4 Causes For Conflict (Part 2)

4 Causes For Conflict (Part 2)

by Olga Hermans


When you really think about how diverse our society, our communities, our neighborhoods and sometimes even our families are. There are so many people with different backgrounds and cultures around us with different perspectives and approaches to life, it shouldn’t surprise us that we have many opportunities for conflict and that it becomes a part of our life.

Let’s have a look at some examples out of the bible and see what is most important to our conflicts. We can make a choice and let God work on the inside of us so that that particular conflict will not come back any more because it is dissolved by the power of the Holy Spirit.

How does conflict begin? There are several reasons why conflict and strife happens:

1. Different Personalities.
When people with different personalities come together, conflicts can happen. You might have heard somebody say about another person sometimes that people are prophetic motivated and come across really strong, others are mercy motivated or teaching motivated. Never let you personality be a copout for what God wants to do in changing your life.

I don’t want people to say “that’s just Olga”. Because if that is the fact I have settled into being the way I am and not willing to be changed. Until Jesus returns I need to be willing to be changed from Glory to Glory. I can continue in my personality but I have to let my personality to be tempered by the work of the Holy Spirit.

2. Different backgrounds.
Conflicts happen because of different backgrounds. In Numbers 12: Miriam and Aaron was Moses’ older brother and sister, Moses married a woman not of his race. Miriam addressed it because she didn’t think it was right. There was conflict over an interracial marriage and not only that, but there was a conflict because Miriam said: “does God just only speak to you only? God speaks to me and Aaron too.”

There was a conflict of respect in leadership. Moses didn’t want to argue with her and said: “just let God decide in this conflict.” He took a humble position in it. Miriam got leprosy and she was put outside of the camp. Her attitude ended up separating her from the people that she was called to be with and that she loved. Her attitude separated her. Aaron wanted Moses to pray for her because Miriam was their sister. Moses did that, he interceded for her, Miriam was healed and she came back into the camp.

I can guarantee you that Miriam never had that problem again.

3. Lack of communication.
Lack of communication can cause conflict; this is a biggie! Conflict comes when one doesn’t tell something to the other party that they need to know, when the moment arises that one of the two finds out that he/she doesn’t know about a certain issue or situation. Lack of communication can create a lot of conflict.

Prov.13:17 say: reliable communication can permit progress. Frustration ends where communication begins. That is very good statement that you can use in every relationship. When we do not communicate, people get frustrated. They don’t know what to do or they are not prepared to do something.
Another thing that can really frustrate is “selective communication”. People only give you what they want you to know. Luke 12:2 says that the hidden things will be revealed.

People can hide things, but ultimately it gets exposed. After a while people get sloppy and they reveal themselves. I have seen people cheating on their spouse and after a while it gets revealed. God wants us to have relationships where we are hiding things and there is an honesty and openness.

How you communicate is as important as the communication itself. You have to choose to communicate in the love of God, because what you sow you are going to reap. Choose to communicate with humility and with mercy filled with the love of God

4. Jealousy and Resentment.
Jealousy and Resentment can create conflict. James 3:16 says “For where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work”. Strife means self seeking ambition, more concerned about yourself and fulfillment of your own wants and desires than meeting the needs of other people.

When there is jealousy, resentment or there is strife; there is confusion. Strife creates a conflict but it also causes confusion in the person.

Genesis 4 tells us about the first conflict between of Cain and Able. They were brothers. God had already given Adam and Eve and their family a way of approaching Him. They had to bring a blood sacrifice; the blood of an animal in order to approach Him. Why? The blood would cover their sin to come into the presence of God.

Cain brought the first fruits of his hands, of his work. Have you ever asked yourself why God didn’t accept his offering? God rejected his offering because God had already given them the way to approach Him was a blood offering. Because ultimately God knew that He was going to send his Son to be the blood offering for our sins, to cleanse our sins so that we can come boldly into the presence of God and if we think we can come with our works to be saved. Then we are missing it, because our works cannot save us. Only the blood of Jesus can save you from your sin.

That doesn’t mean that your works don’t make any difference. Our works do make a difference, because after we are saved Paul tells us that we have to work out our salvation with fear and trembling, knowing that God now is at work in you to help you. Faith without works or corresponding actions is dead.

Cain brought his offering because he wanted God to confirm his works. It is not works that affirm us before God; it is our humility where we come before God and say: “God, I need you and I offer myself to you. I ask you to cleanse me from my sins so that I can come boldly into your throne of grace.

The conflict was resentment and jealousy on Cain’s part. He killed Abel, because his jealousy ate at him.

We have to let deal with our conflicts on the inside of us. Emotional issues that never get resolved cause conflict. There are children that grow up in homes where there is abuse, control, manipulation, screaming and yelling, harsh words, cursing and critical words that go on. Parents think that it doesn’t matter, but they are creating a time bomb.

How To Resolve Conflicts

How To Resolve Conflicts

How To Resolve Conflicts

by Olga Hermans


Wherever we are, whatever we do; anywhere we are together with people, we have opportunity for conflicts. We have a choice to make whether we choose to resolve the conflict or we suppress the issue and go on. It is very imperative that we know how to resolve conflict in relationships, how to resolve conflict in marriage, what are causes of conflict. It is a very important for our own good that we know what to do in the middle of a conflict.

Jesus called us in Matthew 5:9 to be peacemakers. He said “blessed are the peacemakers”, the reward is that people will call you a Christian! So, if you are not a peacemaker, I guess the opposite is true and they won’t call you a Christian.

It says: “you are called the children of God”; that means that you are identified by the world. The world wants to see a difference in us; in our behavior as well as in our words! Hebr.12:14-15 says “Make every effort to live in peace with all men and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord. See to it that no one misses the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to causes trouble and defile many”. NIV We have to choose to make an effort!

When we get born again and we surrender our hearts to Jesus; we have peace with God and that is an awesome feeling. I remember that feeling very well, it was an overwhelming feeling. After that many of us come to realization though that we are not always that peaceful person that we thought salvation would bring with it.  We know that Christ is in us; He is the prince of Peace and he should be governing our life. But there have been times that we have been out of peace.

But he says “make every effort”. You have to make an effort to be a peaceful person, because peace doesn’t just happen just because you got saved. You still have to do something; you still have to make the effort to live at peace.

Be at peace with all men means your spouse, your family, your church and the people you work with. Wherever you are, strangers; you are a peacemaker. You try to create peace wherever you go.

And be holy! This is the part that many people would like to erase out of their bible: “without holiness no one will see the Lord”. People like to just get rid of that. They just like to go with the fact “God loves me and that’s all I need”. But the bible says that without holiness no one will see the Lord. See to it that no one misses the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to causes trouble and defile many.

How do you miss the grace of God? When you choose not to submit to the Lord and allow Him to work in your life. You miss His grace that enables you to work through things and you miss His grace that forgives you if you hold on to unforgiveness. Because you are resisting God; God resists the proud because they are resisting Him.

And without holiness no one will see the Lord. 2Cor.7:1 says:” Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God”. What does that mean? You see, the blood of Jesus cleanses you from your sin when you release your faith in God. But in the verse he says that you have to separate yourself from immorality unto God. You have to make a choice and make a decision to cut that off from your life and not to do certain things any more.

For instance when people are living together before they are married, they stop that and make a choice to not do that anymore. They get saved and the light goes on and they know that that is something they want to take out of their lives.

He says: “cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit”. What is the spirit part? The spirit part is what is on the inside of you like wrong attitudes, anger issues, unforgiveness, bitterness, resentness, jealousy, pride; those are all inside. That is filthiness of the spirit. You have to get rid of all that stuff. You have to choose your holy direction for your life.

So, you have to choose to make the effort to live in peace with all men and to live holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord. See to it that no one misses the grace of God. So, obviously you can miss the grace of God even after you are born again.

Peace in the Greek “Irene” means wholeness, completeness, tranquility in the soul that is unaffected by outward circumstances or pressures. People who live at peace are people that have an inner security that comes from their relationship with Jesus Christ; no matter what is happening around them.
Holiness means consecration to God; keeping something you value as precious to you and to God.

When you make a choice that you are going to live in that Holy direction of your heart with God then you see your relationship with God as something more precious than that lust over there. You see your relationship with God as something valuable. You are thinking of eternity; you are not just thinking of the moment.

When you are at peace; you are free from mental conflict and disturbance. When you have peace, you have harmony. There is peace on the inside and harmony with God and there is harmony with you and people.

Col.3:15 Let the peace of Christ keep you in tune with each other, in step with each other. Msg.
Ampl says: And let the peace (soul harmony which comes) from Christ rule (act as umpire continually) in your hearts; where Christ is the umpire and continually calling the calls in your life. Let the peace of God keep you in tune with one another.

The Glory will fill the earth as the waters cover the sea through people. People! 2Cor.3:18 says “as we behold the image of Him”. How do we behold the image of God? In The Word, when you open up your Bible, it is a mirror to you. When you behold the image of Him; you will be transformed from Glory to Glory. God doesn’t want you to stay at the place where you got saved; He wants you to progress. He wants His Glory to be seen in your life.

He doesn’t want us to be just satisfied. He wants us to yearn for Him and tell Him that we want to be changed so that His Glory can fill your temple that the Glory of God can flow through us towards other people that are around us, that the Glory of God can be revealed through our lives, through us being healed or other miracles.

You see, God wants His Glory to be seen. It can’t be seen when we choose to walk in our own lust or that we choose to go in our direction instead of His divine direction.

We live in a world right now where there is conflict in the nations of the world, governmentally. There is conflict right now in homes and marriages. If you watch the news you will see a lot of conflict on a regular basis. There is an intensifying of the enemy as well as there is an intensifying of God in the day that we are living in.

There is that spirit of conflict and strife that we have to be aware of, so that we do not enter into that direction of that spirit and that we say: “The spirit of God lives in me, it is greater than my problems and I am going to choose to submit to the spirit of God, I am not letting those spirits that are in the world around us influence me”.

Until Jesus returns we need to be willing to be changed from Glory to Glory. When we make a powerful choice to be changed on the inside by God, we will experience that that is the only way to resolve our issues. God loves us so much that He doesn’t want us to stay the same. I want to encourage you to come back tomorrow for part 2 and you will gain even more insight on how to resolve conflicts.

See you tomorrow:







Acceptance or Rejection

Acceptance Or Rejection

Acceptance or Rejection

by Olga Hermans


When we choose to reject ourselves, we should understand that rejecting ourselves does not change us. It actually multiplies our problems. Have you ever thought why we as humans reject ourselves? Isn’t it the most foolish and thoughtless thing to do? We reject ourselves and then we run after people and beg them more or less to accept us; such contradiction.

Acceptance causes us to face reality and then begin to deal with it. We cannot deal with anything as long as we are refusing to accept it or denying its reality.

Webster’s defines accept as “1. To receive (something offered) willingly 2.a.To consider as usual, proper or right b. To consider as true.”

We have to engage our will to make the right choices. Wouldn’t you say that rejecting ourselves causes death to come into our lives? If I like to apply this definition to self-acceptance, I see that I can choose or not choose to accept myself as I am, but I have a free will and can refuse to do so if I choose.

People who reject themselves do so because they cannot see themselves as proper or right. They only see their flaws and weaknesses, not their beauty and strength. This is a very unbalanced attitude, one that was probably instilled by authority figures in the past who majored on what was weak and wrong rather than on what was strong and right.

The word acceptance from the same dictionary is defined in part as “approval” and “agreement.” If we have problems accepting ourselves as we are, I suggest that we need to get into agreement with God that what He created is good and that includes us.

In Amos 3:3 we read, Do two walk together except they make an appointment and have agreed? To walk with God, we must agree with God. He says He loves us and accepts us; therefore, if we agree with Him, we can no longer hate and reject ourselves.

We need to agree with God that when He created us, He created something good.

Once again let me emphasize that I realize everything we do is not good, but at this point we are discussing ourselves, not our behavior.

Rejection is a mean spirit. You know, satan was rejected by God when pride came all over him. God rejected him out of heaven. The very essence of sin is rejection. Rejection is etched into the cells of the human mind. The disease of the devil has spread to every person born on the earth until He Who was perfect was born of God; Jesus Christ. He wants to make sure that we feel rejected by God; if we feel rejected by God, we reject God isn’t it? Well, that’s his plan. If we feel rejected by God; we want to reject ourselves.

The fact is that everyone on this planet has been forced to experience the painful consequences of what happened in an uncounted eon far from here and long ago.

Maybe you are in a place right now where you feel rejected. You see the things in yourself that need to be changed and it is very difficult for you to think or say, “I accept myself.” You feel that to do so would be to accept all that is wrong with you, but that is not the case.

I personally don’t believe we can even begin the process of change until this issue is settled in our individual lives. I, myself have been dealing with rejection for a very long time. One of the things that I would recommend is to sit in the presence of God and tell Him what is going on. Be honest and open to God. Choose to acknowledge the thoughts that He has for you; He loves you no matter what you do or have done. There is nothing we can do to make God love us any less or anymore; only to receive that He loves us no matter what we do.

By making this choice to accept God for who He is and accept yourself step by step for who you are; it is a wonderful process, really. It is such a blessing to experience a change in yourself that only God could have done. Choose to say: “I accept myself.” There you go! Say it many times a day! Make the choice!
Remember, God loves you!

Source: How to Succeed at Being Yourself by Joyce Meyer

The Limitless Strength of God

Limitless Strength

He giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no might he increaseth strength. Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall: But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. Isa 40:29 -31

It is time for you to soar with eagles and ride upon the high place of the earth. Isaiah was saying in these verses, “God never gets tired. He has unlimited strength and wisdom.” In fact, strength is found in the wisdom of God. Weariness isn’t necessarily tiredness of the body.

The weariness most people experience is in their minds and attitudes. When a person becomes burdened, he carries “the load,” which includes worry, fear, anxiety and problems.

Perhaps you are in a place of weariness and fainting. You have thought about giving up on what God has called you to do. There is good news for you. God does not run out of strength. There is no end to His wisdom and understanding. The good thing about strength and ability is that He wants to impart it in your life. He gives power to the faint because He intends for you to be powerful in the earth.

Born-again believers need to daily recharge their spiritual reserves to face the difficulties, temptations, pressures, stress, demands and schedules. If you try to be strong in the arm of the flesh, you will come to a point where you will want to give up on life.

Many people who were once in church have gradually lost their communion and close fellowship with their God. Their zeal for God has lessened to the point that the things of this world have become more attractive to them.

When you lose your desire for God, something else takes place in your heart. As you draw close to the Lord, the things of this world will lose their power and influence over you. It is time to wait on the Lord, renew your strength and mount up with wings as an eagle.

Sometimes people have experienced great things that have happened in the past; they hold on to a past that is filled with pain and regret. It is time for us to forget those painful memories and lay aside the things that keep you from moving forward.

If you are holding on to things of the past, it’s impossible to receive the fresh and new. Your future is going to be better than your past. You have everything to look forward to, because you have been given the power of choice. YOU can choose what you want to do; look back or have your eyes on the future. I know what I choose for; what are you choosing for?

The Mysteries Of The Kingdom Of God

The Mysteries Of The Kingdom Of God


The Mysteries Of The Kingdom Of God

by Olga Hermans


A vital revelation that Jesus shared on the subject of hearing ad doing is found in Mark 4. This is an important chapter for us to realize that we choose how we hear from God. In this parable of the sower, Jesus teaches us how to be fruitful in God’s kingdom and how to avoid being unfruitful. Guess what? It’s totally dependent on how we choose to hear and understand the Word.

You might say: “Is this really a choice that we have to make?” It is always our choice; we have to open our hearts by an act of obedience to God to be willing to hear Him. We are able to ignore the voice of the Lord; there will be moments that we don’t want to pay attention to His voice, we close our eyes, we take no notice of His voice. We have to be determined to hear His voice, like Paul said in Phil.3:10

We all are familiar with the parable in Mark 4:2-9, notice what Jesus said when He finished relating it to the people: “He that hath ears to hear, let him hear” v:9
The word hear in this verse isn’t just talking about hearing with our physical ears. True bible hearing includes not only hearing what God says, but comprehending what He means, receiving it in faith and meditating on it until it is planted in your heart so that you can do it.

When the knowledge of God’s Word comes to a person’s heart, understanding (revelation) enables him to walk it, talk it and apply it to his life. Living the Christian life is no longer a matter of keeping a set of rules and regulations. Instead, it becomes a supernatural walk of following God in the spirit, unhindered and undefeated.

Do you want to know the mysteries of the Kingdom?

And He said to them, To you has been entrusted the mystery of the kingdom of God [that is, the secret counsels of God which are hidden from the ungodly]; but for those outside [of our circle] everything becomes a parable. (Mar 4:11)
You see, it has been granted unto us God’s covenant people to know and understand the hidden mysteries of God. Proverbs 2:7 says that God stores up His wisdom for the righteous.

People who are not in right-standing with God can’t understand the wisdom of God or operate in it. It is hidden from them. They don’t qualify, but we who are born into the kingdom have “top secret clearance”!

God wants us to have understanding so He lights our candles by His Spirit with the Word of God and reveals the secrets of His Kingdom. Prov. 20:27 says, “The spirit of man is the candle of the LORD, searching all the inward parts of the belly.” And mark 4:22 says nothing is hidden from us.

The secrets of God’s Kingdom are waiting to be revealed to those who want them enough to spend time with the One who knows all secrets.

Here comes our part into play; we have been given the power of choice, to make choices according to the Word of God; yielding to God when he calls us to come to Him and spend time with Him. We choose to honor Him and acknowledge Him during our daily tasks; we choose to talk to Him and walk with Him.

He wants to reveal to us those things that are mysteries for us, the hidden things that we need to know. Choose wisely; our life is driven by our choices. Choose life!


2 Major Steps towards Your Breakthrough

2 Major Steps towards Your Breakthrough

2 Major Steps towards Your Breakthrough

by Olga Hermans


Are you believing God for a breakthrough in your life? Come and see what you need to do to stop the problem and bring God-desired end-results into your life.

Psalm 91:1Ampl. HE WHO dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall remain stable and fixed under the shadow of the Almighty [Whose power no foe can withstand]. He who abides in the secret place; when we are abiding, we are obeying! When we obey the word of God, we are abiding in the secret place.

We chicken out and just say ”this is just too hard for me” and go do something totally different from what we know that God is telling us. We never know if the breakthrough would have come. Breakthrough comes when you make a choice, an unwavering choice to stand on the Word of God and  believe God. You need a good partner and God is the best partner you can get.

If we give God just a little piece of what we have; he gets involved in our life. I rather give Him a big piece of my life, at least 10% of everything that I do. Our spiritual life and day to day life should be separated any way. But here are 2 major steps towards a breakthrough and if you are not applying them already, I like to encourage you to take action.

1.   Tithing of your time
When we give God the best part of our day, which I believe is the first hour of your day. You can do several things during the day: listen to a message, pray in the spirit, make you confession and minister to somebody in need. Do things that glorify God during the day.

2. Tithing of your money
When people set aside a set portion of their income for the Church, this is known as tithing. God Himself is speaking in Mal.3:10 and He is saying, “Prove Me in this.”This is the only time in the Word where God instructs us to prove Him, and it is the one area where most people have withdrawn from proving God.

God has a system in place and what we all should do it get off from the world’s system and get over in God’s system. It involves faith, it involves believing God for things you need, it involves saying the right words.

You know you are in debt and you are not able to pay your bills you want to talk about it; you want to talk about your problem. Every time, you catch yourself talking about the problem, you know you are going in the wrong direction. Start talking the answer, the Word of God. Talk the Word of God, put God’s word in your eyes, in your ears, let it get down in your heart and it will come out of your mouth. That is the way to live free!

Here is our part Psalm 92:2 I will say of the Lord, He is my Refuge and my Fortress, my God; on Him I lean and rely, and in Him I [confidently] trust! So, we have a part “we say”. We say “He is our Fortress, our Protection, He is our Source, He is the One that gives us increase, He is my Healer and He is my Deliverer.

I am saying about the Lord what the Lord is saying about Himself, right? Every time you do that, your faith will come up. Every time, you talk depression, sickness, lack, and you are calling everybody you know and talk about how bad your situation is. You understand now that you are going into the wrong direction, isn’t it?

Get your bible out and see what Jesus said about you healing. He said that He bore your sicknesses and diseases and by His stripes you were healed”. That is the truth of the matter. Why should you feel old and sick? You don’t have to! Why? Because of what Jesus did for us. We should refuse the bear the curse that He died for. We say NO to sickness “you have no right to come upon our bodies”.

Believe the word, speak the word and obey the word! You just have to choose; am I going with God or am I going with the devil? When you choose to go with the devil, than your future is not very good. But when you choose to go with God, He can undo every mistake of the past, he can bless you in every situation and your future is bright! Your future will get better and better!

Supernatural Prosperity

Supernatural Incraese and Multiplication


Supernatural Prosperity

by Olga Hermans


Hi there! How are you doing? Are you standing on what you believe? Are you speaking what you believe? My friend just posted this on facebook and it fits in here just fine “Our greatest threat is not adverse circumstances; rather it’s the incorrect thoughts & beliefs that try to slip in during our hardship” John Bevere. Especially thoughts of doubt, worry, fear and anxiety are thoughts that we should be aware of.

Can you remember this scripture that I mentioned in this post? Lev 26:9 says  “For I will be leaning toward you with favor and regard for you, rendering you fruitful, multiplying you, and establishing and ratifying My covenant with you”. Ampl. God is saying to you and me “rendering you fruitful”. I receive it; do you? We receive it when we say it! Consider yourself fruitful.

This goes back to the original intent that God had in the book of genesis. The blessing was the first words that men heard. And when God spoke to men, He rendered him fruitful. God rendered men prosperous! That is what we walk in; supernatural increase is working in my life. It has to be received. Adam didn’t hold on to it, he let go of it. But we have to receive and not let it go.

The true meaning of prosperity is the ability to use the power of God to meet the needs of mankind; spirit, soul, body, financially, socially. So the purpose for increase should be a motivation to accumulate for distribution. So, we increase in order for us to be the blessing that God has called us to be. The more you distribute, the more you receive. It’s a wonderful plan!

The book of proverbs says: “if you water, you will be watered.” I am declaring over you right now as you read this: ”the supernatural increase and multiplication of God, every bill paid and every need met and every debt wiped out and more than enough left over; too much, abundance for you and your household! Do you receive it? God is the God of increase! Praise Him and thank Him for it!

Come and see what God for Isaac: When Isaac planted his crops that year; he harvested a hundred times more grain than he planted, for the LORD blessed him. He became a very rich man, and his wealth continued to grow. He acquired so many flocks of sheep and goats, herds of cattle, and servants that the Philistines became jealous of him. Gen 26:12-14

People in the world got jealous..This is a great instance here of Isaac, don’t you think so? Look at it right now in the light of what is going on in the economy. This is a great scripture for this hour. Job 5:22 says “At destruction and famine thou shalt laugh”.

The increase of God was working in Isaac’s life in spite of what the economy was around him; it works! The economy of God works independent of the natural economy.  When you separate yourself from that Babylonian world system and you go over into the Kingdom of God system. Then that supernatural increase and multiplication is working on your and my behalf.

In the Babylonian system you pay men to help you, but in God’s system you believe Him and trust Him and He helps you. He doesn’t charge any interest; the world does though. God does not enslave you into debt, He blesses you! Supernatural income works on the inside of us. We must see ourselves prosperous on the inside first. “I wish above all things that you may prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers.” So, it begins on the inside.

The more you say it, the more you believe it, the more you meditate on it, the more you receive it. The meditation of it enlarges our capacity. See yourself with it. Even when your bills are piled up high, read Phil.4:19 especially in the amplified version. God daily loads us with benefits. Confess this daily over your life and the increase that comes from the sowing of your seeds will bring that supernatural increase and multiplication in your life. God is good.

Choose to believe and let the power of choice work in your daily life. You choose to dominate your circumstances and your finances. And as you make these daily choices, your life will change for the good. You will be a distribution center and walk in the full blessing that God has for you. Can you say amen? I say amen to that!

Here is a prayer and a declaration from Gen. 26:12-14


Father, I thank You that I will receive the maximum yield from my seed in the same year that I sow it. You bless me continually and make my name great. You give me a great store of people who offer me their services and you bless all of my production. Because of your anointing, my substance increases so much that my enemies look upon me with jealousy and envy.


The Lord has blessed me with abundance.
His favor finds a home in me.
He receives the seed that I have sown and blesses it so  that I will bring forth the maximum yield.
He has taken hold of me in His powerful arm and promoted me. In Him, I find wealth and position. I have been separated from the world. He has placed within me special and unique supernatural qualities. My supply is great with His blessing in my life.

Source of Prayer and Declaration: Personalized Promise Bible on Financial Increase by James Riddle

See you next time!
The Power of Choice belongs to you!

Prime Choice

Prime Choice

by Daniel Lapin

Why do some people succeed in life while others fail? You know the answer.  For the most part, folks fail because they did not do what they should have done back when they needed to do it.  They may also not be doing what they should be doing right now.

See, we all know the road to successDo what you must do when you must do it. Not what you want to do.  Not when you get around to it.  Do what you must do when you must do it and the world is yours.

For some people it may mean adopting then keeping to a healthy diet from this moment.  For others it could mean doing whatever it takes right now to protect and nurture a marriageIt could mean taking immediate and necessary steps to rid oneself of an addiction.  For many it means finding a job, finding a second job or starting a business—today!

This is all really very simple. Do what you need to do when you need to do it.  Unfortunately, however, this simple but true formula leaves us utterly baffled by a perplexing puzzle.  If the road to success is so well marked, why do so many of us fail at so many of the things we consider truly important?

It takes another question to best illustrate ancient Jewish wisdom’s explanation for why so many of us fail at doing precisely what we know so well we ought to do.

Read this verse: I call heaven and earth today to bear witness for you that I have placed before you  life and death, blessing and curse; and you shall choose life…(Deuteronomy 30:19)

Here’s the question:  If life and death are the choices before us, who in his right mind would choose death?  What sane individual would choose curse over blessing?  Why should God need to sagely recommend that we choose life and blessing?  Who would do otherwise?

In reality, we face these choices many times each day.   Frequently the wrong path is the more appealing one.

God has put us in a world with not only physical gravity but also spiritual gravity.  Yes, it takes far more effort to climb up the stairs than down.  It takes far more effort to lift a weight than it takes to drop it.  It takes far more fuel for an airplane to attain cruising altitude after takeoff than it takes for the same aircraft to descend back to earth prior to landing.

Similarly, it is far harder to keep to a diet than it is to let oneself go.  It is far harder to stick to a project that needs doing than to abandon it for an evening’s entertainment. It is harder to keep a marriage going than to walk away and it is harder to do one’s work when it needs to be done than it is to make excuses.

Yes, most of us know what we ought to do.  The problem is that God built a system of spiritual gravity that resists our every attempt to improve ourselves and our lives. We should be happy about this for the same reason that weightlifters and athletes are happy that gravity exists.  Without it, everyone would be able to bench-press four hundred pounds and run a four minute mile, but these bogus accomplishments would achieve nothing.  In His kindness, God gives us opportunities to confront spiritual and moral challenges allowing us to grow and thrive.

Knowing the secret to success is far different from traveling that path. Rarely do the divergent paths of life or death confront us head on. Instead, we make choices during countless, seemingly unimportant, daily moments. Being aware that small actions lead to a critical finish line makes it easier to steadily move in the right direction. Choose life!

Financial realities dictate that we raise the price of the 5 audio CD Biblical Blueprint Set. We will do so next week in order to give you a last chance to purchase them at the present low price.  Take some time to explore the treasure trove of wisdom found in these CDs and discover the fuel they provide for making wise choices.

Thought Tools

by Rabbi Daniel Lapin


This is such a great article; right @ the core of this blog! I was so excited to read this great wisdom from the rabbi!

The Power of Choice has been given to us. I pray for you that you will walk in the wisdom that God gives you each and every day to make the right choices that will bring abundance in every area of your life.


Reach Your Destiny with The Words You Speak

If you want to reach your destiny and I can assume you want to, because you came to the title of this article, you have to learn to watch what you speak if you are serious enough. Your words can create your destiny;  with your own words you

Mar 11:14 And Jesus answered and said unto it, No man eat fruit of thee hereafter for ever. And his disciples heard it. Mar 11:20 And in the morning, as they passed by, they saw the fig tree dried up from the roots.

can accelerate your destiny, slow down or thwart it from coming to pass. What do you want?

God wants us to get to the place where the Word of the Lord is our proof and our evidence; it’s all we need to say and to believe. The Word of God will cut through anything that is in this earth, that is upside down. Jesus said to Martha that Mary had chosen the good thing. It’s always comes down to our choices isn’t it? Mary had chosen the good thing and nobody could take it away from her and only one thing is needful and that is what she chose. Only one thing is needful!

Let’s have a close look at Mat 12:34-36 O generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things? for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh. A good man out of the good treasure or deposit of the heart bringeth forth good things: and an evil man out of the evil treasure bringeth forth evil things. But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.

There is a day that we all have to stand before the judgment seat of Christ, this means that there is a time where our words come to manifestation. There is a time of harvest. Our words have already been judged, because God has already said what needs to be said about that. For instance; if you have an attorney in a court of law and he has an argument, the judge goes to the book and reads what the court has already said a long time ago in 1897 or what the court said in 1981. Your argument has already been judged by the words that are written in the book of the law.

God has already judged the things that you are doing. When you keep on doing what you should not be doing, saying what you shouldn’t be saying. When you do this and say that; the harvest will come because judgment has to come to pass. We say so many idle words and think nothing about it, isn’t it? Jesus was very careful with the all the words he spoke; He never said any idle word.

You know, if I have a recipe for something and I just put something in there; it will change the consistency of what I am trying to cook. You see, that is what we do when we start dumping words in our day to day life that are not lining up with the Word of God.

We have had a natural training and we think we have to use a lot of words about something. We have to say it over and over again or we think we have to say so a lot of words, because it gives a good feeling and don’t think nothing about it.

If we are afraid that our destiny is not coming to pass and standing on Mark 11:23-24; you will start saying the wrong words toward your destiny. You believe in your confession and speak it into existence using your faith. But now you are watering down what you just said. Jesus was not a man of many words; he said something and He just walked off. He spoke to the fig tree and never said a word about it anymore.

We in our natural always ask ourselves “how does that work”? Our reasoning dilutes all the words that we speak by faith every time we speak otherwise. Don’t step away from your faith; just put your words ahead of you and let it go.

The bible talks about the power of the tongue in Prov.6:2 Thou art snared with the words of thy mouth, thou art taken with the words of thy mouth. Our mouth and what we say has a lot to do with what is developed or what comes out of your life and He says here “you are going to be snared”. We have a lot of power with our words; we have to watch that because we can be snared with our own words.

You can make it so that you don’t reach your destiny because of what you say, not by what other people said about you. But by what you say. Mat 12:37 says “For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned”. Not by their words. When you put their words in your mouth, then it will. Do you see that?

God made it so that no man can stop you, except you. By all words that you choose to speak. We cannot blame anybody else; not the government, not our family. You have a choice and nobody can stop that. You get the results, nobody can stop that. Jesus told us how to choose our words wisely; what we say, we will get in our life!

There is power in choice. God can’t and won’t make us do anything, and the devil certainly can’t force us into anything we don’t willingly agree to. For this reason, the responsibility for the direction of our lives is in our hands. Choose to speak God’s Word to fulfill your destiny.

Supernatural Increase and Multiplication


Let the people praise thee, O God; let all the people praise thee. Then shall the earth yield her increase; and God, even our own God, shall bless us.

Supernatural Increase and Multiplication

by Olga Hermans


The Word of God enlarges our capacity to receive the power of God whether it is in your healing, whether it is in your finances or your family. We have to develop our faith and enlarge our capacity; you need to be transformed by the renewing of your mind to these things.

We live in a crucial time in the life of our economy; we must be build up and renew our minds to the word of God. To fulfill the plan that God has for us we must prosper. In the same way that we are to be healed and whole; we are to prosper.

You know, people try to increase themselves and he does that through toil. There is a supernatural increase and a supernatural multiplication that we ought to operate in, in the Kingdom of God system. Super means above and beyond, natural is of this world. So, we are looking at the above and beyond the natural course of this world. That’s why we are not subject to the times; we might have the same conditions around us, but we experience different results. That is why we thrive and not just survive.

Psa 115:12-16 says: The LORD hath been mindful of us: he will bless us; he will bless the house of Israel; he will bless the house of Aaron. He will bless them that fear the LORD, both small and great. The LORD shall increase you more and more, you and your children. Ye are blessed of the LORD which made heaven and earth. The heaven, even the heavens, are the LORD’S: but the earth hath he given to the children of men.

The Lord shall increase us more and more and we pass it on to our children. God increases us; it is the will of the Lord to supernaturally increase us and to supernaturally multiply the seed that is sown. The Hebrew word says that we are added continually over and above. Isn’t that exciting? We will increase supernaturally even in times of economic stress. God has increased us and he is going to increase us.

Psa 67:5-7 Let the people praise thee, O God; let all the people praise thee. Then shall the earth yield her increase; and God, even our own God, shall bless us. God shall bless us; and all the ends of the earth shall fear him.

It says here that when we thank Him for all the things He has done, that the earth shall yield it increase. When you praise Him, you say something good about God. You talk about how good He is and how big He is. “Father, I thank You in the name of Jesus how much You are blessing us and how You are supernaturally increasing us. How You took us from a low estate and You lifted us up into higher places. I praise You for that. Can you do that? Sure you can!

The Message says: “You mark us with blessing, O God”. We are marked for prosperity, for success, for abundance, for healing, for blessing.

There was a time that people were persecuted for preaching the new birth, but we have accepted that now. There were people who were persecuted for preaching about healing, but now we have accepted that. Now there are people who are persecuted for preaching the message of prosperity. Why? It is good news to the people who are poor. There are people who are in dire strait right now, you might be one of them and you need to know that God wants to increase you.

The lord wants to increase us, we are marked with blessing.

I want to share one more great scripture with you and then I will be back in the next few days with more; here we go:
Lev 26:9  For I will be leaning toward you with favor and regard for you, rendering you fruitful, multiplying you, and establishing and ratifying My covenant with you. Ampl.

The Word of God is not contingent to the economy we live in. Our blessing come out of heaven and it manifests in the earth and it affects the earth, but it comes out of heaven and the earth has to respond. God gives the increase.
God leans toward you with favor and renders you fruitful.

Do you believe it? Are you making a choice to receive the Word of God that we just read? Choose to Believe! Did you know that you have been given the power of choice? The gift of free will is one thing that characterizes God as a Father. He gives us His guidelines for life in His Word and then allows us to make our own choices. We have the power to choose a life of blessings or curses. Our futures are completely in our hands (Deuteronomy 30:15-19).

Your Life is Choice Driven!
See you soon: Olga