the right things and that I hear the right thing, because my steps are ordered of the Lord. That is a great confession to make. Could you be in the wrong place at the right time?
There is a place God has designed where opportunities find you, a place where the blessings overtake you. He has a particular place for each one of us, a place where each of us will find our highest purpose, where we will thrive and reflect God’s greatness.
You can tell your place of blessing by how it feels to you. Your senses will tell you, this is where I am supposed to be. I think I mentioned that already once that we played that game with our children when they were young. We would hide something from them and they had to go and find it. We would tell them they were getting warmer and warmer until they would be right there, when we would say “you are red hot”. If they went in the wrong direction, we would say, “You’re getting colder. Now you’re freezing cold!”
I like to encourage you to always move toward the places that feel warm to you, and move away from those that feel cold to you. You can make a choice. Freedom to choose is a gift from God.
God says the same to us as He said to the Israelites: “I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live” Deut.30:19 We can choose our path but we cannot choose the consequences of that path. Those are already established.
In the Old testament, the children of Israel followed the cloud by day and the pillar by night. Sometimes the cloud remained at the same location for two or three months. They camped there until the signs changed. Sometimes, the cloud would move every day for a week. So when they rose each morning, the first thing they had to do was to check the cloud.
I am sure there were times when they wanted to move because they didn’t like the location or they were surrounded by enemies. But the cloud stayed, so they stayed. At other times, I can imagine they would wake up and they saw the cloud moving and didn’t want to move because they like the place where they were.
But they understood very well that their blessing was connected to being at the right place. If they wouldn’t move, they wouldn’t have the food, the supplies and most of all no protection they needed unless they followed the cloud.
They had to do their part and reach their place of blessing so they could enjoy God’s favor. If you miss the signs, whether clouds or pillars of fire, or just a nagging feeling deep inside, you could become trapped in a bad place.
Life is too short to waste time and live with regrets. Follow the signs to your best place. There is a sweet spot for you; when you find it, you will feel a deep sense of purpose and fulfillment. Search your heart and be sensitive to where it might be.
You need to put yourself in position to receive those blessings. If you will stay sensitive and responsive to the signs and those leadings, you will find that God is always talking to you. He is always drawing you into His plan. That’s why I like to encourage you to get in tune with Him every morning through prayer and your Bible reading.
He knows where you need to be. He knows what you need to do each day to stay on track. He knows the plan! Seek Him and you will see it too!
There may be times when you get to a plateau and you don’t seem to be going anywhere. When that happens, it is never God’s fault. He is always ready to help. So when you get to a place like that, just dive into His Word in a greater measure and ask Him to show you where you’ve missed it.
Sometimes we have to step back and regroup. We miss God’s direction now and then. But when you are in the right place, connected to the right person, that’s when God will release great things into your life. Look for the signs in your own life. Be determined to reach that sweet spot, the place of blessing for you. Search your heart. Make sure you are obeying and staying faithful.
Remember, your blessing is connected to being in the right place at the right time. If you make staying in God’s perfect will a priority, God will lead you and guide you. He will pour out His blessings and favor, and you will live that life of victory He has in store for you.
Right now you might be thinking, Well, all that may be true but I haven’t been listening to God and obeying Him. I have been doing my own thing for years and my life is so totally messed up, I don’t think even God can fix it. I think I’ve missed my chance to walk out His plan.
No, you haven’t missed your chance. All you have to do is make a U-turn. I heard someone say the other day, “God allows U-turns.” Instead of running away from Him, run to Him like you would run to somebody you really trust. Start going after Him with all your heart. God can take any life and any situation and turn it around. He lives to do that. He is just waiting for you to give Him the opportunity.
God knows your heart. If it is earnestly turned toward Him, He will immediately start treating you like you have always been obedient and start pumping His goodness into your life.
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